
New Member
Aug 25, 2018
Honestly I don't know, but the game is so straightforward you don't need it.
The first choice is always the right one, except for some in Maddie test that are anyway pretty simple to answer. :)
Oh ok thx and yeah it's always the first choice. Ah can you tell me where you got that redhead trio banner?


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2019
Oh ok thx and yeah it's always the first choice. Ah can you tell me where you got that redhead trio banner?
You're welcome, I got it from here:
Honestly I don't remember the correct page but you can always open it from my signature and copy the address, it's linked if the F95 forum so you can insert it in yours without worrying. :)
P.S. Sorry you can also search directly in the first page of the thread, if I remember correctly there's should be a link for the signatures too.
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A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you very wholesome people out in the world!

Another week, another progress update!

Not that much to say regarding MNF, it's basically the same as last week. Full focus on My New Memories, I guess. Still, I fleshed out a few more things and put some notes in.

Speaking of My New Memories, I spend most of the last week with making renders. I'm basically caught up to the writing now and I'm still planning to release the first beta this weekend. No promises though, things can change, but I'm confident that it will work out. Nonetheless, the first beta will 100% be available in april. I plan to add some extra stuff to the first day, especially in the night event with Anna, which will lead to some very interesting things in the future. Todays render is Sabrina, waiting for the MC in front of her apartment, and she is actually surprised that he is a little late ( spoiler: no cars available, he had to take a taxi ). I know that I initially planned to make it optional for all characters if you want to tell them about Anna. But in the case of Sabrina ( and the daughters ) I decided against it. So the options will only be there for Bethany and Lena. I think if you see it story wise it would make more sense to tell Sabrina anyway, since they spend almost each day together and she is as close to Anna as the MC. In the case of the daughters...Well, making a route where you keep something like this as a secret of them would lead me to a MC that I don't want in a game - someone that doesn't want to share things with his family. I hope that is a decision that you guys can somewhat understand. I think story wise it would not have made sense to hide it from them anyway - They would learn about it as soon as they visit her in the hospital. Still, there is some more tension coming up in this update, even without the situation Anna is in. There is still the thing with who is trying to hurt the MC...And that story will get a lot more development in Chapter II!

And I think thats it for now. My render pc is basically rendering 24/7, which is a huge help when it comes to My New Memories. I'm really enjoying the switching between writing and making renders, since it keeps everything kinda balanced. Anyway, if something comes up I'll tell you guys right away. Stay awesome!



Active Member
Nov 26, 2018
So just played through the whole game and I gotta say I enjoyed it a lot though I am a bit surprised that who the main girls are or well who the game focuses around seem to have switched as the game goes by. I'm guessing this has to do with either patreon feedback / wants or who the favorite girls are for the dev.

What I mean with this is that for the first half of the game the main girl is pretty much Sandra and with her quite a bit of focus is spent on Lucy, Becca, Maddie, and Fiona but Mary and Alice also get quite a bit of time. Then for the next part it pretty much goes 50% of the game is about the gingers, Sandra, Lucy and Alice seemingly all becoming the main girls while Becca, Maddie, Lucy, Fiona and Mary to some degree seem to have become side girls.

Though at the same time I think it's pretty clear with that pretty much all the girls related to the MC are seen as the "main" girls since only they will ask if the MC wants to have children with them which seems to be a sign of them being one of the main girls.

Still it felt a bit weird having played through the whole thing in one go with how the girls the game focuses on switches so heavily onto the gingers group I even felt it a bit weird with how Becca goes and buys a huge bed so everyone can fit into it only for her to be left out anyway for some reason.

But again liked the game I just found this part a bit weird.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
0.22 is telling me that i need to play 0.14 and have saves i do
ion 0.21 i saved when
but when i loaded it up in 0.22 it said i didnt play 0.14


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
Hey Killer7 weird question, is there a non-harem route in this game. A Lucy only route is what I'm trying to ask.
Nothing weird about it. Right now it's a harem focused vn but there is plans to make solo routes later unless that has changed with Killer7 's busy schedule


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you very attractive people out in the world!

Another week, another progress update!

Before I start I want to apologize to all the supporters that have been waiting for the first beta of My New Memories. Some rather serious medical stuff happened on my side, it started Tuesday evening and went pretty much on till the weekend. I don't want to go into too much detail but my blood pressure and pulse was through the roof and I can tell you guys, it was the scariest thing I ever felt. I hoped it would go away on its own but then decided to visit my doctor on friday who made an EKG and took some blood for me. I have another appointment tomorrow but after I've been to the "emergency doc" ( thats what we call doctors here that work on weekends/evening ) he assured me that my symptoms are related to high blood pressure. For now I'm taking my blood pressure meds in the morning and in the evening until I talk to my doctor again tomorrow. So, the morale of the story ( at least in my case ) is to take more care of your body. Not being active at all and eating unhealthy food was about to show its effects. I'm already changing in that regard, though, so here is hope for improvement!

Okay, now lets talk about work!

I was able to write a little bit for My New Family, not that much, but I'm outlining more things that I plan to do this update. I'm also on the lookout for more assets that will help me in making the big wedding as good as possible!

Now, My New Memories. I have some very good news. Last night I was able to finish the script and it's currently being proofread by my proofreader. I just have to finish the last renders ( which are currently being made and rendered out ) and then the first beta will be available to supporters! Just make sure to join the discord to grab the download link if you are in the Sabrina or higher tier. The day is pretty hectic so I decided to end it with some very wholesome and even funny stuff! There is also some dialogue infos regarding the second day, preparing you on certain things that will come. And who knows, while you might have to hurt someone that you love with telling her about something she doesn't know yet ( and she is the only one at this point ), it will maybe open her up regarding other things. Let's just say initial reactions are often heavier than a cooled down one after that person had some hours to process what she heard. That's all I'm going to say ( and you can probably guess who it is anyway, since only one girl in the family doesn't know about Yukikos true identity yet ). The second day will also focus more on interacting with girls that didn't get that much screentime yet and yes, you will also get lewds on this one! In todays render we see Sabrina blushing because she has to tell the MC that Bethany might have an idea what is going on between her and the MC. I wonder how that will play out.

And I think that is all for today. Sorry that last week didn't work out as planned, I just hope that my medical problems will be solved this week ( I will know more after my doctors appointment tomorrow ). Being slightly dizzy most of the day is not a pleasant feeling. Remember, if you want to grab the beta as a supporter, don't forget to join the discord and link your accounts! And stay awesome!

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