
Formerly 'TropecitaGames'
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
Betty's needs are simple, she openly asks for and is repeatedly denied pizza....
Kidding aside acting in a way to make the girls happy was one of the things throwing me off lol, in his thoughts he seems genuine enough. On the other hand in some conversations (like with Martha on the second date) he starts off saying things like "we can go at your pace, there's no rush to going public" then he pushes by saying he doesn't like secrets. When we get to the end of the talk he seems like he's gaslighting by saying "If you're ashamed of me let's end it." It's like finding the boundary, pushing bit by bit followed by a guilt trip, it's a very common tactic for emotional abuse or manipulation, a big 'ol red flag for sure. The last piece that didn't fit was that he wasn't trying to isolate anyone, but rather bring them together.

Thanks for the reply! Knowing now that even if he acts in that way it's not your intention for him to come across as malicious maybe I'll like him a bit more. (It's not that I don't like some asshole or evil characters from time to time but it just did not fit with the story) Guess I can safely change some theories now!
As I said, he's naive. :D
For me, his biggest flaw (besides his naivety) is that he has too many personalities. He tries to make everyone happy because he's naive, but he's somewhat renouncing a part of himself. He is his true self in his thoughts and when he's alone with Jamaal.
He wants to go public. Having so many secrets is killing him slowly, but the girls don't want to do it, so he complies.
The only sentence I remember about Martha being ashamed is this one: "*Fake sigh* Are you ashamed of me? Do you only want me for my muscles? *Laugh*". I looked at the files and didn't find what you said.
I think if he had tried to isolate anyone, we could have labeled him as an abuser. He's doing just the contrary. Bring Megan home so she can talk to Martha. Support Erika when she wants to go public with Norah. Or asking Scarlett how she wants to be introduced to Saira (girlfriend or friend). Only Scarlett and Eileen have greenlighted him to tell anyone about them being a thing, and he's not forcing things on the girls who haven't. He only makes her wishes about it known.

Because has as much emotional control as a toddler 3 hours over due for a nap. You have to have control over her if not she is nothing but a raging ball of negative emotions. If any female in this harem needs to be a submissive it is Emma.
And, as a toddler, she wants to run before knowing how to walk. She wants everything and wants it now. She wants to become an adult and compare to Martha and Norah.
I disagree about the submissive thing. If we made Emma submissive, we would take away her freshness. It would be like watching a flower wilt.

Sorry, I despise submissiveness and I absolutely LOVE Emma as a loose cannon. Someone that has very few filters on her emotions, that feels everything VERY intensively, that has the courage to own her shortcomings, that is not afraid to love or hate.

She's an almost perfect portrait of a ADHD woman. Just to be clear, I am ADHD. We pay a heavy price for our specialness, but, damn we are worth it. Emma is worth it, making her submissive is a crime (or should be), hopefully it will never happen. I'd rather have Amanda train her, daily. Give some claws to that rage filled Panther and let her lose.

I don't want her tamed, I want her FIERCE, FEROCIOUS. She's not made to be controlled, she's made to RULE.


Peace :(
Don't worry, the submissive thing won't happen. Remember one of My Dorm's themes is to "accept everyone as everyone is". The MC won't try to tame her. He knows he will fail. And not only fail, but he will lose what makes Emma different from every other girl.
Does anyone want a girl who behaves like Scarlett (or Erika, or whoever) but has Emma's face? We already have the original Scarlett (or Erika, or whoever). But we only have one Emma (or two, if you count in a Daphne-faced pseudo-Emma armed with guns).


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
And, as a toddler, she wants to run before knowing how to walk. She wants everything and wants it now. She wants to become an adult and compare to Martha and Norah.
I disagree about the submissive thing. If we made Emma submissive, we would take away her freshness. It would be like watching a flower wilt.
Agree to disagree. To me Emma is selfish, self centered and entitled spoiled brat. IRL she is a walking bundle of red flags that says run away as fast as you can. But that is just my opinion and we all know about opinions. I'll go take my anti grumpy ole man pills now.;)


Nov 14, 2020
As I said, he's naive. :D
For me, his biggest flaw (besides his naivety) is that he has too many personalities. He tries to make everyone happy because he's naive, but he's somewhat renouncing a part of himself. He is his true self in his thoughts and when he's alone with Jamaal.
He wants to go public. Having so many secrets is killing him slowly, but the girls don't want to do it, so he complies.
The only sentence I remember about Martha being ashamed is this one: "*Fake sigh* Are you ashamed of me? Do you only want me for my muscles? *Laugh*". I looked at the files and didn't find what you said.
I think if he had tried to isolate anyone, we could have labeled him as an abuser. He's doing just the contrary. Bring Megan home so she can talk to Martha. Support Erika when she wants to go public with Norah. Or asking Scarlett how she wants to be introduced to Saira (girlfriend or friend). Only Scarlett and Eileen have greenlighted him to tell anyone about them being a thing, and he's not forcing things on the girls who haven't. He only makes her wishes about it known.
:LOL: Yeah I rechecked myself as well and think I got it mixed up with another but can't remember which one, that conversation just stuck out to me the most out of all of them. When I noticed the first few signs I started looking for them more than I probably should have. (Known a few people who do that stuff so you learn what to look out for) Re-reading that scene, after your responses did make it look less abusive and more manipulative, but it's not a complaint or anything I was just torn on "is this a really well written asshole" and "does this MC even realize what he is doing?" and I got the answer.

Because has as much emotional control as a toddler 3 hours over due for a nap. You have to have control over her if not she is nothing but a raging ball of negative emotions. If any female in this harem needs to be a submissive it is Emma.
100% disagree, I find Emma a really endearing character with a wild side. Can she be immature? Absolutely! Can she act like a child at times? Of course! While some 18 year olds can be more mature, most if not all will still do dumb things or act out from time to time. Like all young adults she's in a time of self-discovery and growth.
Maybe I'm a bit biased since she's in my top 5 or maybe even top 3 characters in the game, don't know for sure yet. I think if she became more submissive she would lose the charm she has, but maybe it's just because like feisty women personally. We're cool to disagree, it's really hard to find a harem game with a big cast and like them all, there's bound to be ones we can't stand, at least if they are all unique which Tropecita has done a good job of at least in my opinion.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 20, 2022
As I said, he's naive. :D
For me, his biggest flaw (besides his naivety) is that he has too many personalities. He tries to make everyone happy because he's naive, but he's somewhat renouncing a part of himself. He is his true self in his thoughts and when he's alone with Jamaal.
He wants to go public. Having so many secrets is killing him slowly, but the girls don't want to do it, so he complies.
The only sentence I remember about Martha being ashamed is this one: "*Fake sigh* Are you ashamed of me? Do you only want me for my muscles? *Laugh*". I looked at the files and didn't find what you said.
I think if he had tried to isolate anyone, we could have labeled him as an abuser. He's doing just the contrary. Bring Megan home so she can talk to Martha. Support Erika when she wants to go public with Norah. Or asking Scarlett how she wants to be introduced to Saira (girlfriend or friend). Only Scarlett and Eileen have greenlighted him to tell anyone about them being a thing, and he's not forcing things on the girls who haven't. He only makes her wishes about it known.

And, as a toddler, she wants to run before knowing how to walk. She wants everything and wants it now. She wants to become an adult and compare to Martha and Norah.
I disagree about the submissive thing. If we made Emma submissive, we would take away her freshness. It would be like watching a flower wilt.

Don't worry, the submissive thing won't happen. Remember one of My Dorm's themes is to "accept everyone as everyone is". The MC won't try to tame her. He knows he will fail. And not only fail, but he will lose what makes Emma different from every other girl.
Does anyone want a girl who behaves like Scarlett (or Erika, or whoever) but has Emma's face? We already have the original Scarlett (or Erika, or whoever). But we only have one Emma

(or two, if you count in a Daphne-faced pseudo-Emma armed with guns).
Clones are people two. :sneaky:
Or three, depending on how you do you ... ;)
*This message has been brought to you by "FARL" (Fappers Against Reaction Limitations ͒ )*
͒ This variation is a mock-protest against not being able to put entire sentences, links, and other such things in a simple click reaction.


Jun 28, 2018
She's an almost perfect portrait of a ADHD woman. Just to be clear, I am ADHD. We pay a heavy price for our specialness, but, damn we are worth it. Emma is worth it, making her submissive is a crime (or should be), hopefully it will never happen. I'd rather have Amanda train her, daily. Give some claws to that rage filled Panther and let her lose.
I know this is a 2020s comment but ADHD is not an identity or a hive mind. It is simply reality for many of us and you have no way of evaluating any other type of human experience to contrast it. Inability to cultivate discipline or maturity is a personal flaw.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
Just had to do it sorry not sorry HP.
View attachment 3354069

I know this is a 2020s comment but ADHD is not an identity or a hive mind. It is simply reality for many of us and you have no way of evaluating any other type of human experience to contrast it. Inability to cultivate discipline or maturity is a personal flaw.
Good think I am just simply retarded to the point my doctor said it's already too late for me and instead I should be put down. He gave me a number to his friendly vet to do so. Yet said vet told me it would be a great waste to just simply put me down, because his drugs are more valuable than my life. So, sadly I have to still exist. :(
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