For fuck sake, I knew someone was going to say something stupid like this. But I gave the benefit of the doubt anyway...
There is a pretty wide gap between "I don't remember you, fuck off" and "let's act like nothing has changed".
Trying to reconnect while keeping in mind that the person has no memory is what you are supposed to do. Walking away from your old life like it didn't exist is going to make recovering memories a whole lot harder, and is a completely dick thing to do to the people who remember *you*. And even if you don't know about your children, you still have an obligation - that's the entire basis behind paternity suits.
My father had Alzheimer's, and yes it was tough on everyone, by the time he died he had forgotten everyone, but in the middle years the process was to remind him of who people were, show him pictures and things tell him about them, and so on. Sometimes it came back to him, sometimes it didn't. But neither side just walks away.
Oh wow, the apologist brigade is out in force. "I like this game, how DARE you say something bad about it! I like it, therefore it is perfect, and anyone who says anything bad about it is attacking me personally!"
Fuckin' fanbois...
I am quite aware of how mental illness does and doesn't work, unlike apparently the apologist brigade. Yes, he may act like an idiot, but it is the job of the doctor and psychiatrist to tell him to get his head out of his ass, and actually talk to these people to see if he can remember anything, and perhaps go to his old home and see if anything triggers a memory. Especially photographs. He already had a memory of the one photograph, and his wife, it was not at all unreasonable to assume more could be triggered.
On top of that, this is a guy who remembers nothing about himself or anyone else, and his first inclination is to throw away the people who actually may want to support him? That is beyond idiotic, that's practically suicidal.
However, with that said, we do have a useful counterpoint:
Finally, someone makes an intelligent observation.
It is a fair comment that the doctor bears a lot of responsibility for this, I do mention above that it is the Doctor and Psychiatrists job to set him on the right path, so perhaps I should say their actions are the most unbelievable, instead of the brain damaged MC's.
I haven't got that far. So that reinforces the above statement then that the problem is the questionable behavior of the professionals, more than the MC's.
Not sure if the writer just has a really dim view of the medical profession, or wasn't too concerned about it in the name of their story, But as was pointed out to me by Belle (of Long Live the Princess, the dev, not the character, obviously) when I had a discussion with them, something in a story doesn't need to be realistic, otherwise you can't have fantasy and science fiction. But it does need to be believable, or at least reasonably believable.
Remains to be seen if there are other parts of the story that push the suspension of disbelief to the breaking point.