A nice game, with only one thing that is unacceptable for me, card system with disabled different outcomes for save/load which basically makes you waste a lot of time on mindless repeatable new games and pray to rngod while trying to unlock specific missing gallery entries. This may look fine for the first time you play, but it gets frustrating very fast. Even if you build your deck with nothing but 2 colors required for a scene failing every other check on the way the game can still throw you one color hand. Bam, new game again. I can understand the dev tries a new approach, but not everything new is good and for every brilliant fresh idea there are many bad ones and this looks more like disabling savescumming is a bad one judging from reactions in this thread. Let people play the way they want. Furthermore the dev seems to double down on this so a natural reaction is to fix the game to enable savescumming and this is exactly what I had to do to enjoy it.
In case anyone wonders how I did it - if you want to make princess use a different card load some save before the choice, open the console (shift+O after enabling it in renpy\common\00console.rpy) and this command will make her forget her all previous picks:
persistent.deSaveScummer = [0] * len(persistent.deSaveScummer)