I'll address a few points, here!
I would say that Tara's gun is a repeater type rifle instead of a shot gun but that's just me.
This is me knowing very little about guns. :x It's meant to be a shotgun.
Why is B so much taller then Sophia in the shots at the party? Normally they are both the same height but in these shots B is considerably taller then Sophia and it can't be heels because of the outfit she's wearing as many will not be wearing heels with it.
The only time B and Sophia were shown together before this was their scene in CyberDaze, and... I honestly only made them the same height so the Mortal Kombat gag would work. B is 6'2", she's going to be taller than almost everyone.
Sylvia seems to have green eyes in her pictures but in her avatar picture she has blue eyes later on she has blue eyes but the first scenes that you see her in she has green eyes instead of blue.
I don't think I ever changed her eye colour
other than to make them red for bit so it could just be the lighting. I'll go back and check to make sure, though.
The more I looked at Aiden the less I could see them as being a baron of anything other then maybe a gay club.
"Baron of Darkness" is a title he gave himself. Nobody actually thinks he's anything important.
I'm pretty sure vampires can see in the dark and if not see in the dark they can see heat signatures so I'm not sure if turning the lights off would of been very effective.
It was touched on slightly earlier, but Vampires in Mythos function very differently from what traditional folklore would state.

I tried to make everything
similar to what you'd expect, but very different so that nobody can know for sure what's going on. B brought this up when Kylie assumed Fae couldn't lie. Vampires work differently, Fae work differently, and Werewolves would work differently if they existed. Which they totally don't.