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Feb 12, 2021
Loved the update.
Autumn's model took a sec to get adjusted to but LOVE her outfit.
New daughter is a cutie but MAN am I mad we have to play catch up now. Girls need a father and he lived right down the block her whole life.... Hell, she probably goes to school with Lily... wait, is there a school??

I am finding I want more events with existing characters rather than any new ones. Like Cotton's sis... I Need me some ram girl in my life, Dem Hips....

I just want to cuddle the shit out of Bera and make her happy, same for Autum.
I feel like we need to get a second home just to house our Other wives. lol
But seriously though, MC needs to have a talk with Violet. She's shown the want to share in the past (Cream, Lily) I think an open and honest conversation might help. Though is kiiiinda hard to admit "Oh hey so a few years ago I cheated on you, anyways heres (Wonderwall xD) my other daughter..."

Also, on a side note... Did we confirm that the other daughter in the dream, Lily's twin is dead?
wait...WHAT??!! ok, so i just started playing this yesterday, n am on day 13 now. n was searching for the answer to my previous post, about Marie's veggie question in town, then ran across this guy's i have MORE questions...
  1. "wonderwall"...??
  2. "new daughter"? when does that happen?
  3. "he lived right down the block her whole life"...who, the MC?
  4. Autumn/Fall needs to be taught a lesson, HARD, for killing Reds in front of Lily. does this ever happen?
  5. "other daughter in the dream, Lily's twin, is dead"...WTF??!! what does this mean, n when does this dream happen?
would really like to know the answers to these, as i'm a "completionist", n hate missing out on content, in any kinda game. speaking of, i have 16/19 wallpapers atm, n 9/11 relics...since i'm on day 13, do i have to go more days to get the rest of each? i've checked each location at each time of day, n don't think i've missed anything...thanks
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Feb 12, 2021

It doesn't matter what you pick other then one will have dialogue from her if it's her favorite one.
i did that, cucumber is her fav (duh)...but what's the point of this on the relationship w/her? or is it irrelevant?
Save before and try all 4
of course i did that, n other than what myuhinny said, there's no change to the story i can see, or choice impact w/Marie


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

A lot of that stuff you haven't done yet so it's best to keep playing and doing everyone's content as you'll eventually see most of that content yourself. I think Wonderwall is just a random name they picked for a kids name.

There is no choice impact with the vegetable talk. It's just a random talk event.
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Feb 12, 2021

A lot of that stuff you haven't done yet so it's best to keep playing and doing everyone's content as you'll eventually see most of that content yourself. I think Wonderwall is just a random name they picked for a kids name.

There is no choice impact with the vegetable talk. It's just a random talk event.
hey stranger, glad ur on at the same yeah, just came inside Cream, n at the end got a screen telling me "the egg flew away"; does that mean i just knocked her up? n if so, i've already cum in a couple/few other girls...does that mean i didn't knock them up, since i didn't get that graphic/screen before?

n for reference/perspective, what day are you on? or how many days to finish the current version? thanks again
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

No it meant the egg got away. Pregnancy is random but you can try this save before cumming and then end the scene if they don't get pregnant then load the save and try again and repeat till they're pregnant. Also it'll take a little while before a person will have a baby so just wait. Only 2 girls cream and chocomint can get pregnant ATM not counting the one you can get pregnant during the story.
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Feb 12, 2021

No it meant the egg got away. Pregnancy is random but you can try this save before cumming and then end the scene if they don't get pregnant then load the save and try again and repeat till they're pregnant. Also it'll take a little while before a person will have a baby so just wait. Only 2 girls cream and chocomint can get pregnant ATM not counting the one you can get pregnant during the story.'re still here, like me. ok, so i'm on day 17 now, n yeah, i got both Choco n Cream knocked up. but WTF is w/the dream, when MC remembers knocking Violet up, apparently when he was dreaming, n she had twins? was that really just a dream, or an actual memory? n if so, what's the point of implying Lily's twin sister died? how is that supposed to impact/improve the story? it's not happy, it's not a turn-on, it's sad n what gives?

also, i'm at 40 points with Rayne (night elf/cat), n i've already donated/left fish at Daisy's stand on the same day i go to talk to her at night, as well as still have fish remaining when i actually go to see her at midnight. yet all i get is continual teasing from her, saying how if i bring her more fish, she might lemme "touch her fur". how many freaking points do u need w/this girl in order for something to happen?? shame can't knock up Marie :cry:
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Yes they had twin daughters and yes she died. Not everything in the game is going to porn related.

Click the one tab with the <> arrows and click the characters and it should tell you what you need to do or how many points you need or if there is no more content for them. You can place more then 1 fish at the donation place just keep donating till they are gone.

There is a event where one of the girls will get pregnant and she'll have a baby and cream and chocomint will also have a daughter after X days have passed.

I don't remember Bera killing anyone.
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Feb 12, 2021

Yes they had twin daughters and yes she died. Not everything in the game is going to porn related.

Click the one tab with the <> arrows and click the characters and it should tell you what you need to do or how many points you need or if there is no more content for them. You can place more then 1 fish at the donation place just keep donating till they are gone.

There is a event where one of the girls will get pregnant and she'll have a baby and cream and chocomint will also have a daughter after X days have passed.

I don't remember Bera killing anyone.
ok, so my question still remains as to what purpose does that serve towards the story? n yeah, i've been checking the girks' points, n what's needed for more content. i was hoping when it says "no more content for now", that meant there would be after some more story progression. n yeah, of course i kept giving fish...that's how i got her to 40 points; n doing more fish, as well as talking to her, isn't getting her points any higher, so i guess that's it for her for now.

yeah, both Cream n Choco are expecting now...n my bad, i got my names mixed up; "Reds" is the frog Autumn (Fall) steps on right in front of Lily, just after Lily sees it in town, n names it

and who's this girl, n do we ever see her again? NEVER MIND...damn, how much time "magically" passed b/t hooking up w/Autumn n her having a daughter growing to be that age???? she's the same age as the MC's daughter from the looks of it...this makes no sense
mystery girl.png mystery key.png

n LAST question...i bought the seashell/horn/dildo-looking thing from Daisy's food stand, n i'm on day 28, n have completed all content n why didn't i get the h-scene that buying that thing says it's for, b/t Nina n Violet? how do i get that to happen/trigger?
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Feb 12, 2021
truly 1 of the best VNs i've played on here in the ~4 years i've been on this site. as a huge fan of impregnation/pregnancy, i'm continually disappointed at the # of games that have creampies, n to an extent impregnation, as part of the gameplay, but never use pregnancy as part of the actual story line n plot (but Violet's dialogue=:love:)

how refreshing to discover a gem in the cave of darkness that does, n from the apparently recently added nursery, many more pregnancies, births, n kids to be had. to Alorth, i say THANK YOU SIR, n if i was working again (thanks COVID), this game would be 1 of the select few i would choose to spend $$ on in order to help encourage n accelerate development.

n i realize devs can't put in everything they (or fans) want to with every update, but if i may humbly make a suggestion/request...players are teased with the importance/significance of Marie n Cotton fairly early on (including a wallpaper), yet after all the work n development this game has undergone up to this point, only 1 h-scene b/t the 2 of them?

so as a fan of ethnic/dark-skinned girls, it would be very much appreciated to see these 2 gorgeous girls featured more prominently in the storyline, along w/the commensurate h-scenes that would surely follow. btw, speaking of ethnic girls, maybe i'm being dense here, especially w/a name like Caramel, but Autumn (Fall) looks pretty light-skinned, n the MC definitely is...but i can't tell if Caramel is darker skinned than both her parents.

it looks like she is, n her name implies as much, but i just cant tell; so if she is, is it natural, or does she just spend a lotta time in the sun? (Bera's beach, surfing w/Corynn (who's surprisingly pale for a surfer chic), helping Ash on her farm, hanging out w/Kleo) n i really like Hazelnut's complexion as well, speaking of darker girls...please tell us we'll get to have some fun w/her, n help her business pick up by giving her a little one of her own to take care of in the nursery.

DAMMIT...whether it's phone calls, emails, texting, i always think of more stuff after i finish doing any of them that i wanna add, n of course it goes along w/my ethnic girls theme. sooo, speaking of them, n births/kids...i eventually got to see a brief scene w/Cream n Vanilla, but not for Chocomint n _____? i bred her on day 15, n she delivered on day 20, n i'm at day 28; do i need to go a couple more days to see our offspring, or has that not been written yet? n Chocomint=half chocolate brown/black, half minty fresh white, i'm assuming, making her a mulatto?

thanks for all the hard work, n already getting blueballs in anticipation of whenever the next update drops. n please feel free to add more vore, n make it a lot more graphic...i'm sure Mitty has at least a couple/few coworkers who also tudor/homeschool, n there's a lotta carnivores in the woods (hawks, owls, snakes, feral cats like Rayne), so don't let us (or Patreon) hold u back :devilish:. cheers, n happy new year to u (n your team, if there is one).
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

You got another name wrong that wasn't Autumn and Lily that was Autumn and Violet when they were young.

I have 186 points with Rayne and mine says no more content for now. Mine still goes up 1 point each time I donate a fish at the market.

I heard the dildo can be triggered by going to the computer and clicking on ambient events and turning it on.


Alorth stated this there is a little mistake in the code, which will get fixed. But it should trigger during the day in the living room, as long as neither choco or cream are pregnant.

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Feb 12, 2021

You got another name wrong that wasn't Autumn and Lily that was Autumn and Violet when they were young.

I have 186 points with Rayne and mine says no more content for now. Mine still goes up 1 point each time I donate a fish at the market.

I heard the dildo can be triggered by going to the computer and clicking on ambient events and turning it on.


Alorth stated this there is a little mistake in the code, which will get fixed. But it should trigger during the day in the living room, as long as neither choco or cream are pregnant.

hey that was a flashback? n again, the meaning/significance of that scene on the story line is lost on me; i thought it was an in-game real-time event, hence my mistake in thinking it was Lily, not Violet.

yeah, i stopped donating fish once Rayne is a fixture at Daisy's food stand at i don't think it helps donating more fish after that.

n i have ambient events on, but all the ones i've seen are just 1-screen random encounters of NPCs walking around town; so pretty sure the dildo scene doesn't qualify as an ambient event.

so i guess i waited too long to buy it then, b/c i bought it along w/the final relic, n by then i had already bred both girls...oh well, at least i can still see the scene in the gallery, thanks to the mod; cheers my friend

P.S. that dildo is CLEARLY a squid/octopus tentacle, so hopefully some future beasty/tentacle content? :unsure::cool: n hopefully that gets Nina back in the's like Zorlun forgot about her; that's another baby mama we can use! n b/t her n Bera, Violet can wind up having 2 breeding sisters ;)
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

I got it to trigger when I did it the way that imnotarobot12345 said to do it in the link that I posted and just kept visitng the living room at different times of the day and a post below theirs Alorth states about the error in the code and that it should trigger during the day in the living room, as long as neither choco or cream are pregnant.

So with the ambient turned on and go to the living room every time of the day and repeat till it happens unless you got the girls pregnant again then it won't trigger till she has her baby. Might also depends on if someone is in the room or not but not sure.
Feb 12, 2021

I got it to trigger when I did it the way that imnotarobot12345 said to do it in the link that I posted and just kept visitng the living room at different times of the day and a post below theirs Alorth states about the error in the code and that it should trigger during the day in the living room, as long as neither choco or cream are pregnant.

So with the ambient turned on and go to the living room every time of the day and repeat till it happens unless you got the girls pregnant again then it won't trigger till she has her baby. Might also depends on if someone is in the room or not but not sure.
thanks again...good to know, will try that. n speaking of which, is there a scene showing Choco w/our daughter, like there was with Cream n Vanilla?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Yes the scene should trigger after so many days after her baby is born and then you'll be able to find the scene at the nursery just like you can for Cream.

The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
wait...WHAT??!! ok, so i just started playing this yesterday, n am on day 13 now. n was searching for the answer to my previous post, about Marie's veggie question in town, then ran across this guy's i have MORE questions...
  1. "wonderwall"...??
  2. "new daughter"? when does that happen?
  3. "he lived right down the block her whole life"...who, the MC?
  4. Autumn/Fall needs to be taught a lesson, HARD, for killing Reds in front of Lily. does this ever happen?
  5. "other daughter in the dream, Lily's twin, is dead"...WTF??!! what does this mean, n when does this dream happen?
would really like to know the answers to these, as i'm a "completionist", n hate missing out on content, in any kinda game. speaking of, i have 16/19 wallpapers atm, n 9/11 relics...since i'm on day 13, do i have to go more days to get the rest of each? i've checked each location at each time of day, n don't think i've missed anything...thanks
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2. New Daughter = Autumn's daughter.
3. Considering MC lives on the island and goes to the market frequently, and autumn and her daughter live near the market, the MC has lived down the road from his previously unknown daughter this entire time... and she looks about the same age as Lily....
4. Reds??? I don't know what you mean by this.
5. Keep playing until MC has a dream about his wife giving birth and you'll see what I mean.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Red was the name that young violet named a frog and was playing with them when Autumn came by and stepped on it. They had the names mixed up and called her Bera instead of Autumn and they thought Violet was Lily.

But they already figured most of it out after they kept playing the game.
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Feb 12, 2021
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2. New Daughter = Autumn's daughter.
3. Considering MC lives on the island and goes to the market frequently, and autumn and her daughter live near the market, the MC has lived down the road from his previously unknown daughter this entire time... and she looks about the same age as Lily....
4. Reds??? I don't know what you mean by this.
5. Keep playing until MC has a dream about his wife giving birth and you'll see what I mean.
thanks...yeah, i finished this last nite, so i'm all caught up now; check my posts since then, n lemme know if there's other stuff u can clear up since then; cheers
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