
Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
This, so much of this.

Well pornhub or play female mc games ;)
Female protagonist is my favorite type of AVN. Sadly not enough of them done well.

When I first played MNF, I was caught up in the story and would skip the lewd scenes as fast as possible to get back to the story.
Yeah the lewd scenes, except an occasional line here or there, are the weakest parts of this game(same with most AVN). I am not counting things like the Super Ginger nude skits or even some of the nude scenes leading into or post sex. The sex scenes themselves, I usually kind of speed through. Once or twice a good funny line was thrown out there during one of them.


Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
the tits are the monsters. trying to suffocate poor innocent MC's who happen to try snuggle with the person they are attached too. :p
I mean...It's a sacrifice im willing to take.
Besides the Tits don't have the personality so they can't be monsters, they're bundles of joy and life.
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
Personally if I don't have anything positive to say about a game I just leave it alone and try to find something else to play.
I do occasionally have moments i'm not overly proud of where I shit on a game, but even then it's because I see something good in it and I'm sad/angry/frustrated by the negative. Even tearing it apart I try to be constructive. I'm not always successful and often go back an edit or remove the post later.

That is a good way of seeing things. I usually avoid games that don't have a harem path for example. That doesn't mean that games that don't have a harem path
Same, I only play 1 game at the moment that is not a harem game or at least something like a harem.
I just checked the list of games I play and yeah I don't have any game there that doesn't have a harem path.
Thirded Fourthed, I honestly can't think of any games I play that don't at least have a harem path (I honestly like pure unavoidable harems (hell, I basically treat MNF as a kinetic novel :p )) in fact there're games I've deleted because I got a feeling they were too "path-y" (AQA and tales of unity come to mind)
While I do love my harem games, I play a lot without them too. Some a harem would not make sense and would probably ruin the story for me. There are even some games with harem or harem adjacent options that I'll play compeletely faithful to 1 character. Like DmD or Melody where there are options for cheating or at least a throuple, I play both of those 100% faithful to D/Melody.

That's my excuse too; but if I'm being honest with myself, I just don't want to choose :p.
Yeah I don't really like to choose between characters either.
I hate having too choose but I also dislike not being able to choose. That's another thing that makes MNF so good. I can have all the girls, but also I can choose not to have some if I don't want them.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
Just a heads up for everyone that doesn't like girls like Mary ( basically, tiddy monsters )... There is going to be a new girl in 0.18 that is just as busty as her. She was the last request a $50 patron could make after I removed this reward of the tier. She won't play a major role and is just a side-side girl, so for anyone that is worried because "too many girls" ... Don't be worried :D.
Speaking of 0.18.

I know that you are working on 6 days if not mistaken.
My question would be if those 6 days will be the whole of 0.18, or more precisely if those 6 days will be a whole chapter.

I'm asking because I'm not sure how many days an average chapter has.

Thank you.


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
Speaking of 0.18.

I know that you are working on 6 days if not mistaken.
My question would be if those 6 days will be the whole of 0.18, or more precisely if those 6 days will be a whole chapter.

I'm asking because I'm not sure how many days an average chapter has.

Thank you.
Each chapter has six days, so 0.18 will be the full chapter 13 ^^.


Jan 27, 2018
Hey Killer7,

I have questions about a bunch of different topics about this game. I'd like to apologize in advance for the amount of stuff I'm asking. If you don't have an answer on one of these topics, feel free to ignore said topic/question or just simply say that you're not sure at the moment.

1) When will we see more content with Megan, the church girl? (Would nun be a more accurate term? I'm not too sure, myself...) We've seen her only a few times on the street in this game, and that's pretty much it. Would love to see things go further with her.

2) So each chapter is 6 days. Out of curiosity, what made you decide to choose this many days for each chapter? I also wonder why each chapter isn't just a week (7 days), instead. Mind you, I don't have any problems at all with each chapter being 6 days specifically. I'm really just asking out of sheer curiosity.

3) I know it's been said before, but I don't want to have to go back and look for it. (In other words, I'm just too lazy.) My question is: Aside from the romantic, purely "good guy" path we have right now (excluding Tanya, of course, as there are 2 different paths the player can take with her at the moment), what other paths will the player be able to go down in future releases of My New Family? I recall hearing a while ago about a blackmail path being planned for some (distant?) future release. Assuming this is still in the works for future versions, will that mean that the only 2 paths we will be able to take are the romantic, good guy (again, excluding Tanya) one and the blackmail one? Or will we eventually have even more choices on how to approach our relationships with each girl going forward?

4) At the moment, we have the choice to impregnate quite a few different girls, many of them being those within the MC's family, and (I'm not sure exactly if I'm right about this, so please pardon my memory) *maybe* some of the girls unrelated to the MC. How in depth will the story go regarding the pregnancies? Basically, will MNF end before the girls have given birth? Considerig the current wholesomeish feel of the game, I'd love it if we got some (non-lewd, obviously) scenes in the distant future where the MC interacts with his kids, whether that be by playing games with them, helping take care of them, raising them, etc...

5) At the moment, if I'm not mistaken, the MC can plan to marry multiple girls within his family. I also believe there has been some dialogue with other girls outside of MC's family about marriage, if I'm not mistaken. Basically, will there be any girls we romance/have relationships with that we WON'T have an option to marry at all, at any point in any version of MNF? That'd be unfortunate, but I had to ask.

6) Final topic I have questions about: "the weebs". Any future plans to give the MC the chance to engage in relationships with one or both of them? It's mostly been banter/non-relationship stuff with them so far. Personally, I'd love to see the MC adding them to his harem in one way or another.

Sorry for the enormous amount of questions in this post, and I really hope you're not too annoyed with the amount.

My New Family is one of my favorite games/visual novels I've ever had the pleasure of playing/reading, so I love being able to keep up with the game and its story. I just love both the lewd AND non-lewd parts of the game. The story is amazing, as well. I look forward to seeing what's in store for future releases. Keep up the good work, Killer7!

With how much I love this game, I truly wish I could support this game on patreon, but I'm trying to save as much money as possible for my currently ongoing college/uni education (currently a 2nd year student, aka sophomore), and future time in law school (I plan to become a prosecutor). College/Uni is expensive enough, and I imagine law school will be the same in that regard. While I've been lucky enough to obtain and maintain a good merit-based scholarship so far, it doesn't cover everything, so I feel it's prudent that I do what I can to save as much $ as possible for my education. If this game was something that was being worked on a few years in the future (5ish), after I hope to graduate from law school, I would 100% join the other supporters in becoming a member on your Patreon. I hope you understand.

Kind regards,

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Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Not K7, but I hope I can answer at least some of your questions:

1) & 6): As far as I'm aware all female characters that we see with a character model will be romanceable, including meg and the weebs. The only female character that is mentioned by name that won't be included is Melanie (MC's ex) iirc.

2): I think the six-day updates are because K7 likes to release as frequently as possible but also to give decent sized updates, and at one week per ingame day, ~6 week update schedule is the cadence he has gone for.

3): Afaik, the only plans for other routes are for solo routes for each character (so romancing Lucy only for instance) and I doubt there'll be any "darker" paths than the Tanja pet path.

4): A few of the girls have said something along the lines of "not yet" so non-family pregnancy might be epilogue only.

5): Afaik, there's no concrete plans so far to marry anyone outside of the family.
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Jan 27, 2018
Not K7, but I hope I can answer at least some of your questions:

1) & 6): As far as I'm aware all female characters that we see with a character model will be romanceable, including meg and the weebs. The only female character that is mentioned by name that won't be included is Melanie (MC's ex) iirc.

2): I think the six-day updates are because K7 likes to release as frequently as possible but also to give decent sized updates, and at one week per ingame day, ~6 week update schedule is the cadence he has gone for.

3): Afaik, the only plans for other routes are for solo routes for each character (so romancing Lucy only for instance) and I doubt there'll be any "darker" paths than the Tanja pet path.

4): A few of the girls have said something along the lines of "not yet" so non-family pregnancy might be epilogue only

5): Afaik, there's no concrete plans so far to marry anyone outside of the family
Thanks for the answers.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
Thanks for the answers.
If you write @ and then a username in one word you can ping that person directly so they get a notification that you mentioned them in a post.

Sorry if you knew that already but I thought it might be helpful information if you want to talk to a dev directly.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Please just don't spoil it...
Seeing though that you are exited makes the wait even harder for me.
Be strong Uth, beta 5 came out today, which means we'll probably get a release date for 0.18 on Monday (probably next Friday for patrons and next Sunday for us poor people non-patrons).

In other words, about now's a perfect time to replay the game if you wanna have it fresh in your head by release.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
Be strong Uth, beta 5 came out today, which means we'll probably get a release date for 0.18 on Monday (probably next Friday for patrons and next Sunday for us poor people non-patrons).

In other words, about now's a perfect time to replay the game if you wanna have it fresh in your head by release.
I'm playing it right now. On android though because I like to play it in bed. That wasn't even a fapping joke, I swear. :cool:
It's more comfy for me.
I even bought myself a phone-holder with movable arm so I don't have to hold the phone itself. :LOL:


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
Alutarox answered most of the questions already, thanks for that :).

1) Megan is more of a side-side girl, so we see her every few updates. The last time we met her was in the church and things got a little heated so I'll see where I implement the next meeting.

2) One week in the world of My New Family ( and also in My New Memories ) is only six days instead of seven. That is purely for my comfort because six ingame days are faster done than seven and my initial update plan was that each update will be three ingame days. That was before I reached a certain goal on patreon which meant doubling the ingame days to six and thats how it stayed over the last year or so.

3) I had plans for a darker route but then I quickly realised that is not for me. So after the harem path is done I will make solo routes for the girls that will purely focus on said girl. The exception is Fionas domination path where she dominates you, that will be more of an alternate route later on.

4) The Pregnancy of each girl will be a integral part of the story. You can already see it with Sandra feeling the change in her body even though its very early. While I do plan a timeskip once all the girls are visibly pregnant, there will be some fun stuff with their big bellies for a few events and scenes. And lewds, of course :).

5) No, eventually you will be able to marry at least all of the main girls. I'm not sure about the side girls, that is something that I'll decide in the future, but MC will eventually propose to all main girls ( except Maddie who will probably propose to him :D ).

6) The Plan is that MC and the weebs will eventually get into a relationship, yeah. The option to meet one of Billies/Rosas cousins that has a little extra between her legs will be optional. But over time you will get into a relationship with them, yes.


Jan 10, 2020
Someone needs to buy these girls some shaving cream...
That's sadly how some honey select water works ^^.
I wonder if you make two renders from the same camera: one with a hidden scene and one with hidden characters, and then combine in image editor - how much will this increase the rendering and post-processing time? or is it possible in HS to make a "rays-trap" - a plane that is transparent from the camera side, and has a simple matte material \ picture with a gazebo render on the back side - if possible, this will solve the problem of incorrect reflections in the water


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

I wish all of you wonderful people Happy Easter! I know it is probably difficult to celebrate this holiday at the moment but if you do so, I wish you and your family and everyone else all the best! And even if you don't celebrate easter, enjoy the holidays!

For My New Family we have a little lewd render with all the main girls dressed up as bunny girls. Well, except Lucy, she is the cat girl!

For My New Memories we have the three wards discussing the tradition of easter and why they had to look for eggs in the house! As always I provide one without text in case you want to use it as a wallpaper or something! Both of them are in 4k!

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