
New Member
Aug 7, 2021
I only have two criticisms about this game,

1. Not nearly enough impregnation content (which is my kink, I get it.)

2. Virtually none of the bosses have any sort of H content. I -really- hope this changes.
Huh? i havent played in ages but off the top of my head the only bosses without h-content are the dog and the church executor girl thing, and thats because she straight up doesnt have any knock down animations yet
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Sep 28, 2019
I may have been mistaken, but I thought none of them had it. Must be the consequence of playing new versions of the game with full game saves!


Sep 22, 2021
God every time I log in and check the notification its just poeple b!tching that there's no update and/or saying the dev abandoned the game, and then the other side getting mad at the first for their whining and yelling at them the dev is posting on their blog.
honestly so frustrating, i know its a porn game but ffs they need to keep it in their pants and not whine. His updates on cien are very promising.


New Member
Jun 26, 2021
is there a way to replay boss fights? i feel like it has something to do with those red dots but i don't read japanese so i have no clue


Jan 25, 2021
is there a way to replay boss fights? i feel like it has something to do with those red dots but i don't read japanese so i have no clue
Your instincts are correct pal. One of those options when you interact with the red fart clouds allow you to respawn the boss, pretty sure it's the bottom option, though I could be wrong.
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May 18, 2021
Maybe we're just not aware of it, but perhaps Soulslikes fall under Metroidvanias... And as we all know, there's an abundance of lewd Japanese games that are basically just re-skinned Metroidvanias (looking at you, Shadow of Yhidra)

If someone can share similar games oh boy, would be awesome!
There's this really cool open world game that was released around three months ago, you might've heard of it.

The main character gets fucked quite a lot. Plus, there's this one boss that's a triple-amputee (!). She really likes shoving her sword into you.
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Oct 13, 2020
Maybe we're just not aware of it, but perhaps Soulslikes fall under Metroidvanias... And as we all know, there's an abundance of lewd Japanese games that are basically just re-skinned Metroidvanias (looking at you, Shadow of Yhidra)

There's this really cool open world game that was released around three months ago, you might've heard of it.

The main character gets fucked quite a lot. Plus, there's this one boss that's a triple-amputee (!). She really likes shoving her sword into you.
What's the game ? Don't remember seeing it

Also while I agree that Souls-likes are pretty similar to metroidvanias, I don't like that most metroidvanias take after the "metroid" part (you mostly get different abilities for your character, while your arsenal mostly stays the same), rather than "castlevania" like Symphony of the Night (you find various weapons and tools with different strengths and weaknesses that help you choose how you want to play), which is why I really like this game, because it takes after Souls-like philosophy of your character's restriction being skill-based, rather than equipment-based.

A great example of "metroid-based metroidvania" (ngl that sounds kinda weird) is Alien Quest EVE: there are only 4 weapons, and every one is a direct upgrade from the previous one. Every other item is an upgrade for your character (double jump, speed increase, a literal screw attack from metroid), plus a few magic abilities which still don't count as unique weapons in my opinion.

I should add that I don't hate Alien Quest EVE, it's actually one of my favourite Hgames, I'm just saying that in my eyes there's a bit of distinction between Soul's-like/Castlevania-like metroidvanias (Night of Revenge, Bloodstained:Ritual of the Night) and Metroid-like metroidvanias (Alien Quest EVE, Touhou Luna Nights).
At the end of the day however, both "types" are great and often manage to be either just really good games, or, in Hgames case, both offer great porn content and very enjoyable gameplay.

Sorry for writing a freaking essay on differences between what is essentially slightly different types of the same genre.


Oct 13, 2020
Speaking of Malenia, I've somehow forgotten that Parrying is apparently a thing for NoR - I've just been doing the dodges the slow down time.
Yeah, parrying isn't exactly essential in NoR, so I almost never used it. Most enemies aren't fast or dangerous enough to make me choose parrying instead of doing a last-second-dodge. The only enemies that were worth parrying are Minotaurs, because most of their attacks scatter rocks everywhere and they have that annoying quick jab that, while not as high damaging compared to their other attacks, still deals noticeable damage and is very hard to predict due to how unexpectedly fast it is.
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Susan Xandera

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
Yeah, parrying isn't exactly essential in NoR, so I almost never used it. Most enemies aren't fast or dangerous enough to make me choose parrying instead of doing a last-second-dodge. The only enemies that were worth parrying are Minotaurs, because most of their attacks scatter rocks everywhere and they have that annoying quick jab that, while not as high damaging compared to their other attacks, still deals noticeable damage and is very hard to predict due to how unexpectedly fast it is.
Keep in mind, if you time your swings then the rocks can be sent flying back at those fuckers for damage... or essence, its been a while so I forgot which.


Oct 13, 2020
Keep in mind, if you time your swings then the rocks can be sent flying back at those fuckers for damage... or essence, its been a while so I forgot which.
True, but I personally found it very impractical since each parried rock deals somewhat underwhelming damage even compared to weak weapon swings, that, coupled with how these rocks fly slower than you'd expect from a piece of boulder, and yet too fast to reliably parry more than one at a time + they fly all over the place in huge numbers which makes them an even bigger pain to parry since these rocks deal damage the moment they touch any part of your body and Aradia really dislikes doing overhead swings unless she uses a slow weapon which in the end, turns an attempt at punishing the fucker's rock spam into basically suicide.
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May 18, 2021
Now, if only there was a way to change the attack animation speed for enemies to make it harder, and to make the time between attacks shorter - then it would really pose a challenge. Maybe as a mod? It should be possible since Noxtek implemented cheats into the game.

As it is, the game right now feels like a Dark Souls 1 game wearing a Bloodborne skin. After spending weeks on Elden Ring, everything is just way too slow to pose a challenge, and the Difficulty setting just makes enemies tankier

Edit: If I ever wanted confirmation that this is more of a Metroidvania than it is a Soulsbornekiro, it's the music. There's too much rock and too little orchestra.
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Susan Xandera

Active Member
Jul 13, 2017
True, but I personally found it very impractical since each parried rock deals somewhat underwhelming damage even compared to weak weapon swings, that, coupled with how these rocks fly slower than you'd expect from a piece of boulder, and yet too fast to reliably parry more than one at a time + they fly all over the place in huge numbers which makes them an even bigger pain to parry since these rocks deal damage the moment they touch any part of your body and Aradia really dislikes doing overhead swings unless she uses a slow weapon which in the end, turns an attempt at punishing the fucker's rock spam into basically suicide.
I only ever ran into that that problem a bit when I first started the game last year but the timing is easier with single handed weapons with decent reach like the katana since it leaves little room for error. I haven't tested with the arming sword or the rapier, but the starting witchblade weapon does well. Keep in mind, you're not supposed to use the rocks with the intent to do damage, only add a few extra points to your already existing weapon damage.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Maybe we're just not aware of it, but perhaps Soulslikes fall under Metroidvanias... And as we all know, there's an abundance of lewd Japanese games that are basically just re-skinned Metroidvanias (looking at you, Shadow of Yhidra)

There's this really cool open world game that was released around three months ago, you might've heard of it.

The main character gets fucked quite a lot. Plus, there's this one boss that's a triple-amputee (!). She really likes shoving her sword into you.
Did you know she is the Blade of Miquella?
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