Are you using the old walkthrough mod?
Qleaf updated the walkthrough here:
Bruce_Wayne18 I think your rating is extremely unfair and not correct. Every NSFW scene is animated, there are currently 26 animations in the game. The game is more story focussed which is also explains before you start the game. I normally don't criticize reviewers but your review is just not correct, especially when you try to warn others because of the "high rating.". There is only one slutty character in the game and that's Mary who acts Slutty plenty of times. Thank you for that unfair rating anyway.
First off, a review is just someone's opinion so it can't be right or wrong. You should see it as a chance to improve the aspects of the game I didn't enjoy rather than just it being unfair and 'incorrect'.
Your game is good but not as good as some of the other adult games with similar ratings for its genre out there and I wanted my review to reflect that. Like Summertime Saga, Milfy City or Insexual Awakening just to name a few. I never rate games based on what they 'could be' I rate them based on what they are at the time I've played them.
I'm sorry you see it as unfair but I don't think you realize there are certain expectations to be met with that kind of score and in my opinion, the game just doesn't reflect it. At least not yet. I'd be more than willing to change my review in the future if the situation changes.
Like I said about the animations, it's just one angle, with no control over it and most of them are just one scene. One accidental click and you've missed it. So 'Little to no' means very short in that sense.
If you want to go for more story that's your choice. But the people who will play your game (and review it here) won't play it because they want to 'read an erotic story' if you catch my drift.
And Mary isn't the only slutty character. You forgot Fiona. Which you also start strong with her and then dial it back a lot. So the progression with these characters could use a lot of improvement.
Like I said before, it has a good start and I'd be more than happy to update the review and improve the score in the future if the game improves on the aspects I mentioned