Did you get the sceen before that with mom and Director?
I don't remember exactly but I believe you need to have Jamal and your mom go shopping before, and have Val fantasize about Darius by falling asleep on the bed.
Thanks. Got it finally. Turns out there are many conditions which need to be met for this. The conditions are like this,
For Linda,
- On first day, go home with valerie.
- When calling home, agree to request of sister to take the wine bottle.
-When director goes shopping with linda, volunteer yourself to fetch the moneybag.
For valerie,
- Tell valerie to get close to Jamal( day 8 i think)
- when valerie says she has a surprise, see the phone.
Party event with valerie has NO effect
on this scene,no matter how far you get with jamal which is a bit weird.
On meeting all these conditions then only the scene comes.