
Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
May 9, 2018
what mode do you play on?
Both modes have staff and guest events, but Story mode doesn't have staff interactions with guests (except during some of the events). But that one in particular where I showed a screenshot of Orville's hints was from Normal mode (as I'm currently doing a new playthrough for testing purposes).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
So.. by your account, lesbians = bad but shota = no problems? Flawed logic, but whatever.. I think I'll take lesbians over any day of the week, but you do you l'il homie..
Sorry don;t know what shota is never heard of them (Straights are a man and a woman only)


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
You're either a troll or somebody who has very strong beliefs I think it's the latter.
You are on a forum that deals in sexual fantasy a good majority of sexual fantasies are on this forum.
The majority of people on here are okay with lesbians or women being bisexual. Why? Because it's a fantasy, it's something they may or may not have in real life. Like running a hotel where you're screwing all the female employees, I know I don't have that in real life.
I don't like a lot of things: scat, bestiality, shota, and golden showers, to name but a few, but there are people here who do, so from me it's whatever floats your boat.
A lot of people on here play with a fan made patch as well that turns the characters into your family so you're doing your mum and your sister which is incest. I wonder how that would go down at the Bible group? Again something I don't use but it's there.
But you also don't see me going into threads where people who have that fetish/fantasy and calling them sick and that the world is going to end because they're that way inclined and that we all should be straight because I say so it doesn't work like that.
You play a game with a loli and shota tag in it (yes we have looked at your posts :)) as given above there's a definition for it I don't like it but I'm not calling for you to be burned at the stake because you do, but if we ran a poll as to who was the sickest me liking bisexual women and you for liking loli's and shota I doubt it would be a close call.
Your best bet is to play the game or drop it that's up to you but one suggestion please stop trying to inflict your puritan values on us the players and the game itself.
I play in games that give me a semblance of real romance - I don't even know what shot=a is and if a game has what you call lili I'm sure it also has a choice to turn it off (I am really disgusted when a game uses and abuses women or men but mostly women as I see too much of that in real life and want to believe there are still some good people in the world) so I'm nopt sure what game you are referring to with shota or loli but I'm possitive I don't like them either - the main reason for these posts is a lack of real choice to turn off what you don't like and be able to play any story with that ability would please all types of people


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I play in games that give me a semblance of real romance - I don't even know what shot=a is and if a game has what you call lili I'm sure it also has a choice to turn it off (I am really disgusted when a game uses and abuses women or men but mostly women as I see too much of that in real life and want to believe there are still some good people in the world) so I'm nopt sure what game you are referring to with shota or loli but I'm possitive I don't like them either - the main reason for these posts is a lack of real choice to turn off what you don't like and be able to play any story with that ability would please all types of people
... and would be a programming nightmare. Also there would be complaints from people who turned off, say, incest and they'll complain that there is not enough content because they are missing it.

The solution is: play games that are to your liking, do not complain about games that are not. Because most games are not. And never, ever kink shame on these forums, calling other peoples' fantasies "sick" or similar.

By the way: loli=underaged girl not having completed puberty; shota=same for boys.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
... and would be a programming nightmare. Also there would be complaints from people who turned off, say, incest and they'll complain that there is not enough content because they are missing it.

The solution is: play games that are to your liking, do not complain about games that are not. Because most games are not. And never, ever kink shame on these forums, calling other peoples' fantasies "sick" or similar.

By the way: loli=underaged girl not having completed puberty; shota=same for boys.
Well if that is the def of Loli and Shota then no I don't play any games with that and these comments are not complaining they are enlightening the Dev to maybe make some changes that's all


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Well if that is the def of Loli and Shota then no I don't play any games with that and these comments are not complaining they are enlightening the Dev to maybe make some changes that's all
You mean "enlightenment" like

Its no wonder the world is so fucked up
Bisexuals are lesbians that do men too - same thing
Because I don't want to be with any Lesbians
which will help the dev how? The third is factually nonsense, just because you make up your own definitions it's not suddenly true, the last points out the problem: YOU don't want to do this stuff. So it is YOUR problem. This game is not going to solve it and not going to change according to what you want.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2017
Both modes have staff and guest events, but Story mode doesn't have staff interactions with guests (except during some of the events). But that one in particular where I showed a screenshot of Orville's hints was from Normal mode (as I'm currently doing a new playthrough for testing purposes).
I'm playing the easy mode
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