
Jul 20, 2017
I was a supporter, until they quit posting updates. If all this delay was for a major Nefari event, I won't be a supporter again soon. She was my least favorite character, by a considerable margin. I liked the other characters a lot.
Thank you! That was exactly my point! The entire update schedule was derailed for a big event for one character - if you don't like that character than you're screwed! You're waiting 6 months (and counting) for the exact same amount of content that you would've enjoyed in a regular update schedule. One character put the entire project on pause, because of some arbitrary rule that every update needs to have something for every character, thus the update will not be released until the big thing for (again) ONE CHARACTER is ready! That's the insanity I'm trying to point to.

This doesn't happen in reality though...
Could you please tell me what exactly are you referring to? I made several points in that post and I don't know which one you claim doesn't happen.
This problem only gets larger with the smaller updates, as the entire update will be focused that character you don't like, followed by another, and another, and another... while the ones you do continue to get ignored.
Dude... I addressed that in the second sentence of that post you quoted...
Excel sheet... put in dates... write a function to track how much time elapsed for each girl since her last update... leave a column to keep tabs on how much content there is for every girl...
you know... so that no girl is left with average 1 update a year while another gets 8 or something...
Also - I never said that small update means 1 girl per update - just not 6 + how many side girls they decide to throw themselves at this time.

Also, also:
as the entire update will be focused that character you don't like,
You mean as with what's happening right now because of Nefari's event? It may be one update, but one character will have a fuckton of scenes (presumeably) while others will just get a token 1 or something.
Exactly. Looks at games like A House In the Rift or Love & Sex: Second Base. Both games that the approach of smaller, regular updates, usually with the main focus of each update on one or two girls. And they still get flak for the fact that some girls aren't getting an update there and then.

Honestly, developers can't win.
Welp, I know nothing about these projects, so I'm taking your word on it. Though it may just be a vocal minority complaining thing. But if what TheDevian said about these and the supporters voting thing, than these projects have a different problem. Letting your supporters vote should be not on who gets an update, but who goes first (and get back to voting only once content planned for all characters gets released). at least IMO.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Dude... I addressed that in the second sentence of that post you quoted...
Excel sheet... put in dates... write a function to track how much time elapsed for each girl since her last update... leave a column to keep tabs on how much content there is for every girl...
you know... so that no girl is left with average 1 update a year while another gets 8 or something...
This is what I was talking about, it never works that way. They usually leave it up to a vote, so 25-50% of the base get to decide, while everyone else is left hanging.
Also - I never said that small update means 1 girl per update - just not 6 + how many side girls they decide to throw themselves at this time.
No, but that is usually how it goes. Time is limited, so you either do all or one, anything in between has a much higher chance of upsetting the fans. The fans of those getting left out will always feel let down. and the less of them that get left out, the more it hurts when they are.
Also, also:
You mean as with what's happening right now because of Nefari's event? It may be one update, but one character will have a fuckton of scenes (presumeably) while others will just get a token 1 or something.
Again, no, because at least in this case, those who don't like Nefari, will have scenes with girls they do like. With a shorter update, that would not be possible, it would just be her, and it if is as big as you are implying, it could even be several updates long if they are short enough.
Welp, I know nothing about these projects, so I'm taking your word on it. Though it may just be a vocal minority complaining thing. But if what TheDevian said about these and the supporters voting thing, than these projects have a different problem. Letting your supporters vote should be not on who gets an update, but who goes first (and get back to voting only once content planned for all characters gets released). at least IMO.
No matter what you do, there will be a minority complaining. Tastes vary, and everyone cares about different things, this discussion illustrates that rather well, and by including as much as you can, you lessen that. The only exception being those who complain about the time the updates take, and even in games that are out every month or two, you can see people start wondering where the next update is within a week or two, so there is little point in worrying about that. People will complain no matter what you do, so all you can do is what you think is best, what works best for you and your team.

I agree that letting people vote on main content is another problem, but it is related. They have to decide somehow, and that is usually how they decide. The you get a small 'majority', yet very dedicated and vocal group, such as the incest fans who all vote for the mom or sister, the loli fans who all vote for the loli, or whatever it is in that moment, and the rest of the girls get divided more evenly, meaning that they almost never get picked in most examples.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
I've been following this discussion for a while and the more I read this the more I conclude that the DEVs have simply bitten off more than they can chew. Seriously, if your game has so many characters that developing something for each takes so long people think the game is dead than you have too many characters.

I've seen this sort of thing before. People have a million things they want their product to do and they want them all at once. It's called feature creep. And it ain't pretty. In my experience that's one of the leading causes of project failure. And I don't just mean games made by two people either but proper corporate projects with entire organizations working on them as well. So be warned.

As for those saying people here don't matter you are dead wrong. We are the potential customer base for this game. And the exposure a game gets on places such as this simply by virtue of the amount of people looking at this forum is far greater than the number of people that'll randomly stumble upon it on patreon. So this (and places like this) are a store font. This thread (and others like it on other forums) and the releases and discussions on it are what I and many others look to when deciding if we want to throw our money at a game or not. After all, it's not like the dev has a media machine pumping out hype like AAA games do. So community management is everything.
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Active Member
Apr 25, 2020
I've been following this discussion for a while and the more I read this the more I conclude that the DEVs have simply bitten off more than they can chew. Seriously, if your game has so many characters that developing something for each takes so long people think the game is dead than you have too many characters.

I've seen this sort of thing before. People have a million things they want their product to do and they want them all at once. It's called feature creep. And it ain't pretty. In my experience that's one of the leading causes of project failure. And I don't just mean games made by two people either but proper corporate projects with entire organizations working on them as well. So be warned.

As for those saying people here don't matter you are dead wrong. We are the potential customer base for this game. And the exposure a game gets on places such as this simply by virtue of the amount of people looking at this forum is far greater than the number of people that'll randomly stumble upon it on patreon. So this (and places like this) are a store font. This thread (and others like it on other forums) and the releases and discussions on it are what I and many others look to when deciding if we want to throw our money at a game or not. After all, it's not like the dev has a media machine pumping out hype like AAA games do. So community management is everything.
i can agree with this partially as the devs announced that it would be a rather unusually large update. there for i would like to judge after the next update. if its enough to take so long i can understand the devs if not i agree with you. though personally i think that as they are doing sefari her story into cyro it would be developing a completely new country i do think that thats the reason they take so long. though i can get the frustration.
more communication with the supporters here on twitter on their sites would be helpful as they have been rather quiet.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
i can agree with this partially as the devs announced that it would be a rather unusually large update. there for i would like to judge after the next update. if its enough to take so long i can understand the devs if not i agree with you. though personally i think that as they are doing sefari her story into cyro it would be developing a completely new country i do think that thats the reason they take so long. though i can get the frustration.
more communication with the supporters here on twitter on their sites would be helpful as they have been rather quiet.
It's not frustration. It's just me, the consumer, giving everyone here consumer input and advise.

If you want people to buy into your product you have to actually try and sell it. And right now, the utter lack of information and communication means that I and many others just aren't sold.


Shillien Templar
Sep 9, 2018
Fuck me, went through Covid and catching up on my favorite titles.
Five months later and I haven't missed a thing. Amazing :^)


Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
I won't stand for any Nefari slander. "Flat chest big ass" is too rare in these kind of games, we must preserve what we have.
Especially since it's a pleasantly curvy ass and not some cartoon Kim Kardashian nightmare thing that wont fit through a doorway like so many games. I've got about 3-4 "favorite" girls (ok, maybe more), but Nefari is probably my "favorite favorite" :love: ;):cool:


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 22, 2020
Huh? Is this abandoned? I thought it had such a huge support


New Member
Nov 15, 2020
I doubt this will go down well but here goes.
I don't dislike Velle, but the fact that MC does not take extreme exception to the complete removal of his agency is really rubbing me the wrong way.
I'd slap the soul out of her for pulling that shit.

'The line is dot to you!'.

What kind of simpering pussy just accepts that with zero objection what-so-ever. At the least she'd be politely informed that we'd have a serious problem if she did that again.
Seriously who just rolls over and takes that?, MC has zero backbone. Not a peep from him the spineless sack of shite.

markus T

Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
I doubt this will go down well but here goes.
I don't dislike Velle, but the fact that MC does not take extreme exception to the complete removal of his agency is really rubbing me the wrong way.
I'd slap the soul out of her for pulling that shit.

'The line is dot to you!'.

What kind of simpering pussy just accepts that with zero objection what-so-ever. At the least she'd be politely informed that we'd have a serious problem if she did that again.
Seriously who just rolls over and takes that?, MC has zero backbone. Not a peep from him the spineless sack of shite.
wait...what did I miss? What are you talking about? Guess I'm gonna have to replay from the beginning because I have no Idea what you're talking about. Obviously I skipped some dialogue somewhere.


May 18, 2020
Especially since it's a pleasantly curvy ass and not some cartoon Kim Kardashian nightmare thing that wont fit through a doorway like so many games. I've got about 3-4 "favorite" girls (ok, maybe more), but Nefari is probably my "favorite favorite" :love: ;):cool:
I won't deny that I like the "impossibly huge ass that would impact your daily life" types too, but you're right, it's nice to have a more realistic but still enticing figure.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2021
Good game, graphics were nice & I liked it but it's not for me. No control over MC and that's a must. Example: pick a prostitute you've just met to rail in the back room of a whore house would be a hard pass for me but you aren't given that option. There is a difference between sexy and sleazy and for my tastes at least, this is on the wrong side of it. A simple 'nope out' option would have me playing as I enjoyed a lot of the content but given the way the game is constructed it doesn't seem like something that will be added/considered.

If it ever is, I'll pick it back up in a heartbeat.


Aug 12, 2017
(free post, just sharing it for visibility)


Hello everyone, we want to first say thank you for your support of Mythic Manor! Here is another update on the development of v0.17.

Sadly, this version has by far taken the longest to release in the history of development. We are truly sorry for this. We want to assure you that this was not planned and is not how we intend to release future versions.

While it is not our intent to spout excuses, we want to let you know, in hopes of earning your further understanding, that certain circumstances in the recent months required our immediate attention and a very sudden switch in our priorities. These unfortunate circumstances have greatly impacted not only our work schedules, but our entire lives. Neither of us wish to go into strenuous detail aside from the fact that they, by degree are related to the current global situation.

Regardless, we are currently working to get v0.17 out as quickly as possible. As of now, our time frame is to get everything finished and have the release as quickly as possible in May.

I want to reiterate that the length in which v0.17 has taken is not how we will release future versions. We will always strive to get each version out in a timely manner. We are eternally grateful for your understanding and that you have all chosen to support our humble game! We will release a few teaser images for our patrons in a few minutes (in a separate post)!


Phreeoni & Jikei


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
Especially since it's a pleasantly curvy ass and not some cartoon Kim Kardashian nightmare thing that wont fit through a doorway like so many games. I've got about 3-4 "favorite" girls (ok, maybe more), but Nefari is probably my "favorite favorite" :love: ;):cool:
I like my girls THICC, that will never change but Nefari in this game is just fucking hot. The maturity, the confidence, the ass - she just offers by far the steamiest scenes. Not my fave character sure but a big uodate heavily focusing on her is just as welcome as had it been Fenora instead. Besides each of the girls seems to be getting one of these - a heavily family focused character development story for each of the main girls and with this we're only left with one and im not sure that we have not had one for her yet (Esther) simply because of Patreon and the fact her bestie where all her past background has been shown to be just so happens to be the MC's mother (im sure more than a few want some scenes with HER lol)

Hell im actually quite enjoying the amount of content veering towards fresher faces and have said before id even take a full update all focusing on side girls on the card list. The mains are awesome, they are the stars of the show but most are not exactly sitting on cliff hangers or anything so we can really go back and bang that mall cop, actually get our hands on the clothes shop owner and maybe even tap the marmaid/dark elf which showed up for one scene but have never been seen since (why feature them if we dont get to enjoy them up close and personal?).
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