Man, lots of people in their feelings about this update. Let me add my two cents to this discussion.
I think people are blowing 0.0.6 a little out of proportion. The narrative is still unfolding nicely, and everything that occurred had some rhyme and reason to it. There's very little schlock (I thought the see-through bikini was a little dumb), and if you're points are right... You're treated to some great character development. I'm personally a big fan of the scene with the Daughter at the beginning of the update. If you manage to walk in her room with only your underwear, you get a great reaction. Her facial expressions, and stuttering were amazingly hot. Being able to see how much she's lusting for your cock is a huge turn on. This is something that has been building for several updates, and no doubt will the pay off be amazing. It's the little things people! This beach vacation isn't over yet, so there's still time for more naughty hi-jinx. I get the feeling we're getting that room, and that will allow us to have some "alone" time.
As to the update being short. well I can't disagree with that sentiment. But one undeniable fact is that it's definitely a quality update. Hopefully as the game grows, Pandelo can expand his efforts in the future. Who knows...? Maybe he can recruit some volunteers to deal with some of the grunt work. *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge* *tsk, tsk* *whistle*