Thank you for giving your feedback - even if almost everything in the game seems awful
Thanks for answering ! All the more that I wasn't very positive.
First of all, you really should lower the attended needs to trigger events, because almost noone will ever have 100% perfect. And if you fail one, it's just a trail of failures for players : if they miss one single perfect answer, then they'll fail 1 scene ; if they miss it, then they'll miss the one after it, and so on.
Now, I'll answer for the different points :
I simply do not understand why you say that 'If you're not 100%, you have to restart the all bunch'
The game is made in a way - if you make a wrong decision you just have to raise the relationship a bit again.
The build in help function should help you to finish all episodes but it seems that you had troubles with that.
Well, it doesn't seem that you really have possiblities to raise up relationships after something failed, or that it does indeed triggers the missing events.
When you redo like 1 complete week, hoping something will evolve, exactly as the WT says to do it, and absolutely nothing changes, no relationship, no scene, then it's a problem. It means you're stuck, without exit.
Even if you really missed something important one day, you should be able to do it the day after (yes, the day efter, no need to wait 1 week). If you redo the scene but nothing happens, then it's not on the player's fault.
As for example, I never manage to trigger 1 scene (WT says that Julia has to have read about why people are pantyless => She read it maybe 10 times, and nothing happens). Episode failed.
I made a function 'Skip to another episode' to help players that could pass the last bookmark or 2.
As mentioned before - most of the problems occure because players doesn't read the instruction in the beginning of the game - never learn the girls daily routines and doesn't keep track on the decision they make.
And when you really follow every instruction, but you only trigger 15% of the events
k, you can jump from an episode to another, but you'll just grind to miss 85% of the game in the end.
Look at what I got : after that, redoing days and scenes absolutely doesn't change anything anymore :
That is a problem I can't solve.
=> I should abandon that episode, and jump to the next one, without knowing anything about what happend in the story ?
Maybe I did something wrong, somewhere, thought that I did something at 11 AM and it was 12, or maybe it was tuesday and not wednesday, I don't know.
But even if I did it (even if I dit it many times), it should'nt ruin the game like it does here.
More than this : I shouldn't even have to check at hint or even less a WT to play the game, I shoudn't have to build an excel sheet to follow everything...
If you want people to be rewarded for their attention to details, and for their efforts, with some "hidden bonus scenes" that are only triggered when you follow the right path, ok, do it !! That would be great ! But :
- if they fail, they should try to redo it without redoing the all game (just wait for the next occurence of the situation, and redo the failed scene)
- and above all, it should be only for a few "bonus scenes", not all the structure of the game. This shouldn't stop them from opening the next episode (and the next episode shouldn't suffer from the imperfection of the previous one)
The main path of the game should be ok while playing it only casually, without pressure.
It's even more true since it's a VN.
If you intent that people will love redoing 15 times the game, becasue they fail every time without knowing why, I think you'll lost almost all of them.
To make a game that everybody loves is impossible - but one thing I can assure you - it's a huge job to make a game.
Have a great day
Your game really is interesting, there is something great in it that really needs some attention.
Don"t confuse my harsh remarks with a complete reject.
I say all this, with passion, cause I was disappointed by some blocking points, in a game that seemed wonderful (and that has the possibility to be, indeed, on of the bests of the market).
High hopes, but complete impossibility to reach it.
Your game has a lot of qualities :
- great render of course
- girls are really cute (even if they all look too much alike)
- outfits are amazing (and that is a HUGE good point for me)
- Events are interesting
- Some really good ideas (pantyless island, the fly, the possibility to play reactions for another character sometimes)
A most promising reciepe, indeed !
... But the grind and the constant need of perfection kill it...