A qucik view of the dev's Patreon page suggests that they are using the time to create Picture of the Month club-style imagery.
Which is disappointing in the extreme. I've commented before that this game is really, really well-done; the gallery of missed pathways to pick up content, the dialog, the artwork - all of it is pretty damn good.
My main question is why not just make a SOLID update [with updated gallery content paths], instead of trying to milk patreons for a picture a month. There are people who pay for this game [I used to be one of them until content fell off a cliff], and the dev has to understand that delaying content cause peeps to lose interest, and that makes it nearly impossible to generate new income, or regain lost momentum.
I refuse to believe that Deviantwiz is that stupid.
I wish they would just post - honestly - what the fuck is going on. The worst part of being a gamer [and a patreon] is the wall of silence when it comes to development. DW really needs to up their honesty game here.