I like this- it was short, sweet, and got in a fair amount of exposition. We know who most of these people are and some things about them. I've yet to finish playing SHF, but I played this game before I realized it was the same Dev. I'm kinda retarded some days.
Considering this was just the introductory chapter- it had a fair amount of content and information.
Katelyn is adorable and into the MC quite early (or has Stockholm Syndrome), or maybe because he's the nicest one in the house. I've never been a Foreign Exchange Student- nor am I familiar with the program, but I didn't think that you could treat them like slaves or free labor (you're supposed to be the ambassador for you country, are you not?). Can you even punish/ground them? Does this type of authority exist? How puritanical is the mother to "scold" Katelyn for "flicking her bean"? Was she in her room or on display in the front yard? Lol
Lucy is/has to be a closeted lesbian. She invites the MC into the lockerroom when she's "alone", yet Sophie is still there... Lucy is all about her pleasure and what she wants- she's selfish for one AND to discover that's she's not as "pure" as the MC, but still doesn't allow him to go that far seems rather fishy. Is the second Chapter going to be a BJ or is she just holding it and giving him a reluctant HJ? Will she finish? Will she run off? Will she continually cancel plans/dates with the MC? She already seems like she's going to be problematic. Confused? You won't be after this episode of...
Sophie so far is just eye-candy and window dressing- we don't really know anything about her. She's probably Lucy's "beard". She's more into Lucy than Lucy is to her, but she may try convincing her to come to the "Dyke Side".

"Hhhh Hhh Hhh Luce, I am your fath, er- I mean you want my finger. Hhh hhh hhhh".
Jessica is just the MC's sister, but will there be any chance that we get a crack at her in the future? Katelyn will have to leave at some point (after graduation), Lucy will be elbow deep in Sophie, and we don't know how many more ladies are yet to be introduced. At least Jessica would be a constant- and she's kinda cute.

Give the MC something...
I'm really excited to see where this goes. The ladies (even the ones that may be pains) are all cute, don't have exaggerated proportions, and look like they're going to be fun to get to know (especially Katelyn). I really loved SHF, (I've yet to finish it, but I shall) but that was a good story, the model was cute, and I loved her personality. It was more of a bottle-episode as there were only the two characters, but that made the setting a little more intimate and it worked.
Oh, and as far as a "white, English speaking country"- you should've used...
Jupiter, nobody knows a damn thing about it and you can make up everything. Lol