Wow, this was very enjoyable. The girls actually have a fair bit of depth to their characterization, in addition to there being a refreshingly varied set of body types. If I had to rank them; Nefari's my absolute top tier with her gorgeous design(dem god hips and dose eyes) and personality, while both Naira and Fanora fill both types of the "cute" character archetype perfectly. Esther and Velle may be at the bottom, but the difference is incremental at best; Esther's a damn hot milf I'd love to repeatedly pump my baby batter into, and I quite enjoy Velle's playfully naughty character.
My one complaint would be the stringent nature of when you can do events within a given day's section. Though, as others have said, the game really isn't grindy, but I'd prefer maybe a bit more leeway in that department.