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Aug 20, 2020
Just finished my first run through of this game and I have to say graphics are awesome, as are the animations. Amazing job. The one nitpick I do have, is that I actually like the younger version of Autumn better than the older one, but hey, it's not my game. Love Nina (please let us see more of her!) and Lily and Ash really does feel like a friend. I feel bad for Bera and want to knock her up so she can have all kinds of kids (but that will probably require a replay...see my question below.) Very enjoyable game and the characters are different. Heck, even the... "ram" family, I feel like they are poor and feel down for them and I want to help them out. Might be projection on my part for some of these characters, but yeah, I enjoy them and the fact they are written well and different from each other.

Two questions: I turned off the pregnancies when I was given the option and later discovered the nursery. If I re-enable it from my save, can I get the girls pregoes or is it only during special events?

Second question: the last 2 scenes for the spear fishing, do fish EVER come along to spear? (Only waited for a minute or two.)

Great job on this game and looking forward to your next update!
Same 3 fish opportunity scenes every time you spearfish
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Feb 25, 2018
I don't care about the delay, and I won't charge either because I don't contribute, but thinking in the developer's mind, it's much healthier to have few projects at the same time, I'd say that having more than 1 is already too much! think about 4, because having only 1 you focus your creativity and feeling on that, having many creates an idea of "forced" work, even more with the public's demands, delivering content that affects even the quality of the works, content creation should be smooth as form of fun and work at the same time, I just leave this as a reflection to the dev that surely has stopped a lot to think about it.


Sep 30, 2021
Fuck this. Mark this shit as abandoned. I literally learned Ren'Py, and Blender, and DAZ in the time between the last update til now and saw for myself just how long it takes to create a new scene.

With what people are paying verses the 5 hours it took me to spit polish a scene, there is no other conclusion that I can come to than Alorth is milking his subs. I was on his side, then I learned for myself, and I've lost any and all respect. 100% a douchey scam artist
Not defending timelines on updates, but there is a lot more involved in making a VN then just rendering scenes and sticking them in Ren'Py.


Active Member
Aug 26, 2020
Fuck this. Mark this shit as abandoned. I literally learned Ren'Py, and Blender, and DAZ in the time between the last update til now and saw for myself just how long it takes to create a new scene.

With what people are paying verses the 5 hours it took me to spit polish a scene, there is no other conclusion that I can come to than Alorth is milking his subs. I was on his side, then I learned for myself, and I've lost any and all respect. 100% a douchey scam artist
Dam You know blender, I've been using blender for 3 year's and 1 of those year's as a fulltime job and I'm still learning new shit! so not being big headed or anything but what you think you know, is nothing compaired to what you need to know or to put it another way as Socrates would say" wisdom is in knowing you know nothing",


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
Fuck this. Mark this shit as abandoned. I literally learned Ren'Py, and Blender, and DAZ in the time between the last update til now and saw for myself just how long it takes to create a new scene.

With what people are paying verses the 5 hours it took me to spit polish a scene, there is no other conclusion that I can come to than Alorth is milking his subs. I was on his side, then I learned for myself, and I've lost any and all respect. 100% a douchey scam artist
So let's see it if you think it's so great
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Apr 24, 2020
I started yrs ago with Poser umm I think 5 maybe 6 when it first came out got decent with it upgraded as the program went along and became better like anyone else out there. Messed around with Daz Studio for a couple of years not many but hey gave it up right after a friend asked me to make a album cover for his band. Point is that it takes a lot of time patience and tears to do the quality that these devs do. Even the so called crappy characters that many here bitch about not to mention the fucking rig to run these 3d programs. Those who think that they can do better please show us. Show us how ignorant we mere mortals are grace us with your godly powers of rendering and game making please show us... Sorry folks for my ranting it just pisses me off when people who don't pay or contribute want to bitch about the time it takes for shit they get for free. Do I wish they made regular updates hell yeah I do but since I don't pay or contribute I normally keep my mere mortal mouth shut..
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Apr 24, 2020
the issue is having multiple project opened at same time BTW...
Believe me I understand that, biting off more than a person chew is never a good idea but that doesn't mean that folks who don't contribute have the right to get mad at the devs. Honestly if I could code I'd make a game. Update every month and whatnot. It'd be about a father who was sentenced to prison for being wrongfully accused of drugging his children and raping them. He was set up by his son who played to many AVN's and wanted to start his own harem. So when the father is released he goes about making it appear that he dies so he can get his revenge... Well that's just a start of the story lol. Anyway rambling again sry
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Aug 23, 2018
The big issue is that many of us have backed projects at one point in time or another. It becomes like a ponzi scheme in the sense that eventually, one group of active backers will be backing for 5-6 months of no content and then the developer will announce that they're giving up. They're left "holding the bag" metaphorically. At the 5$ rate, that's 30$ of money thrown after a non-existent release cycle. Many of us get burned by this once or twice, and then we never back an incomplete project again. As stated before, with 4 projects he works on, owns, or assists with, that's 1 weekend a month the project your backing gets any attention. Competitors in the market will have the same 5$ level, and one project, you're essentially buying their spare weekend time and getting three to four times as much "return" as if you invested in one of Alorth's projects. While is quality is better than most Ren'Py, you could have also put your 5$ into a project like wildlife, which is superior-still, on a technical execution level. Alorth's work has value primarily because of the IP aspects -- character, personality, setting. Not visual fidelity, even if he is excellent at it. While many of us don't contribute, it doesn't prevent us from seeing and pointing out mismanagement in a respectful or reasonable way.

Frankly, I'd be okay if the game got "story" updates, with IOU placeholders like draft renders or storyboarding for renders and animations. I bet a lot of people would be alright with that. In fact, I think this would give Alorth the ability to jump between which scenes he felt like focusing on which could help with burnout. He wouldn't have to drill down on a blowjob scene if he wasn't in a blowjob scene mood, just because the blowjob happened to be the current step in a story path he was working on. He could skip over that and just leave behind a draft render of some dick sucking to revisit later.

I was a game dev, but I failed out of the industry because I let mood and "avoiding burnout" become my excuses to be late on projects. If his dream is to be a full time game developer as his donation sites say, he's going to have to learn more self-discipline then I had. The industry is NOT kind. Mick Gordon did much the same with his doom music fiasco, and despite the quality of his music and the community's love for it, he might not ever get to do another doom contract because of his fickle behavior on the last project.
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Jan 19, 2018
hey people ... does anyone have any walkthrough for this game? because somehow I'm too stupid and I don't really understand how to play it


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Sep 22, 2020
Any news from developer regarding game?

Hi fans and supporters, I'm informing everyone that development is not going as planned.
The update was meant to be ready end April or early Mai, but I'm not happy the amount of things I was able to do yet, so it will be taking at least another month for me to polish, add a bit more content and make some improvements.
Thanks for your understanding.
Hi fans and supporters, I'm informing everyone that development is not going as planned.
The update was meant to be ready end April or early Mai, but I'm not happy the amount of things I was able to do yet, so it will be taking at least another month for me to polish, add a bit more content and make some improvements.
Thanks for your understanding.
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