
Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
You're right. I am wrong by by not taking this into account at the moment I wrote, I guess I was seeing some very good fanarts and ended up disregarding that. But it still would be interesting to see a side and independent project emerging.
Yeah,would be nice somebody would be taking over the Game with heart in what he is making,instead of just milking.


New Member
Oct 5, 2017

Can someone share what is there?
No problem.

AP Home A6_intel.png

So, this month had been a stressful month. After recovering from Typhoid and returning to work, I was faced with a mountain of backlog I had to clear. For those who might not know, I had recently switched jobs a few months back, so I am still under probation right now, and I practically had to work my ass off these few weeks just to kinda prove that I deserve to stay on after my probationary period.
Good news is, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. My probation ends in a few days and rumours are that I made the cut. Also, I finally managed to get in some much needed time on the game over the weekend. I know that I have been dragging this update for way too long, and believe me, no one wants to get this update over and done with more than me. All I can say is, it is probably going to be quite some time before I try something so complicated again in the game.
But at least it is looking to be good! Multiple branches in this update leading to various results. A little bit of something for everyone. I really hope you all will like this update.
Lastly, here is a picture from one of the routes you will encounter. Looks like the MC and Val are looking at somebody. Who do you all want it to be?
Update should be coming within a week! Look forward to it!

Also :

October 2019.png

Here is October's Image of the Month! It features Linda and Mark. I also thought it would be a good chance to showcase Mark's reworked model as many of you commented the previous Mark design looked old! You guys will definitely see more of him in the upcoming updates!



Mar 6, 2018
Few pages back I said that the update will be delivered just before next payment cycle. I was wrong - it’s just an update post.
Is it not remarkable? Simple post some info and CG at the end of the month, and how amazing the results.
  • Sad
Reactions: Shane498


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Having trouble in life and can't deliver? Inform the supporters and freeze the monetization until you are done. These people...
I've always maintained that people are responsible for their own shit.

Don't want to pay?

Pause your own payments, all their patrons are adults capable of managing their own finances. Patreon is used to support people doing their hobby not pay for their work. It's only a tip jar. If devs want to fuck off for months on end that's on them, it's up to the people paying to decide if they want to keep paying or not.

Devs are not babysitters. If people aren't capable of managing their own money then they shouldn't be supporting anyone in the first place.

It's up to the dev to inform their patrons they will be away from development for however long but it's up to the individuals to decide what to do with their money.

If they decide to keep paying then that's on them.


Jul 5, 2017
I've always maintained that people are responsible for their own shit.

Don't want to pay?

Pause your own payments, all their patrons are adults capable of managing their own finances. Patreon is used to support people doing their hobby not pay for their work. It's only a tip jar. If devs want to fuck off for months on end that's on them, it's up to the people paying to decide if they want to keep paying or not.

Devs are not babysitters. If people aren't capable of managing their own money then they shouldn't be supporting anyone in the first place.

It's up to the dev to inform their patrons they will be away from development for however long but it's up to the individuals to decide what to do with their money.

If they decide to keep paying then that's on them.
If I'm paying someone, I'm expecting at least an explanation, a new release date, for example, or that there's some issue to be addressed for the next month. And then some supporters decide that is okay. Then on the next month the patron vanishes, or explain that there's some life issues... The people who still supports now have negative feelings towards that patron.

Now, if the patron explains to everyone that there's some life issues, and decides to freeze the monetary support until he solves that problem, then it's an act of good faith. It's better for him, for his career as a visual novel maker.


Sep 25, 2016
Stop making assumptions and acting like anyone ows you something.

What you expect or not has nothing to do with reality. To support someone on Patreon is everyones decision, noone forces you to give anyone money - you expect stuff from someone and they dont deliver? Do not pay them - end of story.

And no - the entire rest of your post is just assumptions. 'The people who still support now have negative feelings...' - why? I do not have any. I support because I want to and I do not expect anything. What every Creator says he offers for the money/reward tier is tied to exactly that reward tier. And nowhere in the rewards does it say that the Creator will write status updates every 2 weeks and that I am now entitled to them.

So I don't bitch about it.

I like what he does and I support it. I don't care about a couple dollars a month. If he makes an update - cool! I love to be able to say I contributed to that endeavour. If he fucks off to nowhere for 3 month it is also fine. If I feel like he doesnt deserve the support anymore because he fucks off to often I stop supporting. It is as easy as that.

And no - what is bad for anyones career is stressing out over people like you who expect a lot of things based on nothing and feel entitled to make demands. *THAT* is what burns you out and leads to a negative mindset. That is career ending.

And this pseudo pressuring someone who ows you nothing into something is the most toxic shitty behaviour that exists.

Trying to anticipate what everyone and their dog could now want from you or feel entitled to is a surefire way to an early retirement from any creative endeavor.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2018
I like the comparison of Patreon being a tip jar since it's based on voluntary contributions. In that sense not giving a status update is like refusing anyone the courtesy of a simple thank you.


Nov 11, 2018
o_O relax!!!!!!everybody!!!!
Why we still arguing here after we knew the new update will come soon?
Take it easy,we are all fans of this game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
Well its about manners, if someone belives in what you do and support what you do, the fucking least you can do is say, "hey, this month and the next is not going well for me so i will not be able to get something out" see, how long did that take? and it saves alot of grief for people. No Point in arguing as there alot of polar opposites here.

Deleted member 684203

The dev owes shit to the people on this forum as it is a pirate site. Wanna complain? Expect eternal gratitude? Do it on his Patreon and/or stop pledging. And start behaving like adults ffs( if you even are one for all I know. Got a credit card?paypal?) Use it.


Jul 5, 2017
Stop making assumptions and acting like anyone ows you something.

What you expect or not has nothing to do with reality. To support someone on Patreon is everyones decision, noone forces you to give anyone money - you expect stuff from someone and they dont deliver? Do not pay them - end of story.

And no - the entire rest of your post is just assumptions. 'The people who still support now have negative feelings...' - why? I do not have any. I support because I want to and I do not expect anything. What every Creator says he offers for the money/reward tier is tied to exactly that reward tier. And nowhere in the rewards does it say that the Creator will write status updates every 2 weeks and that I am now entitled to them.

So I don't bitch about it.

I like what he does and I support it. I don't care about a couple dollars a month. If he makes an update - cool! I love to be able to say I contributed to that endeavour. If he fucks off to nowhere for 3 month it is also fine. If I feel like he doesnt deserve the support anymore because he fucks off to often I stop supporting. It is as easy as that.

And no - what is bad for anyones career is stressing out over people like you who expect a lot of things based on nothing and feel entitled to make demands. *THAT* is what burns you out and leads to a negative mindset. That is career ending.

And this pseudo pressuring someone who ows you nothing into something is the most toxic shitty behaviour that exists.

Trying to anticipate what everyone and their dog could now want from you or feel entitled to is a surefire way to an early retirement from any creative endeavor.
My "assumption", like you say, is based on how things works in real world, by books writen by renowned people of business world. Google "Principles of Marketing" for example, and give yourself some enlightenment. Also, It's, at least, common sense.

I was not expecting ANY release from the author. Also, I'm not asking ANYONE to stop the support, I just merely pointed out that the kind of attitude is not good for the author. Or is it good? Good enough for you, I see, but then, read through the pages and see the feedback from people. Go and blindly argue against their opinions. That's nonsense.

"And no - what is bad for anyones career is stressing out over people like you who expect a lot of things based on nothing and feel entitled to make demands. *THAT* is what burns you out and leads to a negative mindset. That is career ending." - Now this is really an assumption and you're babbling nonsense. So I am making demands? Where? Don't dissimulate things out of context. That's not right. And then you talk about negative mindset LOL. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

"And this pseudo pressuring someone who ows you nothing into something is the most toxic shitty behaviour that exists." - Again, another assumption. Can't people express their opinions on the forum? Do you feel pressed to stop paying for whatever you want? Who's behaving really toxic here? Think about it.

So, just to reiterate: from my part there's no demand, assumption or expectation. I would give a low score to this game, so I don't care much about it. But I've expressed myself that *IF* I am paying someone, I expect signs of commitment, like communication and releases. And besides that, if the author had some issues, then it's good for him and for the supporters that he explains about it, also it's an act of good faith if he decides to stop the monetization during that period. There's some good content creators out there that are, IN MY OPINION, really commited and professional, and that acts just like I described. I do, glady, support some (y).


Sep 25, 2016
You literally said 'If I pay someone I expect him too...' - so you very much make demands. You literally expect someone to behave a certain way since you gave them money. (or more likely you did not but feel like you need to vent regardless or claim a sense of ownership over someone via proxy by 'people who pay him')

And what marketing stuff holds up for buisnesses etc is all well and good - but does one dude on patreon *HAVE* to behave like that now? Just because you think it would be good for him? No. He can do the fuck he wants; its his buisness, not yours. Go and create your own game if you feel like you need to proove to someone your 'superior marketing skills'.
The point is: Wether or not him following your rules or not is 'smart' or 'the right thing to do' doesn't mean he has to do that stuff. What gives you the say-so about it? It can be the worst decision ever and if he still doesn't want to do he doesn't want to do it. Be an adult and accept that already.

The only thing you can do is - is not pay him? And thats literally the thing I and other pointed out repeateably already. Everything else is just bitching and negativity. And you just proof my point with every post of yours again and again.

And that is why I am done talking this through with you - it is just repeating things you do not want to accept or understand.

Have a good day and all the best to you!


Jul 5, 2017
Indeed, there's a BIG "IF". Do you know what that means? But you're just skipping it out of context (again) to rant about someone else point of view, that's different from yours. Or else, you have a low capacity to interpret what others say... But I guess you're just distorting it maliciously. You devil being... :devilish:

What a lame excuse to say that's someone business and "blablabla...". Of course it is! What I did wrote earlier was MY opinion about this kind of attitude. And of course it's so wrong! And I'm sure the author himself will give you a sweet lollypop for giving him your unconditional suppport for that! Or maybe you're the author, himself? Hmmm... :unsure::LOL:

There's no bitching here, fanboy. Anyways, be happy and have a good life! Seriously!


Jul 12, 2017
The issue here is that DeviantWiz makes promises that he doesn't keep.

He says the update will come out in the next couple of weeks, and it doesn't. Then he says he's going to be more active on his patreon and update us more often, then he doesn't. Then he apoligizes for not following through with what he says he's going to do, makes another promise, and then doesn't deliver on that.

Before I cancelled my support for him on patreon he posted a message saying the update has turned out to be more complicated than he expected and that he won't try something this complicated again in the game. Why has it taken so long for him to say this? People would be much more understanding if he were more active and honest about the game instead of saying nothing all month until the 30th of the month then posting something to keep people hanging on.

DeviantWiz owes it to his remaining supporters to post more often and take an interest in his community.
3.70 star(s) 62 Votes