To keep this short for most people,
TLDR: This is an "improved" version of
secretlydiscarded's translation that should have everything in the current version plus some bits I could translate from the blog, the first file is what you want, and the second one is almost all the changes I've made with some comments (for any translators) but doesn't include a before and after.
Now for the slightly longer version:
I basically did the same thing as
secretlydiscarded in regards to using MTLs like Deepl and Papago but I also used what little Japanese knowledge I had. I tried including everything missed and "fixed" a lot of the dialogue. I also used Jisho, a Japanese dictionary and some other dictionaries meant for Japanese people (Yes there is a difference). This should translate everything currently in-game (I might have missed some obscure text) plus also some of the things that were from the developer's cien which currently only includes:
- The Bandit's Diary
- The Costume Menu + Text on Aradia's Current Costume (Other two Costume displayed had their names blurred)
So in theory, most things should be "better" but I will admit, I've made some things way wordier or harder to understand since I was translating and not really localizing. One thing I will say I absolutely butchered would be the onomatopoeia aka the moaning and groaning, those were absolutely horrible to try transcribing to English. (Keyword here is transcribe I gave up trying to translate them properly after a while)
The first file is the one you want, while the second one is just a list of changes I've made with number lines listing where they are on the actual translation file. Unfortunately, I only really started organizing and recording about halfway through so it doesn't include all the changes made and a before and after.
But that's about all, this is my first time translating and I did all of this by myself so go easy on me. Of course, any and all criticism and suggestions are welcome, especially any suggestions for the moans. (Also sorry for the bad formatting)
Oh and in case I didn't make this clear, this translation uses
secretlydiscarded's translation as a base (since it was the best translation available at the time) and by no means am I claiming all of this as my own work.