4.20 star(s) 18 Votes


New Member
Apr 19, 2019
Is it possible to randomly run into Haruka or will she only show up when you know she'll be there via intel?


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Nah bro, this is one of those games that's so good because the mc becomes the good guy. Haruka's dad sold her and the old piece of shit she's with bought her. Even then she's been groomed to be a servant so she tolerates it until someone who actually breaks through her barriers to show her real life steps in. The coomer goblin endings where you let her stay married to the old man have the MC be vile, but the married endings the MC has transformed from a jerkoff to a hero.
I mentioned it before, but MC is not a good guy. Even in the endings where he marries her, he's at best less absent in her life, but he fully takes advantage of the way she's raised. She's completely dependent on him and knows nothing other than how to be a submissive wife. That doesn't change.

As for "breaking through her barriers" the lack of respect for personal boundaries is a bad thing. Any time he decides not to push something, it's not because he's a good dude, it's because it doesn't serve his end goal, not because he respects her. Hell, this entire game reinforces the idea that Haruka has to belongs to someone. She's a prize to be won. Even at the conclusion at the game, she's not treated as her husband or MC's equal.
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Jul 4, 2019
I mentioned it before, but MC is not a good guy. Even in the endings where he marries her, he's at best less absent in her life, but he fully takes advantage of the way she's raised. She's completely dependent on him and knows nothing other than how to be a submissive wife. That doesn't change.

As for "breaking through her barriers" the lack of respect for personal boundaries is a bad thing. Any time he decides not to push something, it's not because he's a good dude, it's because it doesn't serve his end goal, not because he respects her. Hell, this entire game reinforces the idea that Haruka has to belongs to someone. She's a prize to be won. Even at the conclusion at the game, she's not treated as her husband or MC's equal.

Nah, you're substituting meta-narrative for actual understanding. Through game mechanics the mc "wins" her, but in the endings everything she does is her choice, for the first time in her life. And she gets someone she actually chose to be with, that makes an active effort to care about and take care of her, as opposed to some old fat goblin that bought her from her dad.

The MC doesn't ever force her to do anything, or blackmail her, or any of that nasty shit - just does his best to make her actually feel respected and cared for. And while it starts off rather stalkerish, that changes by end of the game.

Only superficially can you compare her life in ending A+C to her life at game start just because "she's a stay at home wife". At the start of the game she's a neglected object, at the endings she's living a somewhat similar lifestyle but with someone she cares about, who cares about her and takes care of her. There's a massive difference. She doesn't have to shave her head, get piercings and a job at a corner store and upend her whole personality to be a different person.


New Member
Aug 31, 2021
I got this too during my playthrough. Just restart the game and go through the process again. Try not to click anything and let the credits roll
It worked thanks
I did restart a few times but it never worked probably cause I was pressing buttons
I wonder why it bugs when u press buttons during the credits?


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Nah, you're substituting meta-narrative for actual understanding. Through game mechanics the mc "wins" her, but in the endings everything she does is her choice, for the first time in her life. And she gets someone she actually chose to be with, that makes an active effort to care about and take care of her, as opposed to some old fat goblin that bought her from her dad.

The MC doesn't ever force her to do anything, or blackmail her, or any of that nasty shit - just does his best to make her actually feel respected and cared for. And while it starts off rather stalkerish, that changes by end of the game.

Only superficially can you compare her life in ending A+C to her life at game start just because "she's a stay at home wife". At the start of the game she's a neglected object, at the endings she's living a somewhat similar lifestyle but with someone she cares about, who cares about her and takes care of her. There's a massive difference. She doesn't have to shave her head, get piercings and a job at a corner store and upend her whole personality to be a different person.
Not really. The MC's internal monologue constantly talks about making her his to the point of obsession and objectification. Like there's literally no reason the MC seems to like her other than she's hot and how she belongs to him even though she's married. And that's before they got physical. Or at least if there is a reason, I didn't see it. And while yes, she makes this choice herself, as I previously mentioned, she's just desperately lonely. She literally lists his good points as saying hi, carrying things for her, and talking to her. Like even if he has good points, it doesn't balance out all the unethical shit he does.

I don't know what you mean by it changes at the end, because he literally doesn't stop being stalkerish until he hits one of the ending. And no, he doesn't respect her lmao. She literally wanted to distance herself from him and he basically "I'm going to continue to ignore what you're saying because I want you." Chapter 6 literally comes down to "I know you're trying to repair your marriage and I'm going to make sure that never happens." The whole game is him disregarding her wishes and imposing himself as much as he can in her daily life. The argument that the ends justify the means is just protagonist-centered morality. If the game started out with you being a generic husband and she was being taken away by a dude that acted like the MC, y'all would be busting out the torches and pitchforks over how that dude ain't a good dude.

You're right that she doesn't need to look different and have a different job to be a different person. But I don't see this "massive difference" you're seeing. The only difference I'm seeing is that she traded husbands and her hobby went from books to sex (lol). What does she do with the MC that she didn't do with her ex?


Jul 4, 2019
." Chapter 6 literally comes down to "I know you're trying to repair your marriage and I'm going to make sure that never happens."
Not saving the rest of that quote of "bad" because it's all wrong, but chapter 6 is firstly far past the point of no return, she's already wrecked her sham marriage to begin with, and second everything she does, she does willingly. She meets you in the elevators and goes on dates with you of her own free will, because she realizes her normal life is miserable and can't give up her actual happiness.

You're just reading everything wildly incorrectly. Because fictional characters making decisions have no agency and only the player characters do in a fictional universe to you.

You're ignoring narrative because of player actions having effects.


Jun 26, 2021
Just throwing it out there, but its worth noting that MC really only seriously set his eyes on Haruka after seeing her miserable state and piecing together that she has a strained relationship with her husband. MC is defined by his unhinged giga simpery towards Haruka and treating her as a Goddess. In his mind, this Goddess deserves only the best. I think that if it was clear that Haruka was in a happy marriage, MC would've just left her alone. Definitely will be jealous of the husband and maybe have the odd wet dream about her, but he'll leave her to her happy life and just play the part of a neighbour. You can see this part of him that means the best for Haruka in the ending where he calls off their whole affair since he saw that their little tryst is giving her a crisis of faith and mental breakdown. But there's also the whole zealous worshipping angle to him which manifested in the rationale of: "My Goddess Haruka deserves only the best, and if her husband won't make her happy, then I will." which kicks off the rest of the game. And well, I guess the fact that he's horny for her also helps push things along.

I've said it before, but this is a story about flawed people about making the worst choices. MC is fundamentally just an overly doting (if not a tad overzealous) well-meaning guy that chose to fall for a married woman. Had he met another girl (a non-married girl not in a relationship is what I'm saying) normally, I imagine he would've been a rather swell boyfriend to her. Haruka and her Husband were truly a couple that cares for and respects each other, but their personalities caused a lack of intimacy that drove a wedge between them. They already had the foundation of a great marriage, had they just fucking talked things out and were more upfront about their emotional needs and expectations of each other, they would've had a great relationship.

But no, MC doubled down on a married girl, Haruka never grew a spine to confront her husband that she's lonely and opted to run away from this problem and find refuge in that new lover boy of hers and her Husband continued being dense to all this shit going down.

I guess if we're really treating going with the "MC is secretly a saint (lmao)", angle. He probably could've just said: "Get couples therapy you pair of dumbasses.", but I'll give him the benefit of doubt here since he probably only perceives Haruka's husband as a complete deadbeat unsalvageable jackass (and not the distant and awkward albeit well-meaning guy that he really is) and so he had to do his wacko brand of vigilante justice for his Goddess by becoming her new ideal Romeo.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Not saving the rest of that quote of "bad" because it's all wrong, but chapter 6 is firstly far past the point of no return, she's already wrecked her sham marriage to begin with, and second everything she does, she does willingly. She meets you in the elevators and goes on dates with you of her own free will, because she realizes her normal life is miserable and can't give up her actual happiness.

You're just reading everything wildly incorrectly. Because fictional characters making decisions have no agency and only the player characters do in a fictional universe to you.

You're ignoring narrative because of player actions having effects.
What you're saying makes no sense. By your logic, no MC can do wrong as long as they aren't "forcing" other characters to listen to them. If you're not going to engage the conversation then why bother replying?
Just throwing it out there, but its worth noting that MC really only seriously set his eyes on Haruka after seeing her miserable state and piecing together that she has a strained relationship with her husband. MC is defined by his unhinged giga simpery towards Haruka and treating her as a Goddess. In his mind, this Goddess deserves only the best. I think that if it was clear that Haruka was in a happy marriage, MC would've just left her alone. Definitely will be jealous of the husband and maybe have the odd wet dream about her, but he'll leave her to her happy life and just play the part of a neighbour. You can see this part of him that means the best for Haruka in the ending where he calls off their whole affair since he saw that their little tryst is giving her a crisis of faith and mental breakdown. But there's also the whole zealous worshipping angle to him which manifested in the rationale of: "My Goddess Haruka deserves only the best, and if her husband won't make her happy, then I will." which kicks off the rest of the game. And well, I guess the fact that he's horny for her also helps push things along.

I've said it before, but this is a story about flawed people about making the worst choices. MC is fundamentally just an overly doting (if not a tad overzealous) well-meaning guy that chose to fall for a married woman. Had he met another girl (a non-married girl not in a relationship is what I'm saying) normally, I imagine he would've been a rather swell boyfriend to her. Haruka and her Husband were truly a couple that cares for and respects each other, but their personalities caused a lack of intimacy that drove a wedge between them. They already had the foundation of a great marriage, had they just fucking talked things out and were more upfront about their emotional needs and expectations of each other, they would've had a great relationship.

But no, MC doubled down on a married girl, Haruka never grew a spine to confront her husband that she's lonely and opted to run away from this problem and find refuge in that new lover boy of hers and her Husband continued being dense to all this shit going down.

I guess if we're really treating going with the "MC is secretly a saint (lmao)", angle. He probably could've just said: "Get couples therapy you pair of dumbasses.", but I'll give him the benefit of doubt here since he probably only perceives Haruka's husband as a complete deadbeat unsalvageable jackass (and not the distant and awkward albeit well-meaning guy that he really is) and so he had to do his wacko brand of vigilante justice for his Goddess by becoming her new ideal Romeo.
Yeah, the last part is what stood out to me at the beginning of chapter 6. Up until that point, he basically thought the worse of her husband and her husband making her smile essentially threatened his role in her life. Like you said, if he really cared about her, he should have stepped back and just support her. Instead he fucks her in the bathroom to heal his wounded ego.


Jun 26, 2021
if he really cared about her, he should have stepped back and just support her. Instead he fucks her in the bathroom to heal his wounded ego.
I've addressed this before, but I maintain that Chapter 6 marked the turning point/point of no return for both of them. It really was just the natural progression on the train of debauchery they were riding.

Haruka wasn't so weak as to just take it when a guy forces himself on her. She's always made it clear that she has boundaries on what she'll allow. But the toilet incident was the first time MC truly was forceful with her. And she just let it happen. Or rather, she was okay with letting it happen. Things were mutual, because at this point, the definition of caring and happiness for both of them was being in each other's arms. (The game's strategy tooltips was even hilariously tongue-in-cheek about this with the whole: "Haruka may be distancing herself, but don't worry, her love remains the same! In fact, it's only growing stronger lmao" spiel it does).

Remember that it takes two to cheat. The toilet incident was the first thing MC done that was spurned by raw jealousy instead of his usual excuse of showing Haruka a good time. And honestly, Haruka's subsequent distancing to MC was probably more of a flimsy ploy to cope with her guilt rather than an actual serious attempt to fixing her marriage. It's all paper thin pretenses at this point. They're pretty much codependent. Haruka still happily goes on dates and fuck sessions with MC if he so much as winks at her. Chapter 6 was just a countdown to them owning up to and admitting that they were terrible people that didn't mind if they hurt others in pursuit of their own selfish happiness. 4/5 endings end up with them screwing over the husband. And in the last one which is the "ethical" ending, the last shot ends with Haruka still yearningly looking to MC's way, indicating that her heart still remains with him.

She's a passive force, but Haruka is just as much as a "villain" as MC is. Nobody in this story is really a good person.
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Jul 4, 2019
Haruka and her Husband were truly a couple that cares for and respects each other, but their personalities caused a lack of intimacy that drove a wedge between them. They already had the foundation of a great marriage, had they just fucking talked things out and were more upfront about their emotional needs and expectations of each other, they would've had a great relationship.
She was groomed into being a subservient doll and her husband damn near literally purchased her like an object, and neglected her like an object for five years.

The MC isn't a saint, but he is Haruka's hero in this story. And Haruka did do things that were morally wrong, but frankly, this is the most justifiable netori story ever.

I didn't need any walkthroughs and actually paid attention to the writing - the husband treated her like trash and she went along with it because she was raised to be treated like that. That wasn't a healthy marriage or even the foundation of one, and you are the one with a twisted perspective if you think it was.


Jun 26, 2021
That wasn't a healthy marriage or even the foundation of one, and you are the one with a twisted perspective if you think it was.
You're a bit too eager to demonize their relationship. Haruka and her husband did care for each other. Her husband provided for her a luxurious life and gave her the freedom to do whatever she wants for the most part. And in turn, Haruka respected him as a hardworking man that was never overbearing or controlling on her. When on trips or late from home, they gave each other calls just to make sure the other one was safe and accounted for. As people, on a personal level, they didn't hate each other too. In fact, they actually saw a lot of good things in each other. No history of abuse and fighting too. On a basic level of being a familial unit. They were functional. What they lacked was intimacy and perceptiveness to each other's emotions. He was no lover, but he was a decent person to her. And the realization that she was doing this decent person wrong is what brought Haruka's final conflict in the last chapter.

The husband was just dense. It took the anecdote of his coworker's failed marriage to realize that he may be committing the same mistakes. But from that point on, he was more assertive in paying attention to Haruka's needs. But it was too late. Someone else already wormed his way into Haruka's heart.

- Husband was a decent man, but he took his marriage for granted and didn't pay attention to Haruka's emotional needs until it was too late. He was under the impression that things were fine as they were.
- Haruka respected her husband, but didn't have enough faith her husband's openness to listen to her nor enough backbone be more upfront with her needs to him. Instead opting to run away and find refuge in someone else.
- MC went on a warpath and gunned for someone else's wife. Choosing to take things into his own hands instead of pointing out the obvious flaws in their relationship and helping them resolve it.

It's a story where everyone fucked up. Cheating stories are always messy. People aren't fucking psychic. They need to talk if they actually want to make their partners know what they think or feel. And it's a trope in these stories where one party only comes to this realization far too late.
4.20 star(s) 18 Votes