I'm honestly so happy that I found this website because it's great to see so many people who root for and ship incest couplings in these games. People might see it as simply being a "kink" that they're interested in because it's a social taboo or because they don't like the MC to be cucked, but I'd like to think that they are actually very sexually liberal when it comes to this issue as a whole. I personally am of a view that any and all consensual sex should be permissable, provided that all parties involved are of sound mind and are of the legal age of adulthood. Beyond that, I don't care if they're straight, gay, bi, related by blood, related by marriage, white, black, asian, have an age gap of 20 years or 40 years, if they're adults of sound mine who are horny and consent to having sex, then let them fuck.
That being said, I don't see incest coupling as being a trope that should be avoided just because everybody else is doing it. Sure, if it serves the story and the reasoning for why they don't end up as a couple is solid, then that's fine, but ultimately I think these games and VNs, whilst being a niche taboo market, can be important in breaking down this idea that incest is wrong, especially when these games do a good job of showing it can be as natural as any other type of sexual, romantic relationship.
This game has so far made some excellent points about the nature of sex, monogamy, and also the ridiculousness of banning certain taboo content in fictional material and, at times, feels like one of those important lessons about incest, hence why seeing Taylor and Nikki develop a proper, romantic relationship would be ideal given how well everything else has been written and explained thus far. Their growing relationship feels natural and it's why I feel that, at the very least, they need to acknowledge these feelings for one another because it's important to show how this type of relationship can be perfectly natural.