4.40 star(s) 159 Votes


Active Member
Oct 4, 2017
thanks LorgarAurelian yeah I'm out of the hospital now and have gotten most of the questions answered, now I can't wait to see how everyone interacts with each other and how their relationship progresses (platonically)
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Sep 23, 2019
Why does Jessica asking for a coffee sound like an hidden asking for buying a coffee for the dev ... huuuuum, so seriously, it's good, just the doc who repeat 2 time there are no treatment, you have amnersia not stupidity xD


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you wonderful and very, very cute people!

Another week, another progress update!

As some of you may have noticed, I posted the poll about shifting between updates or not two days ago. So far there is a very strong lead to alternate between games and I have to admit, I'm very happy about that. I also know that some people won't like this decision and may decide to stop supporting me - which is totally fine as well. I was expecting it and I respect that one hundred percent. It's just that my mental health has suffered more than I thought these last months because working on My New Family primarly just didn't feel as good as it used to for me.

Just as a side note, since the release of My New Memories I released two My New Family updates. I read some comments where people said the development of My New Family slowed down etc, but that is obviously not the case. 0.21 was just the update that was probably the hardest to work on for me so far. I'm happy that you guys enjoyed it nonetheless, and I can promise you big things moving forward with 0.22. Kiara, the weebs, etc, all of them will get a huge spotlight. I also plan to make this update bigger again!

So according to the poll this means that I'll probably switch to working on My New Memories full time now, until the first update is completed. After this it's back to My New Family again, etc. I'm still not really set on this and I might also work a bit on My New Family once I run into a writers block. I'll keep it flexible but the focus will be My New Memories, I guess. Which means it will just be switched, I basically did the same when My New Family was the focus, just the other way around.

Now, let's talk about what I've been up to since last week. Well, I was doing a bit of everything. Mostly writing for My New Memories and a few fun renders here and there ( you can see them on the discord ). I'm making good progress on the day ( check the new patreon page design, more on that later ) and there are already some renders cooking as well. I plan a very interesting event with Morgan, something that I wanted to do since I introduced her as a transgender character. It will be very emotional and wholesome, because Anna will give MC something back that will help both of them get closer again. This event is only tied to the transgender route, so if you are not on that one, you will get a different event instead. Still, the day is shaping up to be pretty long again which was my goal to begin with. I'm at over 120 renders already and that number will easily double. The render you see in todays post is interesting, I think. A blushing Sabrina...I wonder why? Well, you're going to find out once the update drops. Let's just say, if you decided to continue your special relationship with her you are in for some very cute and wholesome treats. This day will also include six lewd animations total and according to some people I showed them too they are the best ones so far!

As a last thing for this weeks progress update I wanted to inform you guys that I updated my "About" section on patreon a bit. I cut down on certain things to make everything a bit more readable. If you are a patron and want to see how it looks like, . I will try to update the progress stuff as often as I can so keep an eye out on it if you want to stay informed!

And I think that's it for this week. Thank you guys so much for the overwhelming response to the poll, especially all the comments that have been written. It really means the world to me to know that so many of you decide to support me no matter what. It feels incredible to have such an amazing community behind the work I'm doing. So thank you, really!

Mar 23, 2020
I really don't wanna diss MNF as I quite enjoy it and the writing does get better as you play the later updates, but imo MNM is a huge leap in quality. Part of it is the rendering, for me good Daz is leagues better than good HS. I also think the amnesia + Anna coma plot is a great pillar for the story to weave around, compared to MNF which doesn't really have one aside from the Dad plot. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I wonder how far the whole murder intrigue will go, seeing as K7 has said he's not going for a super-dramatic story.

PS. Sabrina is a cutie


My New Family / My New Memories
Game Developer
May 14, 2019
I put a little edit in the patreon post clarifiyng that work on My New Family hasn't stopped or anything ^^ the edit reads "This does not mean I wont work on My New Family at all, I will still work on it and release betas, just slower!"


New Member
Dec 9, 2018
Hi folks,

just to say i am really flashed about MNM would not been enough! I had played MNF and i loved it actually. I really do!
But MNM? My english knowledge is not that good to descripe what i had felt at playing MNM. I was literally stunned by
some scenes especialy when it comes to the first reacquaintances with the girls.
I had read somewhere that there are too few lewd scenes in this game but thats exactly the point for me. Different to
many other games there is a really REALLY good story behind the game which lead to the scenes and not try to jump from
one bang to another in the prologue just to satisfy the guy / girl in front of the screen...
I love the renders and animations and i do love the fact that there are "normal" girls and no monster-tits at every corner!

:love::love::love:So please K7! Please keep up the amazing work on MNM. Can´t even wait for the next update!:love::love::love:

p.s. My playtime for the prologue was about 7 hours. Just for you folks to know whats on your agenda ;).

p.p.s. Just a little question: I wanted to play the second part of MNF but the game crashes if i load an old savegame.
I had begun to play but after update 0.21 i got the grey error message of doom. So i wantet to start at the beginning of
part two but i only got send to the popup for loading a game and if i do so it crashes again...
Any solutions?

-solved :giggle:
Last edited:


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
p.p.s. Just a little question: I wanted to play the second part of MNF but the game crashes if i load an old savegame.
I had begun to play but after update 0.21 i got the grey error message of doom. So i wantet to start at the beginning of
part two but i only got send to the popup for loading a game and if i do so it crashes again...
Any solutions?
You need both 0.14 and the latest version, 0.14 contains chapters 1-9 and the latest version contains 10+. Only the save that's made when the game forcibly opens the save menu works at the start of (currently) 0.21.
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New Member
Dec 9, 2018
You need both 0.14 and the latest version, 0.14 contains chapters 1-9 and the latest version contains 10+. Only the save that's made when the game forcibly opens the save menu works at the start of (currently) 0.21.
Big THX for your fast help!


A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you extremely cute and wholesome people out in the world!
I will only briefly talk about My New Family because I barely started the script for 0.22. Like some of you already suggested and said in my last progress update, it all depends on the inspiration. Still, the main focus is My New Memories at the moment and at least I have good news regarding that!

The script for the second day is now completed. The day is even longer than the first one, packed with events and a lot of new information for our MC. Now all I have to do is the renders and I already finished more than half of them. I will probably finish the last ones sometimes this week and the only thing that would be missing then is the lewd animation I planned for the evening. But I will probably release the beta on discord without those animations, so you guys can play it before. I will give you guys a prompt to Save before the animation would start, so once the pre-release goes live you can enjoy it right away! I also did something different with certain lewd dialogues in the game, trying a different approach on those scenes. I can't wait to hear your feedback on that, I think it will drastically improve the "weaker" point of my game(s) - the lewd stuff! And I know that a lot of you wonderful people don't mind that, but it doesn't hurt to improve on that front as well, right? Oh, I also updated Lina a little bit, even though you didn't meet her in the prologue. Just as a reminder, Lina is Sarahs little sister!

I think this first update for My New Memories will address some things that people mentioned after playing the prologue. I probably talked about this already, but there won't be any holding back anymore, from no one. MC will receive all the information he asks for and through meeting a few new key characters, will regain some of his memories as well. And since the update will be pretty big you can expect a lot of things happening. Working on it has been so enjoyable, something that I sadly didn't feel for quite a while. Not that working on My New Family wasn't as exciting or enjoyable anymore, but working on this new story sparked a new glimmer of inspiration in me. Inspiration that will also carry over to My New Family, bringing the game to new levels and a hopefully, very satisfactory ending before jumping right into My New Family 2.

I also wanted to talk about a few complaints I have gotten since the poll decided that I should alternate between games. I know that a lot of you amazing people started to support me because of My New Family. I will still release Betas for My New Family throughout the next month, but they won't be nearly as frequent as they were before. I don't think I have it in me to not work on MNF at all, I would feel horrible if I just took a break from it completely. Still, if you think that now that I alternate between updates you don't want to support me anymore, that is totally fine as well. Like I said, I expected it and I respect these decisions 100%. Just as I respect the decision to complain about me only posting the game on discord. Those are valid complains, but at least the alternating between updates is the best for my mental health. So I appreciate each and everyone who supports me in this decision, caring about me and my mental health in general. Reading those comments really touched me so thank you again for that.

And I think that's it for this week. Keep an eye out on the discord for more teasers and special renders regarding My New Memories. I can promise you that it's worth it to join and interact with all those amazing and wholesome people! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the encouraging comments, dms and your overall support!



Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017
Every day without an update, we stray further from God. Forgive our sins while we await to be blessed again by the Killing grace of the 7


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Recently found this game, still at the 'first date' stage but what I've seen so far looks promising.
But all I can think of when seeing the pictures of my supposed daughters towards the blonde girl is "Sage was blonde before college?"
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A New Level In Pleasure
Dec 17, 2019

Hello there you very cute and extremely wholesome people out in the world!

Another week, another month, another progress update!

I will only briefly talk about My New Family again. I've made some more progress on the script for the first day and I'm pretty sure I will be able to release a beta for 0.22 sometime this month. Actually, there might be several. It all depends if I need a little creative break from working on My New Memories. Like I said last week, most of my time is going into the My New Memories update at the moment, but if I hit a writing block I might as well work a bit on MNF, right?

Now, speaking of My New Memories...The second day is now "complete". I put it in "" because the script is done, the renders are done and the coding is done, it's just missing the animation for the night event. I will do that in the following days and it will be ready for the pre-release, but I don't feel like delaying the beta even further just for some lewd animations ( even though they are totally worth it ). So I will finish those sometime this week and work on the script for the third and final day already. This means that Sabrina and higher tier patrons will get the second beta tomorrow while Anna and Sarah patrons will get the first beta. And now I'm going to say something that some people apparently not like, but to get the beta you have to join discord. I'm sorry but there is currently no other way for me to distribute My New Memories, due to several reasons I don't want to discuss here. Just keep in mind that discord is free, easy to setup and once you got the beta you can stop caring about it all together if you want ( even though the community is extremely wholesome and welcoming.) The render in todays post is from the later part of the second day, where you will have a longer talk with Sarah ( if you decided to get to know her past.)

The third and final day of the update will be as long as the other days, so very very packed. I planned some very wholesome events and as some of you may have guessed already, I will end the update on a huge cliffhanger. A positive one, of course, but it will still be a huge cliffhanger. My initial plans were a little more sinister, where you would have been left with one sentence that could mean something good or something bad. But since I'm not a fan of cliffhangers that make you fear that something bad happened, it will end different. If you paid close attention during the prologue ( and betas as a patron ) then you can probably guess it! Oh, and I also plan to add some more music and sound effects to My New Memories, for more immersion!

And I think that's it for this week. Thank you guys again for the incredible support lately, making the decision to alternate between games was not an easy one and I'm extremely happy that most of you were fine with it and care about my mental health. So, thank you again. I'm still struggling with it a little but I think it was the right decision in the long run.

Oh, and there will be scary renders in this month. Halloween and stuff. Stay awesome!

4.40 star(s) 159 Votes