Perhaps it's me who can't explain myself well. i try again i do not see this blue circle with the "I"
This is who i see: I put it under spoiler because the immage can be a bit big i think
On the left there is the 2 yellow lock or the green/golden check if you end the things. This indicate the hotel level. Then at the right there are the event we need to do. The circle is brawn or suede color? I do not see any
"I" or a blue circle. You can see that the game just tell me getting sweaty... but only God know what does it mean. Ofc i know the meaning of getting sweaty in italian, but if i wanna think rationally, she cant go to the gmy, so she cant go sweaty. The only 3 work that she can do are:
Cook, clean and receptionist and i have already try every combination, with every hours. Or i am blind or i am missing something.