After reading what some people have mentioned plus with my own personal way of playing these games I am so glad I didn't even attempt to use the incest path seeing as like many have said it would wreak the story completely and destroy 2 of the characters I like a lot.
But on another note as someone mentioned I really wish you could take any of the girls to the prom (assuming you did a solo run wish said girl) instead of just the ones involved in school. I mean while Brandy, Vanessea, Etc are well and good if you choose them, what if you Choose Amie, or Nicole for example and you only have their route open then you would either
A) be doomed to go alone or not go
B) go with someone only for it to be the person you aren't dating.
Though at the same time until I see this game finished I still wouldn't put it past RC to some how make the massive harem ending work despite it making 0 sense assuming enough of his paying patreons scream loud enough for it.