Julia's and Amber's image #7 is when she is assigned to housekeeping after you have found the "special item". #8 is when she is in the study.
Kay's image #7 is when she is assigned to maintenance after you have found the "special item".
Laura's image #7 is when she is assigned to healthcare after you have found the "special item".
And Hana's first image is when she is wearing her level 1 outfit while assigned to security.
There's also a gallery guide on here as well if you need it. The link to it is in OP.
Thank you very much for the reply.
I have done those, I have the "special" item.
Is there any way to tell on which mode I'm playing? I'm 18 hours in, can't remember if it was Easy or Normal...
Maybe that's why they don't trigger...
Edit: I'm on normal since the Gallery guide says #6 for Julia needs Normal mode and I have that...
Do I need to take everyone else off every other job and hit Play? I'm not sure why it is not triggering... for either character...
2nd Edit: I have attached my saves here, if anyone is so kind to load and try themselves... maybe I'm doing something wrong...
The outfits seem to "reset" randomly, no matter what I choose to have equipped...
3rd Edit: So if you have both the uhm... Spooky item and the Special item equipped on MC, those don't trigger...
I took the first one off and the missing scenes triggered... had no idea... posting this here, maybe someone will be as dumb as me and run into the same issue...