
Sep 2, 2020
The only changes from v0.43 -> v0.44 were the addition of a new animation for the "Pilgrim" enemies found on the Pilgrim's Path and the last few areas, as well as a few background prisoner animations in the newly-added Prison area. It was a fairly light update compared with the v0.42 -> v0.43 update.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
how does one get the English language?
Download the translation through the first page, and install it from the folder you have the game in (i.e. C:/Games/NightofRevenge_ver0.44 or whatever). It will make a file called "NightofRevenge (Patch and Run).exe", run that instead of the main.exe, but only the first time you play (the next time you play the game, just use the normal NightofRevenge.exe). The patcher will translate the game for you, but you have to wait a couple seconds for the patcher to recognize the Japanese text and switch it to English. It's not perfect though, and tends to bloat the main screen, as with my screenshot on the a previous page.


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
Download the translation through the first page, and install it from the folder you have the game in (i.e. C:/Games/NightofRevenge_ver0.44 or whatever). It will make a file called "NightofRevenge (Patch and Run).exe", run that instead of the main.exe, but only the first time you play (the next time you play the game, just use the normal NightofRevenge.exe). The patcher will translate the game for you, but you have to wait a couple seconds for the patcher to recognize the Japanese text and switch it to English. It's not perfect though, and tends to bloat the main screen, as with my screenshot on the a previous page.
thank you :D


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
send this to the owner lol think he would appreciate it
Actually, if you look in the configure screen, there is a "Map Button". So obviously, the game is supposed to have an automatic mapping system of some kind, probably ala Castlevania. If when v0.45 comes, it finally includes that mapping system, I'm gonna lose my shit. Although, mine would obviously show where everything is.

However, as for showing it to the creator, I don't think it would matter much. They have the true dimensions to the game and understand it's "big cinematic view", so my map will be off, compared to their mental design of the place. Also, the game throws things off, whenever the "doorway" to the "next area" is at the bottom of the screen. This generally means that while the "view" of the player is 2D, the "downward entrance" is meant to actually be a "sideways shift" into another area that lies on the same "ground level" as where you entered from.

Obviously, this would be a pain in the ass to do on a 2D map, so I just had them go underneath of the areas for this "downward shift". Also, I think it looks damned cool to see all of the areas connected! It gives you a great scale of the place, and despite the sideways shuffle of certain areas, they actually do look like they belong "underneath" of the areas they're actually meant to be "beside". For the most part, the map should be accurate, although to make things easier to see, I took the more complicated "half screen" places and gave them their own screen, but it mostly worked out fine in the end.

The only thing I'm not happy with, is the final elevator, that leads into the "Aerial Pilgrimage Road", which comes right after you beat the Boss of the Research Facility. Ingame, the elevator actually goes up like maybe 6 screens, but if I did that on the map, the Aerial Pilgrimage and the White Cathedral would slam down into the Remniscat Forest, so I had to take some liberties there and stretch the elevator to all hell. It was either that, or spend another few days, painstakingly reworking my mapping format, so that I could "vertically shrink" the areas left of the elevator... but then those areas wouldn't be "visually easy to navigate", so I just curved my pride there.

Overall, I'm proud of what came about, and even I still look at it every day, just to admire how much larger the game was, than I originally though. It would be nice to get the map pinned to this thread, though I dunno how to do that. I also did a map for Alien Quest Eve, but that never got pinned either. The annoying thing there, being that eventually, someone's going to ask for both maps (which will be long since buried by forum pages), and I probably won't be aware of their request to re-link it to them. I guess I have to ping Maleficent, or something?


Nov 25, 2020
Also, I don't know if you know of a certain movement option, Augoeides, but it's not the case that Aradia can only dash twice on the air! She can, technically, kind of dash three times in the air. To do that, dash once out of a ledge, then jump in the air as soon as possible. You'll actually execute your FIRST jump if you do it right, rather than your double jump. From there, dash on the air and double jump, then dash again.

I was actually kind of amazed when I discovered this movement technique, 'cause it made me imagine Aradia starring in a platform fighter like Super Smash Bros and she'd be just amazing with this, y'know? Amazing edgeguard options. Let her side special be the air dash that doesn't make her helpless but can only be used once every jump but then give her this and you have a character with awesome edgeguarding, who can punish opponents pretty far off the ledge and then simply recover.
Incognito level three with basic upgrade for a four-hits jab, then other weapons for different attacks (maybe her smashes could use the heavy weapons).
Her Down B could be the Riposte in which she parries the opponent and then lands a three-hit combo entirely made out of strong attacks critting, that is, a counter attack which paralyses melee attacks and reflects projectiles. Could be cancelled to leave the opponent dizzy for a duration proportional to the opponent's damage taken, allowing for a smash attack to be charged for a punish, so the player would choose between large damage but little to no knockback, or lower damage but very high knockback.
Not sure if Aradia has any spells or attacks that allow her upwards mobility after the double jump, but she has some good air combos. Not sure what to have for neutral special or Final Smash, either


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Also, I don't know if you know of a certain movement option, Augoeides, but it's not the case that Aradia can only dash twice on the air! She can, technically, kind of dash three times in the air. To do that, dash once out of a ledge, then jump in the air as soon as possible. You'll actually execute your FIRST jump if you do it right, rather than your double jump. From there, dash on the air and double jump, then dash again.

I was actually kind of amazed when I discovered this movement technique, 'cause it made me imagine Aradia starring in a platform fighter like Super Smash Bros and she'd be just amazing with this, y'know? Amazing edgeguard options. Let her side special be the air dash that doesn't make her helpless but can only be used once every jump but then give her this and you have a character with awesome edgeguarding, who can punish opponents pretty far off the ledge and then simply recover.
Incognito level three with basic upgrade for a four-hits jab, then other weapons for different attacks (maybe her smashes could use the heavy weapons).
Her Down B could be the Riposte in which she parries the opponent and then lands a three-hit combo entirely made out of strong attacks critting, that is, a counter attack which paralyses melee attacks and reflects projectiles. Could be cancelled to leave the opponent dizzy for a duration proportional to the opponent's damage taken, allowing for a smash attack to be charged for a punish, so the player would choose between large damage but little to no knockback, or lower damage but very high knockback.
Not sure if Aradia has any spells or attacks that allow her upwards mobility after the double jump, but she has some good air combos. Not sure what to have for neutral special or Final Smash, either
I actually have notes in red text on the map, which explain some of the more interesting shortcuts and secrets. One such thing, is the gap over the save point in the White Cathedral. When you go through the left library and climb to the top of it, there's a lever that lowers a ladder. Going down that ladder takes you to another lever, which opens a gate that blocked a shortcut back to the Save Point for that area. However, once you fall off that ledge (where you raise the gate), for whatever reason, the developer didn't include a way to get back to the ledge, making it the only one-way shortcut in the game.

Ever since I first played this game, I've wanted to jump back on that ledge, but never quite made the jump, because the game randomly decides to "shut off" your ability to jump when moving off certain ledges, and the area above that Save Point is one of them. However, while mapping out the game, I did notice Aradia's unusual air movements, and managed to cross that gap, although it's super input sensitive (due to the game randomly shutting off double jump there for some reason), so as I mention on the map, it's probably faster to just run through the library again.

Anyway, as far as I can tell (and based on your statement, you've already noticed), that the dash seems to "re-enable" the "jumping mode" that game randomly shuts off until you reach the ground. However, I didn't know you could triple dash, as my "jumping technique" doesn't start that way.

For this specific gap, I did a Jump, then Dashed. This dash seems to re-activate Aradia's double jump, so I immeidately Jump at the end of the Dash, then Dash again. This let's you cross a pretty big distance, by the way, although even with specific series of input, making that gap I'm talking about is still really hard. However, if your right, and we can "Triple Dash", making the gap would be super easy, as I always miss it by a hair.

So apparently, I have brain damage. I decided to immediately log into the game (rather than speculate on what you suggested). First, the "Triple Dash" does seem to work, although it's a bit finicky. So this confirms one thing about the movement in the game: jumping seems to automatically restore 1 Dash, every time. Second, that "gap" I was rambling about is super easy. Apparently, I never noticed the platform right next to the ledge, even though you use it to get up there in the first place >_>. Just goes to show you how much I was playing it, that my eyes were strained enough to miss something so simple, because that platform significantly shortens the gap, meaning you can make the jump everytime.

Also, I didn't mention it on my map, because I couldn't find a direct use for it, but you can "wall climb" too. On certain wall, if you jump against them, Aradia will suddenly reach out and grab them, allowing you to just again, and grab onto the wall again, and repeat. You can also do this to a lot of the ceilings in the game. I think this is due to either the game being made up into multiple "pieces", which the developer basically jigsaws together to make the game, or just some poorly designated environmental hit boxes (I've heard that programming platform "Hit Boxes" is sketchy and a headache).

You can try this out in the Aerial Pilgrimage Road; there's a few places you can grab onto a wall and jump up the side of it. At the beginning of the White Cathedral Garden, you can actually grab the right side of the floating "bush room" at the beginning of that area, although it requires a specific double jump, but if you pull it off, you can skip the 2 annoying regenerating plant walls that block entrance to the bush room by climbing the wall and entering through a secret opening. Originally, I was going to write this on my map, but if you advance a bit in the Garden, you find an upper area, which you can fall down through to the bush room, then just leap through it's secret opening. Obviously, this is quicker than MLG frame perfect jumping, so I didn't bother keeping my original notes on that spot for the map.

But yeah, the game definitely has some depth to it's movement system, although I think that's mostly due to glitches in how the developer programmed it through Unity. Also, there's no where to really abuse these movement techniques. One of my biggest problems with the game, is that it holds your hand too much. The game CONSTANTLY bombards you with shortcuts, some of which don't even make sense.

Like, near the beginning of Remniscat forest, there's this underground area you can fall into (I believe it's where you get the Church Knight Straight Sword). There's a gate to the right... except once you leave the pit and continue right in the forest, there's another underground pit immediately following where you left, which includes the lever to open that gate, and I think the Church Long Gun... Why would you include a shortcut to an area you already completed, that was directly next to where you just left? This is made further pointless, by the fact that every Save Point also doubles as a teleporter, so really, most of the shortcuts don't really have a point, other than being an interesting way to connect the map together, I guess.

So, unfortunately, all our fancy glitching doesn't have too much use. But, there might be things we don't know about. Specifically, I'm curious if you glitch through walls somehow. I'm not sure if your familiar with the Castlevania games that Night of Revenge heavily copies from, but in a lot of them (specifically "Symphony of the Night" and "Dawn of Sorrow", my personal favorites) you can perform attacks/techniques against a wall to "move through" them, causing the game to disperse your character and "shove" you into a later portion of the game. Speed runners use this to skip to the end of those games. I wonder if NoR has something like that.

Also, if you've never played the Castlevania RPG's, I STRONGLY suggest you snag their roms and give them a try. Dawn of Sorrow (for the 3DS) is the best "Metroidvania" ever made, in my opinion (although there all a ton of fun). And I will fight you over it.


Nov 25, 2020
Oh, I'm personally not familiar with them, nor do I have a 3DS, money for one or a computer that can emulate one. =/ I do sure plan on playing LOTS of games once I start getting some hardware upgrade next year, though. xD
And yeah, my Triple Dash technique does allow for trivializing challenges that would otherwise require some really MLG movement. I personally hope the developers will make platforming harder over the next several updates until the game is complete, maybe even create some parkour areas in which my Triple Dash is a minimum requirement to even stand a chance, and spells usable in the air which allow for further vertical movement. :p


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Oh, I'm personally not familiar with them, nor do I have a 3DS, money for one or a computer that can emulate one. =/ I do sure plan on playing LOTS of games once I start getting some hardware upgrade next year, though. xD
And yeah, my Triple Dash technique does allow for trivializing challenges that would otherwise require some really MLG movement. I personally hope the developers will make platforming harder over the next several updates until the game is complete, maybe even create some parkour areas in which my Triple Dash is a minimum requirement to even stand a chance, and spells usable in the air which allow for further vertical movement. :p
I'm almost certain you can emulate a 3DS and a PSX, considering some of the games you mentioned running from this forum are pretty graphically intense. I'm sure my old laptop could, and it's like 10 years old. The technology on those devices isn't really that advanced. You could always try and find out. Worse case, your notebook might freeze a bit, but no permanent damage. And as I've already said, NoR is heavily based on Salt & Sanctuary; can't go wrong with playing that one.

I don't think we're getting any fancy platforming. The developer just seems to be doing just over the bare minimum, in terms of making a platform game, sine their focus is obviously jiggly bits. Would be nice to see the game take a step up. With the way Steam is embracing Adult Content these days, it's a good time for stuff like Night of Revenge to be taken "seriously".

I'm pretty sure the Castlevania games have Randomizers, too (Symphony of the Night does, anyway). So that's a fun way to keep them interesting, even if someone's already beaten them.

Oh, and I'm not sure if you saw, but Kinokogari was released here yesterday. Seems like something along your interests. The artwork is top tier, although the game is short and there isn't anything sexual beyond nudity, at the moment. Definitely has some potential, though.
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Jun 10, 2017
Overall, I'm proud of what came about, and even I still look at it every day, just to admire how much larger the game was, than I originally though. It would be nice to get the map pinned to this thread, though I dunno how to do that. I also did a map for Alien Quest Eve, but that never got pinned either. The annoying thing there, being that eventually, someone's going to ask for both maps (which will be long since buried by forum pages), and I probably won't be aware of their request to re-link it to them. I guess I have to ping Maleficent, or something?
First of all, congratulations and thank you for finishing the map - it is indeed capital, as predicted, and made me appreciate the game even more. Really great work there! (y)

Funny story about that Alien Quest map: While it might not have gotten pinned to the OP of the thread, at least I have it right here on my desktop. Physically, I mean, printed out, and hand-scribbled with annotations (mainly where my favourite monsters reside ;)), right beside my PC. And my little Great Cthulhu stauette, but that actually has nothing to do with anything, 'tis just me desktop. ;)
And I still consult it - with Boned's mods continuing to be updated and expanded, it just stays as relevant as the game itself.
I think the new map will accompany it just perfectly ... :)


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
First of all, congratulations and thank you for finishing the map - it is indeed capital, as predicted, and made me appreciate the game even more. Really great work there! (y)

Funny story about that Alien Quest map: While it might not have gotten pinned to the OP of the thread, at least I have it right here on my desktop. Physically, I mean, printed out, and hand-scribbled with annotations (mainly where my favourite monsters reside ;)), right beside my PC. And my little Great Cthulhu stauette, but that actually has nothing to do with anything, 'tis just me desktop. ;)
And I still consult it - with Boned's mods continuing to be updated and expanded, it just stays as relevant as the game itself.
I think the new map will accompany it just perfectly ... :)
Well, damn. I didn't know people used my maps that much, no one ever says so, lol. Makes me feel like my time was well invested. I was aware of the Hardmode mod for AQE, but never tried it. I found the second half of the game to be a bit frustrating; I didn't like having to rely on the spin attack to kill the the endgame stuff. Maybe I should go back and give it another try, with that mod.

Grimhelm was supposed to be working on another similar game to AQE, but fantasy medieval themed, although it doesn't look like that's gone anywhere. At the very least, I can't find information on it, but I'm a bit rusty when it comes to tracking down all of his social stuff. Not that he ever did a good job of releasing project updates D:


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
How in hell do you leave and enter menus, honestly feel lost
If you use the mouse on the menus, the game switches over to Mouse-Only controls, which doesn't really have a "cancel", so you get somewhat stuck in menus. You can fix this by clicking on an item or manually clicking "Done", as switching to another section of the menu switches back to your old settings and controls.

If your talking about the buttons, their in the configure screen. You can get there on the Title Screen, if you can't maneuver the menus ingame to do it.

Getting controllers to work requires them to be added to the configure, ingame. I have a whole post on that somewhere here.
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