
Game Developer
Jan 18, 2018
Hey all, been a while. Apologies if I'm a little too late for interest on some of these points, but feck it, it's not every dev that bothers and better late than never, right? Anyways...

Thanks for the quick response! I feel like I should add that your writing is actually pretty well done. It sometimes is a bit much for my taste (hence why I used the wording that I did, slightly rude admittedly), but it certainly is far superior compared to most other AVN's. I think that the amount of dialogue etc. wouldn't be as noticable if there were more renders to support it, but I do appreciate your explanation as to why it is how it is. It's obvious that you have a talent to write engaging adult novels.

Anyway, enough ass-licking from me. Back to work with you! :LOL:
Cheers for understanding. It's not an ideal situation as I explained, but we try make it work with what we've got. Also thanks for the compliments, it helps, it does.

Any ideas how to unlock whole galery? No matter what I tried I unlocked like half of the scenes and thats it. (then game suddenly ends)
When you say "unlock the gallery", are you saying that you're not getting all the scenes in game, or you are anld only half of them appear in the gallery unlocked after? If it's the latter, then that's a bug I'm unaward of and would like to investigate (with some help if you will).

If it's the first case, then it's more that you're not unlocking/progressing for some reason, as you should have more than enough time (twice as much actually) to do so. Just keep earning tips with Noe, and checking the Progress Tracker on the Day Menu (the screen at the start of every day) for all the info on stats and prerequistes you need.

"I walked up to the door, noticing a hint of lavender in the air. As I approached, the silvery glow of the doorknob caught my attention. Realizing there is no time to waste, I removed the glow from my thoughts and reached out with my hand. When I finally grabbed hold of the doorknob, it felt cold to the touch, a slight shiver running down my spine. I gathered my courage, and turned the knob.. The door is now open. Feeling my hunger increase with each passing second, I quickly step outside and move to close the door behind me. I now journey to the grocery store, for we are all out of eggs and breakfast is soon to begin."

So ehh, I just started playing this.. Is every mundane action described as if it were an epic battle against an ancient dragon..? As much as I appreciate proper grammar after having played several games where I got bombarded with horrible Engrish, it's a bit over the top and I'm afraid my eyes might roll out of my head if it continues like this...:KEK:

PS; What I wrote above isn't actually in the game (I hope), I just wanted to give an example of what it's like to read some of the text in this game.
Yeah, the game is a bit overdone, particularly in the beginning, because I'm a very detailed type of writer/reader and that was some of the first content I've ever made professionally. I did write it back in like 2015-2016 too, so it gets better as I got practice in. Maybe not up to the top snuff yet, but that's what practice is for.

Don't take it from me, let those here be the ones to say if I did improve enough over time. That way we'll both learn what the world thinks and where to do better.

Can someone please port this to Android OR atleast share a gameplay video of this game. Us Android users cannot handle this UNITY torture
I highly recommend against it. There's a reason we don't support Android/Mobile ourselves and it's because it'd be a big waste of time for a much worse experience. The content, and the UIs won't be nearly as enjoyable on a 7" screen or whatever phones these days go up to. It's just not worth it. Settle in and play on a PC/Laptop for the best experience. Anything less thatn athat is at your own risk to time and enjoyment.

hey all, which route is best to take for Noemi/Sal? What are the differences?
It's a matter of taste really. If you are paying attention to the scenes and texts you get a feel for the flavour and where they may be heading. One is beteraying Sal, fighting him at arms lenght, and having him get more fierce in certain ways with new plans. The other is helping him, keeping their intimacy going and having Noe further play the risk/reward of staying so close tom him and playing the inside battle. The choice is up to you.

feel free to say more. the combination of your texts with pictures makes up the entirety of your work.
P.S. for those who want some pictures - porn sites in your hands :)
Cheers, I think? Not 100% sure what you mean but I think it's a compliment on my writing? By all means, I'll keep trying at it regardless.

All the best.

We still on track for double release this weekend?
Just a quick point of clarification for all here. It's 2 back-to-back releases of regualr size, not 1 double sized release coming next.

if we don't get Noemi x Roy scenes in the next updates im going to sue.
Oh boy, I'll call the lawyers then, get them off their butts.

We won't. We've been pretty clear, though we know it's sad news for many fans, but Roy is on the long finger as we decide just how much content we can make for him, given the game is already huge, all other arcs are started or are core requirements, and the gameplays amy need more than the minium amount of outcomes once we get to that point. We don't knwo when we'll get to him, if we'll get to do 5 scenes total or 30 scenes, if we get 2 paths, more or less... It's all still TBD for now, so until we put him in our yearly posts with better news, please don't expect Roy arc content just yet.

Any news, the waiting is killing me :cry:
Killing us too. No news yet that's not been posted on our . That's where we put it so it should be easy to find with a few clicks. Keep an eye out there because we expect to have some stuff to say soon.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
"It's a matter of taste really. If you are paying attention to the scenes and texts you get a feel for the flavour and where they may be heading. One is beteraying Sal, fighting him at arms lenght, and having him get more fierce in certain ways with new plans. The other is helping him, keeping their intimacy going and having Noe further play the risk/reward of staying so close tom him and playing the inside battle. The choice is up to you."

Are there still sex scenes with Sal if you betray him though?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
How to get last 2 Sal scenes, i suppose they've been added in 0.18 and each one is for 2 routes (screw or no screw). I choose not to screw Sal at the dinner but after weeks of playing i still can't trigger new scene. Any other requirements for it?


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Oh Hell Yeah!

Noemi's Toscana Rebirth v0.19 Public Teaser – Gals on the Prowl!
Ho-hey everyone! Who’s hungry for some hot and steamy service from our favourite professional servers? We’ll take a count via show of hands… So that’d be all of you. Why are we not surprised? Well it just so happens we’re in the mood for more than just good food ourselves, so let’s get us a taste of today’s menu special, shall we? Time we all got our appetites attuned to what’s coming towards our table already! Ah, but first, before we get into the meat and the veg level of ruffage, why not have a taster of dessert before hand? We won’t tell…

Our older and wiser Toscana gals have got their garments on (or half off as the case may be), looking for a good time to go with their girlish drinks. It’s about time Frankie has some fun like the young ones she’s been partnered up with at work, or what a shame it’d be to waste all that prime of life potential, right? However, it won’t be an easy task for Noemi to supervise, as the our Milfy Momma won’t go easy into that slutty night…!

Here we are again then. It’s been too long. At last, at last, right? Well lets get to it then. This is the first of a 2-part double portion as per the fans’ request post-AoH’s big ol’ release, as we’re looking to dig in and make something tasty of it for sure. We hope y’all are in the mood for some luscious loving so, and we mean that sincerely, as this upcoming dinner date will be heavily seasoned with our very own favourite class lush herself. That’s Frankie, the one and only. Aside from Noe’s part in it all, it’s oh, 80%+ our gal in green, with the other 20% going to… Well, let’s see!

The name of the game is literally Noemi, that’s a fact, and while she’s all over this update as our protagonista, now that we’re into the 19th version, it’s time to let another woman be the star for once, if even just once. That’s why the title of our upcoming encounter is simply “Finding Frankie”, and here’s what y’all can expect to come along for her journey this time:
- 4 New Scenes! It’s a full version with a little extra stuffed in on both ends because we want it. Once again it’s spent over 2 arcs so we have movement and growth in multiple places, and again it’s split with a Major and Minor focus. It’s no secret now that Frankie graduates to the top spot this time, taking 3 of those 4 scenes to advance her personal story a little deeper so we’re that much closer to the Milfy Momma of the beWilderverse. On the undercurrent side, we’re switching up our politically incorrect, self-interested, narcissistic, crafty, dirty-minded blondes for a once off, so Sal’s on his way to the bench for now while Kelsey takes the stage as the owner of the 4th scene on our list. That’s all 4 scenes on the supporting waitresses personal arcs, so remember to shuffle Noemi around the shop’s other jobs this time! Especially if you want to see the 2 x-rated scenes in that batch, most certainly!
- 4 New Gameplay Outcomes for the Downtime Activities, All on a Brand New Activity! We’ve spent the last couple of versions boosting up the Restaurant Manager’s sexiness and we’ll keep on doing just that in good time, but this version calls for a small but impactful surgical add as we push for a bigger scene count above. We’re adding a new Activity, the 7th in fact, which is none other than "Clubbing", that is to say having the girls suit up in their classy going out dresses, grabbing drinks and letting the nightlife take all their cares away! Specifically, all these gameplays come on the Team Bonding setting as Noe pulls Frankie to a new barstool to get some competitive spirit in her at last! We’ll let y’all find out exactly how and why when you play.
- Rebalanced, Improved True Mode Experience, with a New Level of Strategy at Last! This is a version that’s all about making better use of the features we’ve already got but go underused, and all with modest but carefully selected additions at that. Between the new additions of scenes meaning we’ve at last got a waitress other than Noe with more than a negligible amount of need/desire for tips, a new activity in the Downtime that’ll let said girl train up all 3 skills on demand, a new incentive to not only have Noe alone working the tables (that is if you want Frankie’s scenes as your own), and a less empty backload of days that have been piling up until now… The game’s actual game aspects are finally starting come into a sharper focus. Notably in this version, we’ve moved the Total Day count for True Mode backwards instead of forwards, tightening up the run-on later half of the game, allowing us to focus in on creating a closer feel to what we’d ultimately like the final gameplay to become: Where each day can matter and make a difference if you play smart, while still having the freedom to explore, experiment and chase the things you like the most. Fear not, with this shift in game time no progress earned thus far will be lost (if anything it’s a bonus you get to keep), all save files will keep on ticking, and there’s still plenty of days included past the point of current content to earn it all.

Here’s the quick recap version of this version:
- 4 New Scenes, 3 for Frankie’s Arc, 1 for the new Minor Focus of Kelsey’s arc, with 2 x-rated scenes among them.
- Another 4 Completely New Gameplay Additions to the Downtime Activities for Noe to Team Bond with Frankie through a Brand New Activity (“Clubbing”). It will now be possible to train up Frankie’s Competitive Stat at last, opening up her full potential across all jobs in the Restaurant.
- Important rebalance of the True Mode experience, making use of the new content above to expand on and finally make better use of more of the already available gameplay features. Eg. A new incentive to use Frankie to waitress a lot more often, thus shaking up the team roles and strategies more.

Ok guys and gals, we’ve drilled down on what’s new and right around the corner, but it’s also a good idea to take a brief moment and check in on the bigger picture in this huge game’s wider development. Yup, let’s check in on our . It’s no secret at all what we’re behind on our goals for the year at this point (Natasha just had to save the world, bah…!), but all the more reason to make sure we’re making every bit count.

As a refresher reminder to those new or still shaking off the rust after a few months, our Top 5 things for this years’ path to improvement are, in no priority order:
-#1 More focus on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey’s content.
-#2 More sex'n'sexy stuff overall
-#3 More girls include in the sex'n'sexy stuff too.
-#4 More Sal and Restaurant Wars (including gameplays)
-#5 Expanded Gameplay, More Strategy Incentives and Balancing.
Of the 5 biggest things we feel we can best boost the game with, we’re hitting on 4 of them this time and its fairly sharp hooks at that, no mere jabs. The only one up there we’re not kicking is #4, Sal and Restaurant wars, but coming off the back of several versions of him anyway, we think that’s fair and sensible at this point. All the new content coming is tied to Frankie and to a lesser extent Kelsey, so that’s #1 hit firmly right there. We’re adding x-rated content featuring them as well, tackling points #2 and #3 together nicely (and about time too!). Lastly, our small but powerful gameplay additions is the first of a few in this area, and coupled with the new incentives and now the player's ability to use Frankie fully across the board, we’re beginning to see the real heart of strategy emerge naturally. Its first steps at least. That all hits #5 heavily we feel, though only time and player experience with this version will tell for sure.

All-in-all that’s a big pick up for the overall development. Our playtesting this time around certainly make it feel real too. We hope y’all following along this deeply in development progress can see and feel for yourselves the potential these small but key steps forward will bring us, and help bridge us too in the near future as well. There’s of course always a lot more to accomplish, but one version at a time we’re growing even more proud of what we’ve got here, and hopefully, it’s equally more satisfying in many ways to play too. Let’s find out, shall we?

And so there we have all the details fit to print at this point, and all y’all need to get some hyper in your diet ahead of time. Right? Right! We laid it all out, so all that’s left is to turn words into deeds, and then into playable time for all of you. Touching on just how far along we are, it’s again a situation we’ve become used to with NTR cycles: We’re already complete in creating, mounting, testing (as much as possible at this point) and playtesting, so much of v0.19 is ready and waiting bar some extra nuts and bolts tightening. What’s lacking, and why it’s not in hands right now is that the feast of delish eye candy is still in the works, and even we know that our tasty word salads may be enjoyable, but aren’t all they can be without the pics of our sexy ladies to go with them. Obviously.
So where does that put us? We’re still making the art, and meanwhile we’ll be putting our other team time to good use creating more goodness, because it’s going to be a couple of weeks before we're going to be release ready. Given we’ve just got off a rough ride of AoH delays, we’re hesitant to put an exact time on it right now for fear of causing confusion and upset if things don’t hold up well, but it’s clear it won’t be in August, it's early September instead (and so links it will be for August Daring). Whether it’s closer to the end of the first week or the second we’ll have to determine, which we will determine and demonstrate come our backer teaser #1 and / or #2 in the near future. Y’all know that every part of the above stuffs get the hankering going high because of what images we’re picturing when we hear it, so that alone is the best reason we can think of for patience and quality over haste. So that it will be, but not too long either, we know…!

Alright. Big ol’ post of news and heart racing things to be hyped over! We’ll leave it at that, get back to it, see y’all soon for fun, sexy, and yeah, more tease, all before the month’s over and then we’ll keep on going. Until we get into more sinful troubles (in all the best ways)…
Be rising a glass (among other things) and beWilder!



Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
Have somebody a full Gallery save?

In my Gallery is from Sal (Taking a Page from his book) not unlocked


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Have somebody a full Gallery save?

In my Gallery is from Sal (Taking a Page from his book) not unlocked
You probly need to have 2 different saves, one where you help Sal out with ghe magazine or the one I picked where you back stab him with the wine guy from the magazine


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
You probly need to have 2 different saves, one where you help Sal out with ghe magazine or the one I picked where you back stab him with the wine guy from the magazine
That can be I played further and have no interest to play again from begining to unlock this.


May 31, 2017
How to get last 2 Sal scenes, i suppose they've been added in 0.18 and each one is for 2 routes (screw or no screw). I choose not to screw Sal at the dinner but after weeks of playing i still can't trigger new scene. Any other requirements for it?
On the weekly planner screen, you can click on the scene info button in the bottom right to check the requirements.

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Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017


May 31, 2017
I wunder why when you ask after a full gallery you get a link from a save without gallery save.

With this save you can only play things free for you gallery nothing more.

The gallery is saved in another file !!!

With the save you linked is my problem not solved and don`t help.
Load the file, then click on "Save" and overwrite it. That'll unlock the scenes in the gallery.


Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017

Load the file, then click on "Save" and overwrite it. That'll unlock the scenes in the gallery.
Can you read? No the save is nothing and you don`t need it for the Gallery. It is only for all Players they lost all (new Pc or something like that) and don`t want to start from Zero.

I tried it out the Gallery is saved in the Prst file (when you put this file in a new folder the complete Gallery is locked). That file I need and all other Players.
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Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.19 Backer Teaser #1 – Eating Out at Home?
Come on in fellows and fellettes, it’s a tasty day round our place and we’re hungry to share it with y’all! We’ve got something lean, mean, sweet but spicy, and very bad for your heart to serve up, but we’ve also got a picture too… Ha! For real, it’s special teaser time once again, so let’s dig on in. The news and the dishing out is just below, but before we get that on our tastebuds, let’s get something to spike our blood sugar some first. So, y’all ready to set the table for a banquet?

That’s not what Frankie had in mind when she invited you over to eat, Miss Matthews! Oh, she’ll throw a fit, if only she could turn her head away from what she so happens to be doing! Ah, but that’s our Kelsey… Never one to talk big then not put her mouth where her money is… Or manipulate somebody else into putting theirs in her place, so to speak… Muhahaha.

Yup, our Kelsey’s back in her original hairstyle again after our delighting last week, and she’s clearly feeling much like herself again… That is to say, a superstar. She thinks she can get away with anything, even under other’s roofs, and we guess we’ll all just have to see if she’s right. We dare say we’d better keep an eye on her tough, she’s always got a trick up her (theoretical) sleeves. But just how long will we have to wait then? Isn’t that always the key question…? We want to say “soon” for sure, but to take a musical note out of Kriem’s head instead, “How soon is now?”.
We’re working hard at the helm to make this version ready and to swing right into the next one without delay, but there’s still aways to go with what’s left to us. Our goal is to be artwork complete by September 15th. It may take a day or so after that to get a release done and sent, but hitting that date for the art means we’ve got half and a bit on top of September cooking up even newer stuff than what we’ve got now, even though it’s still all never before seen as we write this. However, looking at the calendar and the pic pile still to do, we can say that’s going to be a tight tuck to squeeze into. The Brightside of us looks at what’s done and what’s to do and sees that a lot of the more render-intensive scenes and effect moments are behind us, already in the pocket, so that the road head while numerically long is notably easier to travel. Being spurred on by the desire to see for ourselves what we already know on paper come to life visually will carry us onward evermore. So that’s why we dare to stake out the weekend after this coming as potentially our happy day, but being realistic about it is also our job, so we have to call that the start of our open window. It may take a few days longer to get everything done right, not rushed. Like Kelsey would say with the same look above… “Don’t get all sloppy on me now, make it good and proper. Show me your best. I wanna enjoy this, all of it.”

To put it more plainly then, no flowery folly, the expected release window is now September 16th-23rd, but the sooner the better. We’ll be hitting y’all with one more expected Backer Teaser next week with some tighter time-framing once we’ve had a few more days and a weekend to plough what we’ve got on our to-dos, then report in on it. Between now and then we’ll have our Boldrelease too, so keep the fire alive and be ready to look Kelsey (and the rest of our girls) in the eye come game time! Until then though…

Be hungry enough to dig on in and beWilder!


Active Member
May 23, 2019
-#1 More focus on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey’s content.
-#2 More sex'n'sexy stuff overall
-#3 More girls include in the sex'n'sexy stuff too.
-#4 More Sal and Restaurant Wars (including gameplays)
-#5 Expanded Gameplay, More Strategy Incentives and Balancing.
Sadly for me personally only #2 and #4 (without the gameplay-addition) are interesting goals and you cut #4. There is nothing mentioning story scenes in general or character development scenes or important filler scenes but gameplay all over the place. And gameplay never was a thing I liked in this game (and I think most players didnt as well) it always felt clunky, unintuitive and grindy and I was always hoping for a VN version of this game one day to circumvent all the annoying and distruptive gameplay and engine problems.

Absolutely not a fan of more side character content. There is faar to less Noemi contet already and I'd rather want a game with one fully flashed character with a great character development and corruption/NTR arc then four half baked ones. Also you already have the different routes for Noemi which act like different stories, which also feel too shallow and there could be added a lot of inbetween events to make them better. I'd advise you to rather finish Noemis story line and overwork her routes and add details and events and later when the main game is finished add the side characters as DLC content of some sort. Really guys you need to reorder your pirorities. Man I gotta say this gets more and more annoying.

Definitely agree with more sex'n'sexy stuff but that kinda counters #5 'Expanded Gameplay, More Strategy Incentives and Balancing.'. What is it you wanna do now? Extend gameplay or add more sexy scenes. Or you wanna do both which would just mean you continue normally with your development? Don't get it.

I dont know. This games' development goes more and more into the wrong direction for me (again). Besides the very slow update rate (which is ok - it's mostly a free game after all - I would not want to complain about that) the focus and priorities you are setting are IMO getting worse again and I am frustrated and sad to see that what begun as a good game, then struggled over a long time because you made the same mistakes in development again and again and then when I thought I see a shimmer of hope you did it again and threw development into a direction which is obviously wrong. I mean just look at all the reviews and comments of fans and players. Please finally try to learn from feedback and adapt to a certain extent or you will never really be successfull with this game.

Well personally I am about to drop my support and unfollow this game overall. Its has been a rough ride anyway and things are not getting better as it seems. Also gonna adjust my review. Dont know maybe in a year or something I will look at this again and see whether you finally changed your game. If not - well it surely wont be that disappoint anymore.

edit: I wanted to add that I am not promoting only sexual scenes but in general more story, character development and in general any scenes be it sexy or not that promote the plot line and the NTR-corruption arc instead of focusing on gameplay.
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Nov 12, 2017
Hi. Just finished the game (got to end of content for each character).. but I am sure that I am missing out on some content. I have seen mention of different levels of promo, entertainment, waitressing etc.. how do I know what level I am on? I do not see any indicators for this in the UI.
3.30 star(s) 43 Votes