September 12 Development Log
Coding is boring to many people, so to lure you into this devlog, I will first show you the game’s fancy new SFW trailer:
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Please let me know what you think about it, good or bad, as I’m looking to improve.
Now, on to everyone’s least exciting news—coding changes:
- Filename re-structured: Script files have been renamed to reflect the code inside them. Ex. Scripts.rpy is now Maingameloop.rpy.
- Removed excess labels/functions. A lot of labels simply had two or three lines of code, and so those “orphans” were returned to their “parents” that were calling them.
- Scenes fire using interpolated strings. This way scenes aren’t shown out of order, or not at all.
- Sprites now have a clothing and lighting setting, so I don’t have to specify it every time I show a sprite.
- Sprites are now designated using filename string interpolation.
- Game systems are organized into modules. Ex. Rumor, Bodyshot, Nemesis. The main game loop calls and returns these modules. This keeps the game nested in the main loop, rather than daisy-chained from one label to another.
- Character-specific properties are stored in classes. Changes to those properties are made via functions. Ex. Nemesis Score, drunken states, etc.
- Home screen properties are now stored in classes. Ex. Visible characters, interactive doors, changing lighting, etc.
How does this affect you? In the long-run, far less bugs. Also, shorter time developing code. For example, if there’s an issue with the rumor system, keeping it contained to its own module means less time re-reading code.
Also, if I’m ever so lucky that someone creates mods for features that I don’t have time to maintain (cough, cough, Gallery Mod), the code re-structuring will make it much easier for them.