
Active Member
May 18, 2018
If I understood it correctly, no. It's either with Molly or alone.
Molly or no one

The diff comes in if you wanted to keep Nikki for yourself then she ends it with you rather then other way round, and she gets a bad ending as well..


Mar 16, 2019
As seamanq said, I'll keep the specifics of my opinions to myself, since there's enough discussion already. There are some fair arguments from every side. Though I will say my thoughts are positive in regards to MSMR's conclusion. You can't please everyone but I was satisfied in a way I didn't expect.

Sumodeine, congratulations on finishing your project. I hope your next project is even better. I'm sure you learned a lot in all aspects and things will only get better from her. Good luck in the future.


Aug 16, 2017
First let me preface this as saying I did really enjoy the vast majority of the game, but like others I do think the potential ending(s) is where it fell a little flat for me.

I like the idea of the happy Molly ending, and having a bad ending of forever alone, but I just feel like there should have been more. I know what the dev has said, but like others have said it doesn't actually matter what the dev says in a forum post, it matters what is written in the story. That is what the users will use to determine how they feel about any characters and endings involving those characters.

A couple things could have easily added more to it, one being with Mrs. S. Frankly if you are not with Molly and you get Mrs. S preggo (which I think happens no matter what right?) then you should have a choice to be with her, or something like that. Hell if you really wanted to appease the incest crowd then you could have thrown mom in for a threesome at some point in the epilogue. I mean he talks about his moms ass and then she flashes him and is wearing more revealing clothes, which all amkes you think something could happen. The other girls I actually get not really turning into longtime companions, although I think we could have maybe got another scene or two with them, specifically Cory, which would have been easy to write the growing apart due to the volleyball and olympic training etc, but I still see them drifting apart.

Now the real issue most are having is with regards to Nikki. With the way it is written, I do believe that having a straight brother sister together forever situation wouldn't happen. But if you are with Molly and you do everything right, Nikki is there together with you and Molly. Molly seems to be very accepting of it and I feel like there are hints of more fun time with all of them. So I have to admit I was very let down that there was no option to continue to have Nikki not just in yours and Molly's life but active in their sexual life. They (Tales and Nikki) obviously love each other, even more than just normal siblings, but not enough to admit they want to change their names and get married etc. I really feel that even if everything else was the same, if all you did was add a way to get the MollyxNikkixTales ending (I know that I tried many different choices attempting to get that option before finding out that it was not possible), you would not have anywhere near the kick back you are receiving. And the reason for that is how it is written, people would not jump to that conclusion without it being written that way. It's pretty obvious that Nikki would continue their fun if she really had the option without hurting Tales and Molly, and depending on your choices Tales does question if they could be more, so it is not like he is completely against it, at least the physical part.

And no I am not asking Sumo to change the end or anything. I honestly hope that he can take the bits of well worded criticism (not the bashing shit, that is not needed or helpful) and use it to better his writing in the future. Like I said at the start, I did really enjoy the game, it was both sexy and funny and well written for the most part. Just try to remember that the reaction is because people felt that there should have been more ending options considering the writing leading up to it. That really is more a testament to the quality of your writing leading up to the end.

And no matter what anyone else says, congrats on the finishing of the game, that alone is more than the vast majority do.


Nov 15, 2018
Not according to the conversation they had back home nor Sumo's intentions.

Look, i'm gonna take the devs word over fan theories, you lot do as you will.

That's from the dev, i'll take that over any theories.
I yet to meet a developer or any story teller that tells truth about an ending before hand, in fact its self destructive to do so and they sooner mislead the inquisitive. With superficial plot he did what he promised but the deeper story is still there. Again explain why she dropped out of college in ending if superficial plot was whole story? This was hardly only darkness in this supposed happy ending either, so are you saying they all just accidents and had no relevance? I also suggest you pay attention to romance film in final it not only makes a comment on two leads but makes repeated comments on pure romance been boring. There is much more to this story than siblings lust for each other, meet true loves and go off into sunset happily ever after. If this was case there would have been absolutely no reason to put in Mothers story that parallels their own or how short lived her happily ever after. The endless sexual and emotional angst between siblings and there inability to remain faithful to supposed true love when they near each other also doesn't fit. Is also worth noting there is not a single happy couple in entire story.
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Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
KoGa3 i facepalmed ya because ya spelled marry wrong..i wouldnt have if you were just typing text randomly..but ya did it in the sinned :p


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2018
KoGa3 i facepalmed ya because ya spelled marry wrong..i wouldnt have if you were just typing text randomly..but ya did it in the sinned :p
Oh, no! Oh, no! Nevertheless many thanks for the info, but forgive me - I am native EngRishman...

Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
Then why did Nikki drop out of college even though it then states she wants to return to complete education?
Because a College that threw you out for attending exactly zero classes is unlikely to take you back? Having to do your education somewhere else also does not constitute the problem of having to share with your brother again.

Okay so umm.. is there an ending where Tales actually ends up with Nikki though?
Nope. Which is hardly surprising, because this little factoid has been announced and repeated ad nauseam over the last two years. Pick a random page of this thread and you will most likely find the information at least twice.

Now the real issue most are having is with regards to Nikki. With the way it is written, I do believe that having a straight brother sister together forever situation wouldn't happen. But if you are with Molly and you do everything right, Nikki is there together with you and Molly. Molly seems to be very accepting of it and I feel like there are hints of more fun time with all of them. So I have to admit I was very let down that there was no option to continue to have Nikki not just in yours and Molly's life but active in their sexual life.
And here we have the fine subtleties. Note that in the ending montage of the Taylor marries Molly, Nikki marries Marc path it is stated that Nikki is close with them, even joins them on vacations. It is not said that they ever did their threesomes, but it is ALSO never explicitly stated that it never happened again. So for all I care there have been vacations for which they traveled somewhere and never left their hotel room. We don't know, so we can think what we want.
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Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
To everyone who is slamming people for being critical of this VN, I have a simple old saying to relay to you and the dev "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen". When you are doing something creative like writing, art, making a game, etc., there will always be critics and those critics are entitled to their opinion. Very rarely do two people share the same exact view of a creative enterprise. Tom Clancy was turned down over three hundred times trying to get a book published. You take the criticism, use it how it can best benefit you (motivation or creative inspiration) and move forward.
I don't have a problem with Critics...It's critics losing their marbles that gets to me.

I mean this game was Pretty good, even the 1 star reviews enjoyed it up until the last update. So even if I buy into the ending sucks balls narrative, It still does not deserver 1 star?

Take Mass effect...A Lot of people disliked the ending strongly. But that does not make the Mass Effect Trilogy bad?
It is still seen as one of the best games ever.

Game of Thrones... The last couple of seasons were terrible, but that does not take away from the brilliance of the earlier season. I'm sure that no one will look at the GOT series overall and think it deserves 1/10? The las seasons brought it down from a 9/10 to say a 5/10 or even 4/10 ?

One poster refers to the mistake of Harry Potter where Hermoine ended up with Ron. That does not mean that the whole Harry Potter series sucked.

So yes, I get the ending were dissapointing for some, but maybe a bit of perspective is needed? Maybe score it 2 or 3 out of 5?
For me it's a solif 4/5


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
I really liked the angle myself, siblings loving each other but kept apart by social taboo so both in denial and madly repressing as they both jump into seriously flawed relationships to escape themselves. Is quite interesting the transformation from not giving a damn about what others thought to nearly every dialogue towards end revolved about what others might think. Yes it would have been nice to have had Nikki and Taylor together and who knows what happens in sequel, maybe like there Mother they get a chance at their forbidden love later in life.
I'm going to refence another game here..sorry, but the parralel between the two games are too similar.

Compare this game to Haley's Story:

In Haley's story, there is no doubt that Haley's always been in love with her brother. Since her early childhood, everything she did and still does centres around her brother. Every relationship she had in the past, had her brother in mind. She tried her best to hide that feeling, but is so obsessed with her brother that she is fully unable to do so. The events that happens in the game (in the canon version) is basically her most secret dream becoming true.

By contrast in My sister My Roommate:
Nikki is completely different then Haley. She is very popular. Never had a crush on her brother in the past as far as I remember. Even when they were roomates, she started having sex with various guys, not really bothered about her brother. At some stage, she feels that her brother is wasting his college years away by never going out and never getting laid. Nikki decided to do something about this by trying to get him into relationships and loosening him up by walking naked in front of him etc. etc.

Yes she also pushes her brother into a relationship, but the reasons are totally different. Haley does this to hide/supress her own feelings about her brother. Where as Nikki genuinely wants her brother to be more social and outgoing. The fact that Ashley was a complete nut job, was not her fault.

Then Nikki, being Nikki (Enjoying life and does not always thing about the consequences) started to push the boundries and eventualy had sex with her brother. Here I will agree. In my view, Nikki did fall for Tales, but this is not a childhood fantasy coming true (Unlike Haley). This is a spur of the moment thing that grew into something she was not ready for. Like every normal relationship, one can get over it and move on. That is what Nikki and Tales did.

Yes, I think she will always fondly remember her fling with her brother, yes there were still a lot of sexual tension left between them, especially from Nikki's side, but no, she will be able to move on and her choice of Marc is precisely because of her fling with Taylor. Marc is similar to Taylor on all accounts.

By contrast, I think Haley will never be happy without her brother. The only way she gives him up willingly, is by sacrificing her own love and accepting that it can not work out. But she will not live a happy life without him.
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New Member
Jun 3, 2017
Well, I know had been said that Nikki wouldn't be an option in the end, but hope still lingered. Pretty good game that I enjoyed on the whole though.


Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Now the real issue most are having is with regards to Nikki. With the way it is written, I do believe that having a straight brother sister together forever situation wouldn't happen. But if you are with Molly and you do everything right, Nikki is there together with you and Molly.

Molly seems to be very accepting of it and I feel like there are hints of more fun time with all of them. So I have to admit I was very let down that there was no option to continue to have Nikki not just in yours and Molly's life but active in their sexual life. They (Tales and Nikki) obviously love each other, even more than just normal siblings, but not enough to admit they want to change their names and get married etc. I really feel that even if everything else was the same, if all you did was add a way to get the MollyxNikkixTales ending

(I know that I tried many different choices attempting to get that option before finding out that it was not possible), you would not have anywhere near the kick back you are receiving. And the reason for that is how it is written, people would not jump to that conclusion without it being written that way. It's pretty obvious that Nikki would continue their fun if she really had the option without hurting Tales and Molly, and depending on your choices Tales does question if they could be more, so it is not like he is completely against it, at least the physical part.
This 100%.

I liked the ending, but maybe they could have hinted to something like this, or maybe even a farewell threesome at their home. Leaving the ending 100% the same, but keeping it open, without stating if this continued to happen or not, so the player could make it up in his own mind.

I think the game the Dev wanted to write never had Tales and Nikki ending up together, but this ending could still have made sense.

Having said all that. I liked the current ending.

this game has a molly scene with another guy ?
3.90 star(s) 129 Votes