
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
Hey guys,

First of all, thanks a lot for all of your feedback.
I appreciate it a lot and will try to answer most of the unanswered questions.

Is there any way to see all the outfits for each character? Would be nice to see the progress between tiers
Not yet, but this is on my todo-list and will be implemented in the near future (displaying previous outfits on the staff screen).

Reporting a bug that I found: Basically, if you do an event where you visit someone at night specifically on sunday night, then for some reason (I think because the rehiring of the girls takes a time slot) the game jumps to monday afternoon instead of monday morning, and any guest who would have checked out monday morning stay permanently without ever checking out. They leave if you fail them so its not save ruining, but annoying none the less
Thanks for reporting this. I'll look into it.

I played the prologue and the first two versions after that, but I decided to wait for a while until the management system and the rest settles in. I gave it another go just a few days ago, and while it is enjoyable, some aspects need some serious revamp in order to smoothen the gameplay out.

- I'm used to the hard grind aspect in these games in the beginning (even tho I'm anything but a fan), but here it's especially tedious. Raising the stats, keeping an eye out for the slow income, the slow earn fate points is quite the deep water for those whos only getting familiar with these type of games. Slow transitions and the resting or working images repeating doesn't help the speed of the process at all. If we saw one already, like one of them resting, or cleaning or something, it should be skipped like when the guests are there for a second time on a level where you cleared them to perfection.

- Actions between time frames (exploring, checking, etc) become sort of pointless at times when there isn't anything to do anyway, only slowing the speed again, a skip to the next time button only would be a great addition. The random generated chance of locations are also like this, it would be much better if we could choose to what to do during an exploration for example or where to go. If we go to the woods, we could choose between the gnome, the well and the cave, or at the manor we could do the story progressing exploration, or where we search the attic. I don't mind the attic having an rng chance of giving an item, but pairing with the fact that even finding the attic is rng, it does get annoying. Same goes for the well for example, at level 3, I'd rather just go straight there to "donate", since that is a must as I experienced, than having random meetings with an item seller that isn't even selling anything, or going to the cave that will have a role at sometime in the future.

- Since I haven't followed the development phases closely, I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but right now most of the level 3 guests are a great middle finger for the players. Even with a mostly maxed out staff (Lara doesn't have massage at 3 yet), several guests were unsatisfiable even with the correct choices, like Sister Walsh, the rich latino women, or even the sunglasses dude. I had the sauna item for Riley, while she was already level 3, but it was impossible to reach the necessary amount of points for them to be satisfied, and they soon left. That's also bad with Laura, because unless you put her to training, which again has an rng chance to boost a stat, way too much rng by the way, she simply fails most of the massage tasks. Either she and the rest of the latecomers needs to have better base stats on areas that will be unlocked at higher levels, or curb the requirement for the guests, otherwise it's a cycle of failure.

- In addition to my previous point, sure, there are items and cards that will boost your performance, but items are again highly rng, and we don't have the item buying option yet, while the progression for fate points is über slow, and finding the well is random again. By the way I'm not sure if it's intentional or not, but first time I could only donate 1k to the well, and in this update when I found it again I didn't had the 10k option. Thing is though, if having booster fate cards are a must already at level 3, even with items and highest stats, then either the points we get from a guest should be much higher, or there shouldn't be 3 different level of cards to choose from. Level 3 guests at this point are pretty much unplayable with the current format, so either the level difficulty should be revamped, or the item-fate point.

I generally liked the game, not as much as I did MoTH yet, but if these aspects will keep up, many will quit after a while or starts cheating left and right with different methods, not only with the key file that is on patreon.

Ps.: Please don't repeat the Claire thing from MoTH with Julia, she was my favorite and that therapist plotline really ruined her overall story arc, kinda hope Kay won't serve the same purpose.
Thank you for the detailed feedback!

You raise some good points. I have been particularly thinking about the guest requirements/rewards myself for a few updates now. I am considering some alternate approaches, but I'm not sure how I would tackle this yet.
Probably the most easy and "clean" solution would be to increase experience on failing to satisfy a guest based on the level of the guest. E.g. if a lvl 1 massage skill fails a lvl 5 guests, it should increase by more than when failing a lvl 1 guest.
Also, I am considering decreasing the level difference penalties, so that a lvl 1 skill could still satisfy some of the easier lvl 5 guests if other stuff is in place (cards, items, traits or room upgrades).
Also there will be a story mode eventually to skip most of grind entirely, for those that don't like it.

There will be a skip button for the results screen (probably in the next update or the one after) as I have to admit I hold down ctrl and/or turn off UI animations when testing/playing most of the time and that's not really a good sign.

In MotH, you didn't have to play Diane's storyline. So it's either skip content and play only what you want, or get 100% completion and get some content you don't enjoy. I think it's not really possible to have both, unless you get a game custom made for you.

Lastly, about your comment saying that people will quit:
I think that people that play and quit a game before it's even halfway finished, are not really my "target audience" anyway.
They mostly want exactly what they want, when they want it (usually for free).
I've said it before (which seems redundant, considering the version number): this game is under development and will change heavily based upon the feedback I get. If people want to play a finished game, they should come back in 1-1.5 years.
If they just want to complain about not getting enough content right now, or the game not being finished...yeah...just another day in the life of a dev ;)

Deleted member 1023239

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2018
There will be a skip button for the results screen (probably in the next update or the one after) as I have to admit I hold down ctrl and/or turn off UI animations when testing/playing most of the time and that's not really a good sign.
in future do you have plan to making repeatable staff / guest interaction scene based their staff/guest level and relation point toward the mc, or we just had one time interaction event like in this current version. when you're already finish the game it is weird the game become tasteless without any interaction with npc. for example if you have finished julia event on each tier, when you put her on kitchen and you visit her you'll get prompted to greet her, kiss, or ask for bj
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Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Next Bug/Freeze! (3.0.7)

View attachment 918665


(simple continue game and visit her in the night)
Which OS do you have? Windoof 7 or 10?

Do you have "SweetFX" installed? => Which could explain why you have this in your player log file.
d3d11: CreateDXGIFactory2(...) not found, fallbacking to CreateDXGIFactory1(...). d3d11: QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory5) failed (80004002).

Aleks Mark

Active Member
Aug 25, 2020
Here's another mistake, when you select a nurse on the left, it is not she who appears, but the character that you watched before. A trifle, of course, but still)))). I hope that the mistake with visiting my sister at night will be resolved, I really want to see her outfits))). Enjoy the game everyone. Thank you for the release.


Aug 16, 2020
i have the same bug like bathra! the game freezes on exactly the same time! after MC jerks of which works, ambers scene doesnt work! i never had this problem before! rtx 2060 super should be no problem, processor is also a good one!

can somebody help me?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2020
Anyone please tell me:
Does this game have any content with MC's mom yet?
If there is,
Please specify what it is..


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Anyone please tell me:
Does this game have any content with MC's mom yet?
If there is,
Please specify what it is..
Yes, handjob, blowjob (one each). Also of course personal content to get to know the character better.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
(I butchered your answer a bit to put the things together I want to reply to, I hope I didn't create any false connections or implications here, if so: please protest)

After years of gaming, I take a good game mechanic over immersion any time. Not having any clue regarding to that could be left to hard level though. (...) I do like a touch of realism in a game, but first and foremost, you play these for enjoyment. If games were realistic, you'll most likely die after taking a bullet in an FPS, or a right swing in a fantasy game. Whenever a game tried to be too realistic, it failed ultimately on the market especially because of that.
I do too. Except for when I don't. Since you mentioned Sim City in an earlier post, I will totally agree that you could bog down games like this with realism, even if it would strengthen immersion. But I just prefer to take a look at whether we can have the best of both worlds. And yes, a "realistic FPS" would greatly reduce playability as well, though it might just be educational for some people who think they would just rush in and stop a mall shooting just like that because they have a gun or similar. However, realistic (or at least "more realistic") simulations have a market too, maybe a smaller one, but some people take enjoyment out of the resulting problems as well.

And while a certain amount of market success is certainly needed for a project to go on, not everybody should aim for the biggest prize, better to make something good in an area where you feel comfortable and still have some market for it.

It won't give you any reward if you fail though, and in terms of xp for example, it doesn't matter, staff skill level does, and the amount of guests, 2 level 1 guest on skill 3 will give you 100 points, just as 2 level 3 guest on skill level 3.
A miscommunication, sorry. With "failing" I meant "failing a single service", not "having a guest move out", and you can have the former twice without triggering the latter. With "more rewards" I meant money and destiny points, which you will get more of from a level 3 guest than from a level 1 guest. So in essence, if you were looking to get Isabella's next card, it may be prudent to look for a level 3, even if you cannot satisfy them all of the time, than to play it safe with level 1.

In several aspects, because it's from the same developer, it overlaps with each other. There, you had to grind for money and stats for several things, and quite often, before you could enjoy the result of it. It is the same, management aspect is nice and all, but the reward of it are the scenes with the girls, just like the sandbox served for it in there.
I was ready to destroy you on this part while I was thinking about it under the shower, but actually you have a point here. However, I still like to make two (somewhat related, because the first depends on the second) observations about differences between MotH and MyMa, which make them different genres in my eyes.

(a) While we're obviously on this forum for the lewds, I might have tried a hotel management game anyways and then found the possibility of getting closer to the girls only to be the cherry on top. That wouldn't hold true for MotH.

(b) In MotH you are only collecting stuff, raise your stats, gather money. You cannot lose anything except for your personal time. So in the end you don't have to manage anything except for maybe optimizing the reward/effort ratio. Here however you may lose money and be able to not pay the girls any more, lose the ability to use rooms and/or employees if you don't care about the upkeep. So in MotH you can let a RNG decide what to do and at worst be in the same position as before, while here you can effectively end your game and have to do certain things at a certain time to avoid that.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2019
Can you attach both a copy of your player log and your save, please?

You can find the player log located here:
C:\Users\user-account\AppData\LocalLow\Faerin Games\Mystwood Manor

Thanks! :)

Yes I ssend you that thx for quic answer.
All is in zip folder.


Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
Please try the same scene with English translation and report back if it works or not for you.

EDIT: You haven't select a guest level. For now you can fix it selecting one.
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
No protests here, but I'll do the same.

But I just prefer to take a look at whether we can have the best of both worlds. And yes, a "realistic FPS" would greatly reduce playability as well, though it might just be educational for some people who think they would just rush in and stop a mall shooting just like that because they have a gun or similar.
On normal difficulty, tasks that should be doable but aren't, isn't the best of both worlds. I feel that going into the gun thing is rather off topic but I must give my two cent since you brought it up. I play games since I'm 4, even shooters, people I know do to the same, yet none of us became sickos that shot up malls or cinemas due to that. The arguement of video games making you aggressive and cause you commit such things was always a great big ball of bullshit, used by the crusaders who hated video gaming right off the bat anyway. Anyone, that does shit like that, is a sick fuck anyway, maybe they play shooters, but it's not those that makes them to be like that, and while it could be a trigger (though the cases when that's what triggers them is really small), for those people, pretty much anything can.

And while a certain amount of market success is certainly needed for a project to go on, not everybody should aim for the biggest prize, better to make something good in an area where you feel comfortable and still have some market for it.
Biggest prize? Sure, no. Getting a good result and not to close narrow to a very small circle? That's something you want though, unless money isn't a factor at all, and it's all a pure hobby thing where you don't plan any investment into it and such. Also in my opinion, the ultimate goal of these games is to entertain, but when their mechanics doesn't allow that, it fails.

So in essence, if you were looking to get Isabella's next card, it may be prudent to look for a level 3, even if you cannot satisfy them all of the time, than to play it safe with level 1.
Except some of the guests at level 3 will even cause you fail on other services, where you have the required skill and give the right answers. Again speaking from experience, since that's what happened with Walsh and the rich women. Right now the money isn't that big of a factor when you unlocked everything anyway, that part was never my problem. Getting fate points is though.

I was ready to destroy you on this part.
That's cute:love:

(a) While we're obviously on this forum for the lewds, I might have tried a hotel management game anyways and then found the possibility of getting closer to the girls only to be the cherry on top. That wouldn't hold true for MotH.

(b) In MotH you are only collecting stuff, raise your stats, gather money. You cannot lose anything except for your personal time. So in the end you don't have to manage anything except for maybe optimizing the reward/effort ratio. Here however you may lose money and be able to not pay the girls any more, lose the ability to use rooms and/or employees if you don't care about the upkeep. So in MotH you can let a RNG decide what to do and at worst be in the same position as before, while here you can effectively end your game and have to do certain things at a certain time to avoid that.
About point a, almost the same could be said of a sandbox roaming game, but I'll concede on that. I can't agree on point B though. There isn't really anything to loose here, at least not unless someone is a complete dumb fuck. At skill level 3, the staff requires 750 a week, with 4 of them that means 3k. Even on level 2, that is easily doable unlike the almost constant fail of level 3, that's easily doable in 2 days. So essentially, you don't really have to loose anything unless you're going for that intentionally.


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
On normal difficulty, tasks that should be doable but aren't, isn't the best of both worlds. I feel that going into the gun thing is rather off topic but I must give my two cent since you brought it up. I play games since I'm 4, even shooters, people I know do to the same, yet none of us became sickos that shot up malls or cinemas due to that. The arguement of video games making you aggressive and cause you commit such things was always a great big ball of bullshit, used by the crusaders who hated video gaming right off the bat anyway. Anyone, that does shit like that, is a sick fuck anyway, maybe they play shooters, but it's not those that makes them to be like that, and while it could be a trigger (though the cases when that's what triggers them is really small), for those people, pretty much anything can.
I think you missed his point... or I did... the way I see it he said something along the lines of "if someone takes hostages in a mall you don't run in trying to stop him even if you played countless games like SWAT since the first headshot won't kill you"
Aka realism against game realism... while you die from being shot or stabed you normally don't die with the first attack, games that include that kind of realism are rarely succesfull.
About point a, almost the same could be said of a sandbox roaming game, but I'll concede on that. I can't agree on point B though. There isn't really anything to loose here, at least not unless someone is a complete dumb fuck. At skill level 3, the staff requires 750 a week, with 4 of them that means 3k. Even on level 2, that is easily doable unlike the almost constant fail of level 3, that's easily doable in 2 days. So essentially, you don't really have to loose anything unless you're going for that intentionally.
I have a scenario you didn't think about apparently... just before sunday night you Upgrade a room and spend all or most of your saving ... and than you are forced to pay for your staff, leaving you with Julia ONLY at worst... you need to go on for an entire week when your passiv stats fail... rooms will be closed for failing upkeep and cleaning as Julia will be busy with the guests that she can serve, and Julia will eventually fall sick duo to staff health.
With customers leaving unsatisfied (no money) you can't hire the other girls for the next week and are trapped with a closed down hotel and sick staff
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Engaged Member
Dec 24, 2019
I think you missed his point... or I did... the way I see it he said something along the lines of "if someone takes hostages in a mall you don't run in trying to stop him even if you played countless games like SWAT since the first headshot won't kill you"
Aka realism against game realism... while you die from being shot or stabed you normally don't die with the first attack, games that include that kind of realism are rarely succesfull.

I have a scenario you didn't think about apparently... just before sunday night you Upgrade a room and spend all or most of your saving ... and than you are forced to pay for your staff, leaving you with Julia ONLY at worst... you need to go on for an entire week when your passiv stats fail... rooms will be closed for failing upkeep and cleaning as Julia will be busy with the guests that she can serve, and Julia will eventually fall sick duo to staff health.
With customers leaving unsatisfied (no money) you can't hire the other girls for the next week and are trapped with a closed down hotel and sick staff
Not sure he meant that in the first thing, maybe. As of the second, I did thought about it, but on level 2 already, you should have enough money anyway, so unless as I said, you are really dumb or intentionally going for being broke, that's still not a viable scenario. A single level 2 guest will net you more than that 3k you have to pay for your staff.
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