All the hate for Elaine, for those with RL similarities, I can understand why...sort of. From a game point of view though I completely understand why she acted the way she did. Elaine has spent the last, old is the MC again...years of her life having to avoid a bigoted, very violent, and hateful man while keeping an eye on her very first grandchild and not being able to interact with him at all while also watching and losing her own daughter, emotionally. Then, both of her daughters give her more grandchildren, which is great, but their fathers are fucknuts also. Great that she can intervene, but I guarantee that makes it even worse that she hasn't been able to do what she wants for the MC again.
Now said MC, who is a male, (and every male so far except for her own husband, has in some way hurt her daughters and granddaughters either physically or emotionally to the point where I'm sure she feels her own heart is about to break) has entered the scene and is now dating and having sex with all of those same children of hers...Yeah, of course she wants to make sure they are safe. She wants to make sure, this grandson that she has watched over for all those years, that she loves dearly, is not going to hurt her family the same way.
Okay sorry, being a bit long winded with my posts lately, but that's my two cents worth. I love Elaine and personally, we better damn well have a way to reconcile with her.