The fact you think a bug happens for everyone the same way it happens to you, shows you know nothing about game design.This is a pirating site. What did you expect. And regardless of whether or not people contribute, it is your responsibility to test things out first before releasing a game. This site could not exist, and you would still be at fault for releasing an untested update. People typically post technical bug reports. But in this case, the bugs happen literally at the start of the game or the update that the only way the dev couldn't have known about the bugs is if they never bothered to test the game in the first place. I don't buy your bs that you tested the updates because it's literally the first thing you encounter. Don't expect people to have good faith contribution when you couldn't even do the barest minimum.
Before you speak of the “responsibility of developers”, I suggest trying to create a game yourself. Things are not so obvious as you think they are.
Anyone who reads my regular devlogs here knows I use multiple bug testers and test for weeks before release. When you claim I do the “barest minimum” you insult the hours they spend testing everything.