I see. So I have to wait at night? I am in the first day and not much to do according to the guide and it is still 18h
Not sure what you are talking about there is a lot to do on the first day. If you are efficient.
Day 1
6:00 - Watch Intro
7:00 - Walk into School, Go to 2F and get Suspicious Package (1), Go to 1F talk to all friends, Attend Class, at recess talk to rachel and throw her a complement, Fight christian, go see nurse, return to class
14:00 - Walk to Old quarter
15:00 - Visit Rachel
16:00 - Go to Kiosk and buy tinymon card, Enter your house, watch tutorial, turn on computer, apply for a job , go to Sarah's room, give her the card
17:00 - Leave home, walk to the boardwalk and check the vending machine, go to the construction site and speak to the foreman, get the foremans keys, take a bus to commercial neighborhood
18:00 - enter the job you started, complete the first job and receive payment.
20:00 - Walk home, eventually you'll transport to your room.
23:00 - Go to sleep