As much as that is a promising message from Jason, it highlights the fatal flaw of all of these Patreon supported games. They are all fluid stories or not stories at all, but rather a string of events that end up at some goal that is nonsensical. I am delighted that he is putting at least some thought into the ending, but unless it is very well written (and doesn't overuse the same dialogue over and over) it would be a disappointment. Although if he continues to use expressions from the 50's and improper grammar, I will still provide my edited Americanized version, because I can and I still like the game. I wouldn't have started the Fan Art thread if I didn't like the game.
By the way, I never mentioned a full harem ending, I just said it is against Cecile's and Anastasia's best interests to reveal their relationship status with the MC, real world consequences would at a minimum result in the loss of both of their jobs maybe even arrest and jail time, regardless whether the MC is 18 or older. The bulk of the world would view their actions as predatory because of their Student/Teacher relationship. Dianna is the only teacher that is relatively safe as she has no interest in the MC so it would be completely out of character for her to reveal any information about the forced BJ.
And, why the fuck would Amber be at the Prom, so how would her and the MC's tryst be revealed.
This is the dilemma of accepting input from others with no vested interest in the story or characters. The story at this point is so tangled that I doubt that there is a way to come up with an ending that has some integrity to the early character development.