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Hello there you cute and wholesome people out in the world!
Another week, another progress update!
Regarding My New Family, it's the same as last week, I think. At least in terms of writing. What I did though is get some more stuff ready for My New Family 2. As you can imagine, it will take a lot of time to remake the characters ( and age them up a little ) since I will use Honey Select 2 for MNF2. So far I only have a rough concept for Sandra, but it is surely something I will keep in mind going forward. Don't worry, if I have anything to show in that regards, I will post it on Discord!
Now, My New Memories. The render you see in this progress update is actually the first one you will see once the MC wakes up - That is if you decided to tell Lena about Anna's pregnancy and decided to continue your relationship with her. It will be a very light hearted moment, something that I wanted to do for a while, especially after the rather emotional dreams the MC has with Anna lately. I also finished the morning event with Jessica, where you and her will talk a lot about... Certain things. The day in general will have a lot of talks, depending on earlier decisions. For example, if you decided to find out about Sarahs past, you will have a nice event with her and Lina. But even if you decided to not get to know Sarah again, you will have a pretty eventful day, including some lewd action with a very lusty half German half japanese woman. I didn't forget what I promised for this update, though, and the morning with Jessica was a good introduction to some more tension. Not going to spoil more, but this update will surely also awaken some rather negative emotions. There is still someone looking to hurt the MC, after all, and apparently only the MC. Why? That is something you will most likely find out on that day...
And I think thats it for this week. A rather "short" progress update compared to the long ones we had the last few weeks. That just means that work is going good, at least I think so. Don't forget, as a Sabrina or higher tier supporter you can play the first day already! Stay awesome!