All the facepalming in the world won't make you right. I pulled the image into gimp and used color sample tool to extract the color exact hex value
So because the hex colors do not match up exactly and this "metal"-ish color seems to be more like a light blue, you question the familiarity of the general idea because it is "not 100% the same". Because some have more tiers and some call a color "gold" while others call it "yellow", it is so fundamentally different that you cannot abstract the general principle from the individual examples, which by now reached a dozen or so, but no two are exactly the same?
So when the Finnish alphabet is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖ and the German is AÄBCDEFGHIJKLMNOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZẞ they are two completely different alphabets because Ä and Ö are in a different place and German has two letters more anyway, so you do not know how to order A, F, Q, and Z and using the common aspects of everything is impossible?
I've seen you in a couple of threads and you certainly are correct more often than not, but here you're really stretching. There is nothing wrong with not playing these games and thus not knowing about this principle, but arguing that it doesn't exist because of freaking hex codes of colors not matching up, that's a bit strange.