Yeah it was basil and also yuvi since he was a special birth and has no female counterpart, but i got him back as a cg event before i made it to mid layer anyway.
There's something more lore related i'm not 100% on, after you find the hot sauce and Eliza says she'll bring it back to prank her cousin. Pukis starts to talk about the 'food' Eliza has been eating, Jupiri cuts her off saying "No Pukis, Don't do it." Are they talking about camillas' food that the sunset spirit brings you when you rest? Or the canned meat the knights eat that you find out about later on? Is it because it has semen in it and they both know? Because later at the outer circumference with Hannon, Jupiri is scoffing it down and wandering what the jiggly white stuff is. Made me think it was about Camillas food since Jipiri doesn't know yet. Or is it just out of order and you weren't supposed to find the devils spice until after maybe a dialogue where they find out everything has semen in it, but Eliza is still oblivious? Because i don't know how Jupiri would know Camilla's food has semen in it but not realize about the canned meat.