After, what!? A lot of months!? A year!? Years!? I'm here again. More because I didn't know how to deal with so much different information that in the end it's more about tastes and waiting for a story/game that 100% fits the person's tastes. And Discord is better (as much as I'm not being so active there lately), because whoever is there, is who is interested in the next updates, in the story, in a few or all characters, and not in showing how the game would be better if x, y, z. And then person B comes in and says he disagrees, but that it would be better if it were z, x, y. And then comes C to disagree, but it would be better if it was y, z, x. And then comes D to disagree, but to say that it's fine the way it is. And each x, y is rational to expose that it's a normal thing for you not to like everything that's there, but it doesn't mean it's bad.
I'll not quote or mention any comments, but I'll try my best to make a summary about the last 2y that we are developing My Pleasure. The initial idea was 1 week at Julia's house, reconnecting with characters from the MC's life that he hadn't seen in years and meeting new ones (Daphne, Bárbara and Haley). The following week back home and 1 week at home. Initially everything about the first week would end there. First week Julia, Lori, Barbara, Daphne and Haley. Second week Cassandra, Natasha and Lillian. End. The initial idea was to do something small because it was our first project together. But it doesn't mean they wouldn't appear more, but it would be much less.
So while we were working on the development of the game, there were a lot of complaints about the choices, about forced cutscenes (of which many were nothing more than consequences of the choices). And that was very difficult and blablabla.
And we began to notice a great interest in Julia (at least at our Discord). The idea really was always to show that Cassandra existed and that she would come. After all, she is the icing on the cake. She always was. We ended up making changes to please those who complained and ended up upsetting some who were already pleased. I already learned that lesson once, it's impossible to please everyone no matter how hard you work at it. I even talked about it with Loys, but not to the point of showing how it wouldn't change anything to please. Till months ago he really wanted to please everybody, but it's really impossible. If someone managed to do it, I would like to know that person. Anyway... You keep in a loop of changes, just it. Backing to the subject... We started noticing people splitting and debating who they would prefer in the story. Like it or not, there were people far more interested in anything that was about Julia... Others about Lori... Daphne... So we figured it would be good to keep them more present in the story. And that's when there's the plot twist about the death of Lori's father and everything, but I won't go into details, because whoever reads the story understands. Isn't perfect also, by the way.
What was supposed to be 1 week, lasted 1 week and a day or two, I don't remember for sure now. And we managed it. Everyone still around even if not appearing all the time. What we changed was in terms of the choices towards Cassandra was… If so many people were complaining about a lot choices, why not make Cassandra more approachable and use past choices to spice it up? More easy, less headache. Yes, could just change to something more simple, but would it really change for everybody? And nor less, what was supposed to just have 2 weeks, it's reaching the 3 week now and maybe will be 1 month-n-game of plot and all.
So really, as movies, books, everything that it's for your enternaiment, there will be things that you will disagree with, think that could be better and etc... Keep that in mind. Isn't just porn, if that's your goal, learn how to UnRen the game and get the naught images and videos to watch that pleases you. And any questions that are related to the story or the game, I'm open to talk about it on discord, as long as it takes me to answer. But about your tastes or for things that you think would make the story or anything better, save your time and mine and Loys time.
On the other hand, I am happy to see that despite everything, there are many people who understands. The last comment that I liked and that comes to my mind now is from a person saying that his only interest is Julia, but he keeps playing even when she doesn't show up. Something like that. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks. Thank you very much you all \o/