First of all. Thanks for your game, elf plus vanilla? You completely hammered my strike zone!
Lyana is cute and likeable I look forward for more
Now some suggestion:
1. Can you remove the violet background in the dialog box, with a transparent one? I tried using this mod , but it didn't work well. A transparent dialog box with outlined text I think can improve the overall feeling of the game (in my opinion).
2. RNG.
RNG, can become a problem really fast, in my opinion, the more events are in a place the less the probability to get the new one, which lead to a frustrating game experiences.
I can see there are already two level of rng, (1)the place Lyana appear and the (2) event itself.
Possible solutions/suggestion are:
A) a time table for each characters in the game, or
B) the game track the new events, giving priority to new events and feeding them to the player. Eg. two array of "events" new_events and old_events. The game check the first "new_events" array if not empty play the first one of the list then put the event played in "old_events" array.
If "new_events" array is empty then take a random event from "old_events" array.
I don't really know, is just a suggestion, if is too much work forget everything I've said.
3. Kisses, I'll be really happy to see kisses, I mean Lyana supple lips are meant to be kissed, right?
Again, thanks for your game. I will look forward for more