It didn't work.Save your game copy,paste it and replace it on the previous version pass the black screen,save the game again and copy,paste it and replace it again on the version that you are playing right now
It didn't work.Save your game copy,paste it and replace it on the previous version pass the black screen,save the game again and copy,paste it and replace it again on the version that you are playing right now
Go to Old Quarter and to the right of your house you'll see a big garage enter inside and it will appear a yellow circle click on it and you will get out of the carhow do you get out of the car? I purchased the car from the gang hideout but cant get out the dame thing??
Go to Old Quarter and to the right of your house you'll see a big garage enter inside and it will appear a yellow circle click on it and you will get out of the car
If it doesn't work search for parking areas like theseive been there and no yellow circle
Well tbh when i started the game the first time and when i had to choose a girl to fuck from Nesrot's quest i choosed Chloe and the first time i was shocked but no disgusted at all after this episode when i had a chance to use Chloe i always choosed to fuck her or like your choice i selected her and Jet as well so for me Chloe it's a super cute girl to have fun with it even in real life :FeelsGoodMan::test:lol guys just a curiosity... i now finish again for the 10 time Jet quest. How many of you have use the option Jet + Chloe? XD Till now i always choice only Jet, but this time only for curiosity i save and see the difference XD
Yes i know that Chloe have tits and dick XD so is for that who i save before, so i can change the choice again.
I just do not understand how someone can like a girl with a dick, but oh man this world have so many fetish that surelly i am not shocked anymore XD
Anyway if Chloe did not have the dick, that girls surelly was a cute one.
thanks i eventually found a spot where I clicked on car a circle appeared and I could exit, still think its bugged though.If it doesn't work search for parking areas like these
Can you share some of the screenshots or CGs of Maria's scene with and withouth maxed skills,please ? Or if i can find them somewhere around here can you give me the link,please ? Thanks in adviceWas able to finally unlock all the current content for this save and rather quickly thanks to the changing of those variables. What surprises me though is that while BON did give us 4 interactive sex characters while completing 2 old characters who hadn't any real content of their own, Part of me was wishing instead of doing 2 old and 2 new characters that he would have done Ms Gina instead. She hasn't had any content for the longest just like both Beth and Ms Turner, and unlike the Art and Chemistry teachers who just got here she has been around since day one and has gotten nothing.
Hopefully when the fixed version comes out it will be bug free (well at least free of major bugs) and the extra content will be there as well. But on another note on this run around I noticed that there are several differences between the scenes with Maria's quest line up to the labs point if you have your sex skills and resist maxed out and I have to say the maxed out versions are far better than the non maxed out ones.
I also changed my mind about the cars. they are massive time savers and with one I was able to gather up the packages, as well as multi task a lot easier than without due to it only costing you one hour over all (assuming you park in the garage.)
When you use RpgMakerSaveEdit change the variables from 301 to 305 to 15 and you'll be able to start the teachers questi have been waiting for Ms Gina as well can you share the variables that you used i mean the stuff i really never done was completing daisy quest chain and the new content but before i had beaten the pussy fight with Nina
I'll go for Markus mother because we already saw her under the dress while doing Sarah's quest and like you said Sandra's mother.On another note, which character do you think the main male will knock up next? So far we have Annie, Amy, and Tom's mother. But if I had to guess I would say Sandra's mother or my personal wish Lucy Robinson.