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I say yes for the double treat. Who doesn't want more of NoeThis is our current plan now: After completing AoH v0.25, we’re going to do a double dose of Noemi between July and August, 2 back-to-back releases of v0.19 and v0.20, one after the other. This doesn’t solve the problem directly, but it’s got advantages and we hope gives you the fans the best outcomes in the short term. Long term, doing doubles of one game over the other isn’t a good plan, but in this situation, it’s an advantage we can all benefit from. We’ll make a quick case here, but this post is a poll so you can have a say on if it’s what y’all want. If you group vote convincingly against, we’ll go back to the drawing board and come up with some other steps forward. If y’all are generally tied or all for it, then off we go!
So here’s why we’re considering a double NTR update:
- Production is easier and quicker. Noemi has the advantage currently in that the scripts for the next few versions are already written and ready to go. The engine production time is significantly more than AoH, but it can all be done parallel, so it’s all about how quick we can make the final art, which is a lot quicker than AoH’s Mission content, that’s for sure.
- Noemi fans have been waiting. Noe has been backed up plenty by AoH already this year. We want to make sure her fans get service too (this idea actually was suggested by fans). We know that more than half of you are her for Noemi, and most people here are fans of the at least NTR game, even if AoH is your preferred one, so this way most people get good stuff they’ll like, though maybe not all.
- We could use a switch up to get the creativity flowing strong again. Variety is the spice of life after all, and keeping the excitement high and a steady morale is a critical in make good sex as it is in war. Getting some time with Team Noe will only make us hungry to suit up Heels with a passion once we’ve had a little absence.
- Goals and Progress. We’re well aware AoH is near it’s ending, has been for a long time now, and the only way we’ll get to v1.0 and starting thinking of any Game 3 is by keeping at it. We know that. However,You must be registered to see the linksthis year too, and we want to get after them as well. Noemi is a much bigger game, with so much more potential still to tap. It needs more love to make it stand up to where AoH is now. These next 2 versions will go a long way towards rounding out the underserved parts of the game, and the sooner it happens this year, the sooner we can do even better things.
- Proper Planning. What’s good for NTR is good for AoH too. As it has become obvious, we’ve bitten off more than we could chew with this Mission #3, and that’s after we tried to keep it manageable. Having some intermittent time to reassess and replan Corrupt and Bad Nat’s intro phases that are upcoming, so we don’t have this happen in v0.26. Now… We don’t actually expect the next 2 versions to be as bad anyway, since all the scene set-up and prop work is done for this version (hence a lot of the delay), but we’ve got a lot more renders to make in the upcoming versions that will have to be properly retunk and optimized before we dive back in.
There’s a fist full of reasons we think a double Philly dinner is our best foot forward. Obviously, the ideal would be to not be in the situation in the first place and to have been able to do our usual game to game leapfrogging, including in June, but here we are. We are very sorry for that.
So, what do y’all think? Can y’all dig a 2 course meal of Noemi over the summer peak, after we get Nat’s mission start out and get her next outing on better footing. We’ve got this up as a poll so you can vote, and comments here below or on Discord are always welcome too. We’ve got to decide this pretty fast though, as we want to be clear with y’all what’s what for July like we always do for months ahead in our Goals and Review posts. Being on the level each month matters to us. So be sure to get you vote in before June 30th at 23:59 GMT (and also get your vote in onYou must be registered to see the linksby then too).
having your voice heard and beWilder!
YES - I vote for 2 back-to-back NTR releases next.
NO - I vote for 1 NTR releases next, then back to AoH as per usual.
feel free to say more. the combination of your texts with pictures makes up the entirety of your work.Yeah, I hear you. It is admittedly a bit of a problem. I for one am quite verbose as it is, and I enjoy all the detail of each bit of sex and even the chitter-chatter that fills out the characters. A lot of the problem also comes from the fact I've only ogt a budget of 80 CGs to make a version, and I've got to wring as much out of it as I can, which piles up too. Between 3-4 scenes a version that only gives me about 2 dozen image to achieve everything in a scene, including advancing the story and teh character relations, and pacing is clearly not my strongest suit. I'm working on it though. Trying to squeeze extra sex into scene too without adding words.
When I write it it seems like enough, then when going back over it later it feels not enough, but the call is to bump a scene back and make it 2 scenes and 50% progress overall, or a couple more images. Until we can get the art budget up consistently (how's a question for the artist), it's a call I've got to make and to get batter at. I'd like to think I am making some progress (FYI, the scenes here all come with a lag time, since many are written way way before they get mae into a version.)
I always say it. If I got x1.5 the amount of art to work with, I'd do about x1.5 the amount of scenes per version, but if I got x2 the amount of art per version, I wouldnt do x2 the scenes. I'd do about 33% more scenes and make them all longer, less text-to-image, and more explict sex shots. Only time, backers' support and practice will alivate the problem, but until all that align I do my best with what I've got on hand.
It depends on your taste. Whether you want to go alone and continue to be sal's enemy or you can join hands with sal and get mutual benefits. Both has enough kink and fun stuff.hey all, which route is best to take for Noemi/Sal? What are the differences?
niceeeeeeeeYou must be registered to see the links
You must be registered to see the links
Handover August 2022: Forget Marilyn, We Want Moreau!
Hey-hey hello out there! Wow, it sure is great to be back! It’s been so long, too long, since we’ve had ourselves a sweet handover posting, but here we are today. Hoorah! Yes, at last we’ve had ourselves aYou must be registered to see the links, which means we’re due south in Philly right quick now aren’t we? Why yes, we are! So let’s get ourselves a shot of sexy fun, let those feelings of hype start swirling, and be the wild wonderful people we usually are once again, all of us! One good time, right here…
Now there’s the sweet winds of summer we’ve been itching to see! Oh Frankie, how wonderful it is to see you out and about in our page concepts, it’s a rare treat we’ve all come to crave. We’d say we’re sorry for inviting you out in such a breezy day, but we’re not, not at all. In fact, this iconic sexy really suits your mature charm style, don’t you think…? Let’s have you stand there all afternoon while we ponder the thought, shall we…? Yes, indeed.
And by all means, preserve your modesty if you like, it’s all part of your sweet allure… Just don’t expect to keep it intact too long, alright? We’re sure to see a whole lot of you soon, now that you and the rest of the Little Toscana women are back on duty for us once again!
Yup, yup. All classic conceptual fun aside, we’re back on the clock with our destination another meal at Little Toscana, which means we’re on our way to the next NTR version (v0.19) right now! Hells to the yeah (Sorry Frankie)! What’s more, it’s the first of a double seating to boot, as chosen by the fans! That’s two back-to-back misadventures in Philly just so y’all are clear, not one dinner that’s twice the size, you see? Anyways, it’s official now. NTR is top of our list and in fully-active development once again, as of right… nnn…now!
It's going to be another long month and a close as it comes call, if that, since August is already running past us and we’ve got a tangled-up end of month ahead, but that all said, it’s damn good to be knocking on Noemi’s door once more, and it’ll be hard to peel us off her leg once we’ve begun! (Gross? Gross…). We’ve got some dirty fun ahead, with all our major girls getting on their bad-self sides, and even some tension mounting gameplays too. Oh… Wait… We’d best save that all for the Public Teaser we’re coming up on quick! Yeah, lets do that. For now, we’ll leave you with our fair Frankie's dy out and some tummy-hype for the future to nurture! Until we give y’all more to be eager about…
Be light and breezy, and beWilder!
I think so, if you have Noemi taking the private couple classes with Asana I think there will be swapping partnerWill there be any sharing path/scene in future