Finished this update without any issues. Least not anything that wasn't readily solved. Mechanic wise their were no problems for me. I would like to point out some things that are not so clearly made known. So, here is a little run down for this update.
1. To start, I never stop playing between updates. I have even started over from day 112 several times between updates. By continuing to play the game even though the game doesn't progress only prepares you for the update. So when the update that just came out, I had 1/2 million in cash, 1,000s of hotel points, and all girls were in the thousands of skill point above level 3.
So I couldn't figure out why I was staying at hotel level 2 when I clearly I have plenty of points way above what was needed. This lead to a lot of post reading (about 10 pages) from my last read post. Doing this I read about "well you need to have a guest check in and then check out. Bang your now level hotel 3.
Once that was accomplished (I had 2 quests for 3 nights each) I explored The Stag. Had a talk with Richard & Libby in the AM and them went back to the Manor and renovated the Study. This was on a Monday am. Once finished renovating the study the MC called The Stag and spoke with Libby. Told her the study was renovated and all was well. She said she would talk to Libby right away and send her over for 3 days (AM only) to help. Her days woulf be MWF respectively. So, on Wednesday morning Libby showed up the the training was on.
The training only was beneficial for Laura. The others were all level 3. They were sent anyway to get the gallery pic unlocked. So, here's the problem with the Amanda training. Yes the character levels up fast. But there are no skill points to go with it. You literally have 0 points. That is why Laura fails evey quest. The best she got with Sofia was 60% and she needed at least 75%. Even after 3 sessions she could only get to 62%. Meanwhile Amber waithed on her in the bar and 85% approval. This was because she had over 3000 bar skill points plus the shaker. On level 3 quests it will take a very long time for Laura to pass approval. Well it doesn't matter because you can fail 2 X and still get paid. True, you can. Guest will not become VIP but you get the money ony if it involves a guest on a 2 night stay. I had 2 quest wanting a massage on a 2 night stay. Got paid even with the fails. However, had they both been 3 night stays, I would have been screwed out of a lot of money.
2. This leads me to this point I have. I don't know why things are being done the way they are unless it's suppose to make the game harder or what. Everything may work out but I don't understand why there are 2 systems of progression. One you have to have skill point for the staff to level up and the points for the hotel to level up to the next stage. You can't do this unless this is done leveling up. There could be a single leveling up system which would make things a lot smoother. Example: Let's say the staff starts out at Level 0. No experence whatsoever. The staff member would then need to gain 1000 points in a skill to reach Level 2 and so. You could go from Level 0 to Level 100. But, as the staff levels up so does the Hotel because if the staff doesn't satisfy the quest the Hotel isn't going to advnce anyway. So, it's all about the staff pleasing the quests. Anyway, just thinking about it.
3. Another thing that was made clear on this update is potentially something that may become a problem. This whole updat I had 3 guests most of the time. No problem. Not until the quests stopped coming. Think about it. You only have 9 quest. They are on some sort of cycle . They show up somewhere between 7 to 10 days each. Like on a rotation. 3 quest on 2 to 3 night stay goes through the 9 pretty quick. What's going to happen when you can have 5 guests at any given time. Even with just 3 quest you don't have the capacity to serve them unless they all want different services. Each service needs at least 4 waiting rooms or for the waiting room to accommodate at least 2 quests.
4. Simple solution. Reject them. But I thought this was like a Hotel Sim., why would I do that. The more guest, the more money, the more activities, the more fun. No one thing should be contingent upon another. Work your ass off and make the money. When reaching the right amount renovate your next room. When you can hire someone to fill the spot, the room becomes accessible to the quests. I don't personally care what is or is not in a game as long as the game is fun and enjoyable to play. Example: The makers of Farmers Dynasty. They put so much crap and forcefulness into the game to where it seased to be fun. When games force the player to eat or drink in order to function and your having to do this constant, it seases to be fun.
5. Personally, I enjoy playing the game so far, even though it may sound like complaining when it's not. I do realize this is like a piece mill game like those in early access. And, who knows how it will turn out. Whichever way it does, it needs to be fun.
Thank you