Its linked to nadine quest you get that doing her quest when you take beggar home for a shower and go on laundry room to take clotheshow do you do the laundry scene with maria?
It can be done two ways 1st click on miss taylor during recess either she will ask you to go back to class room or go to bathroom and 2nd while doing nadine recess mini game when you distract her she will take you to bathroom (which has very rare chances)how do you do the recces scene with mss taylor?
yeah since the update you have to do that to start her line. Though i wouldn't do that right away since there isn't much to do you start Sandra questline ?
Do you have to give her money durring reces 15 times ??
Everything you needThank you.
Can anyone point me to some save editor that will work with The New Life ?
I tried Online save editor - but there are just nameless variables I dont know what they mean.
Is there a spreadshit somewhere explaining which variable is what ?
Someone sticky this to OP, thanks!
There is nothing else you can do with her after you get the papers. BON left her chain incomplete in the form of you can get the papers, but you can't give them to her. At night she will be in the high niehborhood like prior to the mission, and even if you have the papers she will say "Thank you but next update."How to you get the other sex scenes with Jet after you've retrieved her heritage papers? I noted in the CG that there are more scenes with her then just her lessons but after retrieving her papers i have no clue on how to gain access to these new scenes. Thanks!
In order to see Miss Taylor you need to do the followingHello I can not go to MRS TAYLOR. I have the key but he does not want to go home. How to do ? It sounds all the time or say that we must go back after.
Unless I am mistaken wasn't there switches that went along with this that made it even if you did have the keys if said switch wasn't flipped said key was unless?
You are both partially correct about this. Mistress_Kixen is correct about Amy's Key. You can't just make a copy of it using save editor. If you do, you will have the key in inventory but it won't open the door. Cyrus is correct as well in regards to Laura's key. If you simply make a copy through a save editor it will work on Laura's door.I told for using it on just insert that item number not variable sorry wrote variable by mistake qnd yes you will have keys make copy of keys and then delete then again with save edit make sure delete keys not copy of keys you made