I have a problem at the beginning of Beth quest as there is not a call to the principal office and yes I have switch 597 on and switch 578 on. Also is there an updated walkthrough yet? What triggers Jacks rage?
Can anyone help?
I’m doing beth’s Quest and I don’t get transferred to principal office after talking with Tom.
The walkthrough says I will be transferred to the office but nothing happened.
Sorry I didnt keep track of your answer, have you been able to trigger the calling to Principal's office? somebody told that maybe that part has changed and now you need to go to marckus home and talk with him before that event triggers (make a savegame before talking to markus just in case the bug is still there and it doesnt work)--> have tried it with my savegames and now I also need to go to Marckus home first (old town number 3) for that event to trigger too, probably BON fixed that bug (note to
If that doesnt work I have checked again the switches needed to trigger that event and they are:
switch 0597Beth cita fin 3 is on (you already have that)
-->switch 0577 Directora slave is on (this one is new, and maybe was the one you are missing)
variable 1982 Skill is over 4 (you had it at 25) and you have the item number 116 Video Mom's Beth in your inventory