with all due respect, there's Wings of Silicone if you want a remake
With all due respect, Wings of Silicon is a great example of being a parasite on Panelo's brand. Beyond having an older woman/younger woman combo living next door and the dev spreading a bunch of nonsense hyping his project here at launch, you would have to have a pretty severe concussion to think that those two projects have anything remotely to do with each other.
With respect to this project, I'm sure that there will be some who will not want to continue the journey if Pandelo isn't involved. As far as executing Pandelo's vision, I think it's safe to say that none of us know EXACTLY what that vision was and there's really no way to say if a continuation of the story done by somebody else will really match that unknown to us vision or not.
All we can really judge is whether the continuation of the project retains the look and feel of the original, and from the art sample posted here I think you can see that there's plenty of people willing to take the plunge into the reboot. I can't imagine a ton of complaining if it's skillfully done.
I think those of us who have been on this thread off and on for the last couple years would all have a basic agreement about the elements that gave MSN the appeal that it had, and I think the response here to the sample art shows a willingness to see someone pick up the torch and see if the good times can keep rolling.
If the developer can resist the temptation to overhype and then massively underdeliver on the vision, then I for one am happy to give the project a fair shot and have pledge money ready to commit if things look as good as the initial art suggests.