Stop making assumptions and acting like anyone ows you something.
What you expect or not has nothing to do with reality. To support someone on Patreon is everyones decision, noone forces you to give anyone money - you expect stuff from someone and they dont deliver? Do not pay them - end of story.
And no - the entire rest of your post is just assumptions. 'The people who still support now have negative feelings...' - why? I do not have any. I support because I want to and I do not expect anything. What every Creator says he offers for the money/reward tier is tied to exactly that reward tier. And nowhere in the rewards does it say that the Creator will write status updates every 2 weeks and that I am now entitled to them.
So I don't bitch about it.
I like what he does and I support it. I don't care about a couple dollars a month. If he makes an update - cool! I love to be able to say I contributed to that endeavour. If he fucks off to nowhere for 3 month it is also fine. If I feel like he doesnt deserve the support anymore because he fucks off to often I stop supporting. It is as easy as that.
And no - what is bad for anyones career is stressing out over people like you who expect a lot of things based on nothing and feel entitled to make demands. *THAT* is what burns you out and leads to a negative mindset. That is career ending.
And this pseudo pressuring someone who ows you nothing into something is the most toxic shitty behaviour that exists.
Trying to anticipate what everyone and their dog could now want from you or feel entitled to is a surefire way to an early retirement from any creative endeavor.
My "assumption", like you say, is based on how things works in real world, by books writen by renowned people of business world. Google "Principles of Marketing" for example, and give yourself some enlightenment. Also, It's, at least, common sense.
I was not expecting ANY release from the author. Also, I'm not asking ANYONE to stop the support, I just merely pointed out that the kind of attitude is not good for the author. Or is it good? Good enough for you, I see, but then, read through the pages and see the feedback from people. Go and blindly argue against their opinions. That's nonsense.
"And no - what is bad for anyones career is stressing out over people like you who expect a lot of things based on nothing and feel entitled to make demands. *THAT* is what burns you out and leads to a negative mindset. That is career ending." - Now this is really an assumption and you're babbling nonsense. So I am making demands? Where? Don't dissimulate things out of context. That's not right. And then you talk about negative mindset LOL. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
"And this pseudo pressuring someone who ows you nothing into something is the most toxic shitty behaviour that exists." - Again, another assumption. Can't people express their opinions on the forum? Do you feel pressed to stop paying for whatever you want? Who's behaving really toxic here? Think about it.
So, just to reiterate: from my part there's no demand, assumption or expectation. I would give a low score to this game, so I don't care much about it. But I've expressed myself that *IF* I am paying someone, I expect signs of commitment, like communication and releases. And besides that, if the author had some issues, then it's good for him and for the supporters that he explains about it, also it's an act of good faith if he decides to stop the monetization during that period. There's some good content creators out there that are, IN MY OPINION, really commited and professional, and that acts just like I described. I do, glady, support some
