
Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
That's not true imo, there is one solo scene in the new update and it's as hot as a solo scene can be. It significantly progresses Frankie's story. Yes, there is no "sex" but since there is going to be another update in a few weeks (3-4 at most), so it doesn't really matter. (Plus not really a story scene but I really liked how they gave a hint for future Bar content in the last Bar scene)

If they keep adding content focused on one character, people complain, if they go in different directions for many characters, people still have an issue. Beck had 3 updates and people still wanted more.
there's gonna be another update in a month?



Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Here it is

Grab a seat while our girls grab their ankles, it’s time for service and then some! Welcome to Little Toscana, where dinner comes with a show, drama, and a side of sexy no matter who’s dropping off your plates, as this release shows. It’s Frankie’s turn to be the star, with a back-up dancer Kelsey helping set the stage, and Noe being dragged into both their lives and problems, way more than a boss should. We hope y’all are ready to eat up, because all that’s plated and more just below, so grab your links and your drinks, get comfy and dig in! Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth’s severed up once again!

“This release, dubbed “Finding Frankie” marks the nineteenth full game release in the NTR branch of the beWilderverse. It’s the first focused character release for Frankie as she takes over, also being the first of the waitressing trio to get the reigns, while Kelsey slides right into second to take up the minor focus as a bonus. This makes Frankie’s the 5th arc to get a focused development so far, as Noemi can’t in good conscience go on pretending she’s not seen Frankie’s troubles for herself. No, the kind-hearted boss tries to build up her oldest employee like the leader she is, but it’s a big task, and the help she calls in might just be the straw that breaks the back when all’s said and done. Meanwhile, Kelsey can’t help but get in on the feels and the sharing, because she’s not going to be left out, she’s just not. Go on then, take a seat in our Italian restaurant and…”
… Enjoy our main course of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth!

Download Link (Win):
Download Link (Mac): (Catalina OS Users see Known Issues)
Download Link (Lin):

Important! Please know that this is our second release of NTR since we were forced by upcoming technical limitations to rebuild the core coding of the game. This means every scene and every gameplay outcome had to be recoded and it is possible that this may affect the play experience via loading times and image faults (so far it hasn’t but it’s possible it could effect a few people). We have done our best to test this and eliminate issues, but we can’t test everything on all platforms ourselves. Please let us know if trouble occurs as we’ll be working with this issue in versions to come as needed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.19 – Finding Frankie
We’re back again in Noemi’s life, with a batch of 30 days walking in her beloved wedge heels. Frankie, as the name suggests, has taken the top spot in our focus, adding 3 scenes to her own arc and taking it to double it’s size with 6 total now. Kelsey also gets in on the action, and also doubles her arc size from 1 to 2 scenes totals. In addition, we’ve not only added new gameplays to the mix, but a whole new gameplay activity to Noe’s time off for it, so all around Philly it’s added goodness.
- Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.19 (“Finding Frankie” Release)
⦁ Weight: 3.17 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 2.45 GB
- Content
⦁ 4 Full Scenes (for 83 Total).
⦁ 81 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1258 Total)
⦁ Added 30 playable days to the game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 181 / Month 7 Day 1 - Sunday). NOTE: In an attempt to help rebalance the game and curb run-on, contentless grind days, we’ve pushed the Total Day Count backwards in this version, rather than forwards. All players who were past Day 180 will have 30 fresh days in game to play from Day 150.
⦁ 4 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 222 Total)
- 4 New Team Bonding Outcomes for the Downtime section, all on the brand-new activity “Clubbing”, and all focused on raising Frankie’s Competitive stat. These Outcomes bring this activity’s chain from 1-4 outcomes, matching the same levels reached by all other activities so far.
⦁ 2 New Semi-Permanent Outfits added to the girls’ wardrobe. Normally we’d detail this a bit more, but to avoid giddy spoilers, we’ll leave it at that.
⦁ ~29,500 New Words of Text and Dialogue

- Features
⦁ Continuation of the Frankie arc, it’s first time as the major focus and now the fifth arc to be majorly developed so far. Frankie’s personal arc now reaches to 6 scenes total so far. Frankie’s time as a buttoned down, bottled up, middle-aged woman is starting to wear on her, so to get the most out of her waitress, and to help a friend, Noe decides to push her to open up more. Reminder: To unlock Frankie’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays.
⦁ The pick-up and continuation of Kelsey’s arc as well, boosting her personal arc by 1 scene to a total of 2 (now she’s no longer the sole lowest developed arc). It’s time to see Kelsey’s own personal worries, yes she has them, come to the surface as she shows she’s not all tease and tongue-in-cheek, much to Noemi’s annoyance. Reminder: Like with Frankie, to unlock Kelsey’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays also.
⦁ Small but impactful expansion of the Downtime Activities section, as we add the 7th possible Activity to Noe’s options for her days off. This new activity, “Clubbing”, opens up chances for her to spent her nights at the local bar, blowing off steam and otherwise getting to enjoy being young and sexy, at least for a while. Currently, all outcomes for this activity are tied to Team Bonding (and Frankie), which unlock after viewing Frankie’s 4th scene in her personal arc. Additional outcomes for Relax/Self-Improve mode will be considered in the mid-to-distant future, as progress and technical limits allow.
⦁ With the addition of both late intro Frankie scenes and also the new Downtime Activity, a new level of strategy is at last emerging from the game’s design as intended. Frankie is now the first of the 3 added waitresses who can be trained in all 3 stats for gameplay, allowing her to now become adept at being your primary Promo Girl with time invested, as well as now providing an incentive to drive using Frankie as more than a cook. Now planning your days, your character builds over the long run, and making use of all your girls talents as they come will play a role in enjoying Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth to the fullest (in True Mode, of course, Endless Mode is still as free to grind out wins as needed).

- Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve further rebalanced the game, this time with an eye to making use of True Mode’s planned experience and the overall feel of achievement from playing and advancing through the Restaurant Manager sections. In addition to the new features above, we’ve purposefully relanced the gameplay’s Total Days, by cutting out about 3 months worth of empty days that accumulated over the course of adding versions previously. Now the game has a tighter window of playable time in True Mode, though all content is still available with 1-2 months to spare just in case, if playing moderately well. This means new players and those who start new games (not required at all) will face less of an open “no man’s land” of days in later portions. Please note, all returning players who have played pasted the new end point, Day 180 will be teleported back 30 days before that point so can still unlock all this version’s new content. Nothing but the day count has been reset. All progress, tips, earnings, stats, etc are kept perfectly intact. Players with game saves before Day 150 (the new starting point for returning players) will be unaffected by any changes. Players with game saves already between Day 150 and Day 180, please see Known Issues below.
Please also be aware, that this is a game in active development, pre-v1.0 release, and so things like this are expected to occur at times as we manage constantly adding content and players’ experience. We expect this will happen again in future, but we’ll do out best to keep distribution to a minimum.
⦁ We’ve updated a few older scenes with a few lines of improved texts, mostly Asana arc scenes (1-2 lines in a handful of scenes), and a few typos/improved language in a handful repeatable gameplays for the Restaurant Manager section, mostly on Kriem’s outcomes. This has come from reports of typos from multiply players, and our own replaying/testing experience. Thanks to those who helped by reporting typos!
⦁ We’ve pushed back Frankie’s arc’s 3rd scene (added in v0.18) and it’s earliest play point by a week in game as per player feedback, as it can appear too soon after Kelsey joins for the texts to make sense for players focused on Frankie in the early game.
⦁ We’ve added in Stress relief to the Damon Arc scene “Letting it All Hang Out” which despite being on the Home Activity’s Relax mode, didn’t reduce stress and therefore made it hard to use Noe in the days after until the next day off. Now Noe receives the full 60 points relief.
⦁ We've found and fixed a problematic bug in the v0.18 content where rolling back text from close to the end of the scene to the beginning would cause an error, due to a mismarked attribute under the hood. This should be all sorted now, but a heads up to people to be aware this can perhaps happen and please report it if it does!

- Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS's Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user's end. "Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won't let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 "/appdirectory/" from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/NoemisToscanaRebirth_v0_17_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened." Repeat: Then you've got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ A few versions ago, we altered the way in which Repeat scenes are found and loaded in the Downtime section, as we eliminated a bug that allowed the game to skip over the next outcome in the activity chain if you already met the conditions for later ones. This means now players will see them in order as they should, however it may also mean that occasionally you will see the current repeatable 1 extra time more than needed if you increase the corresponding stats via scenes. It is a minor nuisance, but one we will look to correct in the future. For now, you may see a handful of repeatable 2-3 times instead of 1-2, rather than skip any.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve rebalance the number of playable days in True Mode with this version, as we attempt to keep the gameplay enjoyable, moderately challenging, without empty days. However, this leaves a certain subset of players in a slight limbo situation. Players using saves recorded between Day 150 and Day 180 will only be given the remainder amount of days between their current day and the ned game end of Day 180 (for this version), instead of the full intended 30 days. For these players, it is recommended to use an earlier save, or a save from after Day 180 instead and leave these saves for a later release when they will have more time to unlock all new content. As new versions are added, with more days, this issue will naturally disappear. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but that is the nature of managing a game in development. Rest assures, no actual content/progress is lost for anybody.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve received a report that ENDLESS Mode has a potential issue for some players that sets money earned and stress to 0 each day, which stalls progress. We are currently looking into this matter to be fixed for the next version if found. For now we recommend new players play on TRUE Mode while this is investigated.

We are thrilled to report that there are no other known issues at this time. Please do inform us via message or our server if you do come across any, we sincerely mean that.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Here it is

Grab a seat while our girls grab their ankles, it’s time for service and then some! Welcome to Little Toscana, where dinner comes with a show, drama, and a side of sexy no matter who’s dropping off your plates, as this release shows. It’s Frankie’s turn to be the star, with a back-up dancer Kelsey helping set the stage, and Noe being dragged into both their lives and problems, way more than a boss should. We hope y’all are ready to eat up, because all that’s plated and more just below, so grab your links and your drinks, get comfy and dig in! Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth’s severed up once again!

“This release, dubbed “Finding Frankie” marks the nineteenth full game release in the NTR branch of the beWilderverse. It’s the first focused character release for Frankie as she takes over, also being the first of the waitressing trio to get the reigns, while Kelsey slides right into second to take up the minor focus as a bonus. This makes Frankie’s the 5th arc to get a focused development so far, as Noemi can’t in good conscience go on pretending she’s not seen Frankie’s troubles for herself. No, the kind-hearted boss tries to build up her oldest employee like the leader she is, but it’s a big task, and the help she calls in might just be the straw that breaks the back when all’s said and done. Meanwhile, Kelsey can’t help but get in on the feels and the sharing, because she’s not going to be left out, she’s just not. Go on then, take a seat in our Italian restaurant and…”
… Enjoy our main course of Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth!

Download Link (Win): NTR v0.19 Windows
Download Link (Mac): NTR v0.19 Mac (Catalina OS Users see Known Issues)
Download Link (Lin): NTR v0.19 Linux

Important! Please know that this is our second release of NTR since we were forced by upcoming technical limitations to rebuild the core coding of the game. This means every scene and every gameplay outcome had to be recoded and it is possible that this may affect the play experience via loading times and image faults (so far it hasn’t but it’s possible it could effect a few people). We have done our best to test this and eliminate issues, but we can’t test everything on all platforms ourselves. Please let us know if trouble occurs as we’ll be working with this issue in versions to come as needed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth v0.19 – Finding Frankie
We’re back again in Noemi’s life, with a batch of 30 days walking in her beloved wedge heels. Frankie, as the name suggests, has taken the top spot in our focus, adding 3 scenes to her own arc and taking it to double it’s size with 6 total now. Kelsey also gets in on the action, and also doubles her arc size from 1 to 2 scenes totals. In addition, we’ve not only added new gameplays to the mix, but a whole new gameplay activity to Noe’s time off for it, so all around Philly it’s added goodness.
- Technical information
⦁ Version: 0.19 (“Finding Frankie” Release)
⦁ Weight: 3.17 GB
⦁ Weight Packed: 2.45 GB
- Content
⦁ 4 Full Scenes (for 83 Total).
⦁ 81 New Scene Rendered CGs (for 1258 Total)
⦁ Added 30 playable days to the game time for True Mode (now up until the start of Day 181 / Month 7 Day 1 - Sunday). NOTE: In an attempt to help rebalance the game and curb run-on, contentless grind days, we’ve pushed the Total Day Count backwards in this version, rather than forwards. All players who were past Day 180 will have 30 fresh days in game to play from Day 150.
⦁ 4 Completely New Gameplay Rendered CGs (for 222 Total)
- 4 New Team Bonding Outcomes for the Downtime section, all on the brand-new activity “Clubbing”, and all focused on raising Frankie’s Competitive stat. These Outcomes bring this activity’s chain from 1-4 outcomes, matching the same levels reached by all other activities so far.
⦁ 2 New Semi-Permanent Outfits added to the girls’ wardrobe. Normally we’d detail this a bit more, but to avoid giddy spoilers, we’ll leave it at that.
⦁ ~29,500 New Words of Text and Dialogue

- Features
⦁ Continuation of the Frankie arc, it’s first time as the major focus and now the fifth arc to be majorly developed so far. Frankie’s personal arc now reaches to 6 scenes total so far. Frankie’s time as a buttoned down, bottled up, middle-aged woman is starting to wear on her, so to get the most out of her waitress, and to help a friend, Noe decides to push her to open up more. Reminder: To unlock Frankie’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays.
⦁ The pick-up and continuation of Kelsey’s arc as well, boosting her personal arc by 1 scene to a total of 2 (now she’s no longer the sole lowest developed arc). It’s time to see Kelsey’s own personal worries, yes she has them, come to the surface as she shows she’s not all tease and tongue-in-cheek, much to Noemi’s annoyance. Reminder: Like with Frankie, to unlock Kelsey’s personal arc scenes you need to use her as a waitress to earn tips during workdays also.
⦁ Small but impactful expansion of the Downtime Activities section, as we add the 7th possible Activity to Noe’s options for her days off. This new activity, “Clubbing”, opens up chances for her to spent her nights at the local bar, blowing off steam and otherwise getting to enjoy being young and sexy, at least for a while. Currently, all outcomes for this activity are tied to Team Bonding (and Frankie), which unlock after viewing Frankie’s 4th scene in her personal arc. Additional outcomes for Relax/Self-Improve mode will be considered in the mid-to-distant future, as progress and technical limits allow.
⦁ With the addition of both late intro Frankie scenes and also the new Downtime Activity, a new level of strategy is at last emerging from the game’s design as intended. Frankie is now the first of the 3 added waitresses who can be trained in all 3 stats for gameplay, allowing her to now become adept at being your primary Promo Girl with time invested, as well as now providing an incentive to drive using Frankie as more than a cook. Now planning your days, your character builds over the long run, and making use of all your girls talents as they come will play a role in enjoying Noemi’s Toscana Rebirth to the fullest (in True Mode, of course, Endless Mode is still as free to grind out wins as needed).

- Community Feedback
⦁ We’ve further rebalanced the game, this time with an eye to making use of True Mode’s planned experience and the overall feel of achievement from playing and advancing through the Restaurant Manager sections. In addition to the new features above, we’ve purposefully relanced the gameplay’s Total Days, by cutting out about 3 months worth of empty days that accumulated over the course of adding versions previously. Now the game has a tighter window of playable time in True Mode, though all content is still available with 1-2 months to spare just in case, if playing moderately well. This means new players and those who start new games (not required at all) will face less of an open “no man’s land” of days in later portions. Please note, all returning players who have played pasted the new end point, Day 180 will be teleported back 30 days before that point so can still unlock all this version’s new content. Nothing but the day count has been reset. All progress, tips, earnings, stats, etc are kept perfectly intact. Players with game saves before Day 150 (the new starting point for returning players) will be unaffected by any changes. Players with game saves already between Day 150 and Day 180, please see Known Issues below.
Please also be aware, that this is a game in active development, pre-v1.0 release, and so things like this are expected to occur at times as we manage constantly adding content and players’ experience. We expect this will happen again in future, but we’ll do out best to keep distribution to a minimum.
⦁ We’ve updated a few older scenes with a few lines of improved texts, mostly Asana arc scenes (1-2 lines in a handful of scenes), and a few typos/improved language in a handful repeatable gameplays for the Restaurant Manager section, mostly on Kriem’s outcomes. This has come from reports of typos from multiply players, and our own replaying/testing experience. Thanks to those who helped by reporting typos!
⦁ We’ve pushed back Frankie’s arc’s 3rd scene (added in v0.18) and it’s earliest play point by a week in game as per player feedback, as it can appear too soon after Kelsey joins for the texts to make sense for players focused on Frankie in the early game.
⦁ We’ve added in Stress relief to the Damon Arc scene “Letting it All Hang Out” which despite being on the Home Activity’s Relax mode, didn’t reduce stress and therefore made it hard to use Noe in the days after until the next day off. Now Noe receives the full 60 points relief.
⦁ We've found and fixed a problematic bug in the v0.18 content where rolling back text from close to the end of the scene to the beginning would cause an error, due to a mismarked attribute under the hood. This should be all sorted now, but a heads up to people to be aware this can perhaps happen and please report it if it does!

- Known Issues
⦁ There is an issue with Mac OS's Catalina which is not addressable by us on the developer side, but can be worked around on the user's end. "Problem is specifically with the guardian system that won't let un-noterized applications run on Catalina. The solution is to chmod -R 777 "/appdirectory/" from the terminal as the application did not have the executable flag set. (Example: chmod -R 777 ~/Desktop/NoemisToscanaRebirth_v0_17_Mac). After this guardian catches it and control clicking on the app lets it be opened." Repeat: Then you've got to CONTROL+Click (not double click like normal). That should allow the app package to run, if not, please tell us!
⦁ A few versions ago, we altered the way in which Repeat scenes are found and loaded in the Downtime section, as we eliminated a bug that allowed the game to skip over the next outcome in the activity chain if you already met the conditions for later ones. This means now players will see them in order as they should, however it may also mean that occasionally you will see the current repeatable 1 extra time more than needed if you increase the corresponding stats via scenes. It is a minor nuisance, but one we will look to correct in the future. For now, you may see a handful of repeatable 2-3 times instead of 1-2, rather than skip any.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve rebalance the number of playable days in True Mode with this version, as we attempt to keep the gameplay enjoyable, moderately challenging, without empty days. However, this leaves a certain subset of players in a slight limbo situation. Players using saves recorded between Day 150 and Day 180 will only be given the remainder amount of days between their current day and the ned game end of Day 180 (for this version), instead of the full intended 30 days. For these players, it is recommended to use an earlier save, or a save from after Day 180 instead and leave these saves for a later release when they will have more time to unlock all new content. As new versions are added, with more days, this issue will naturally disappear. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but that is the nature of managing a game in development. Rest assures, no actual content/progress is lost for anybody.
⦁[TEMP ISSUE] We’ve received a report that ENDLESS Mode has a potential issue for some players that sets money earned and stress to 0 each day, which stalls progress. We are currently looking into this matter to be fixed for the next version if found. For now we recommend new players play on TRUE Mode while this is investigated.

We are thrilled to report that there are no other known issues at this time. Please do inform us via message or our server if you do come across any, we sincerely mean that.
Damn, I wanted to become that wine bottle that Frankie uses in that scene she is one naughty little milf & to be getting off from texts about her from her sons bully. Should have saw something like this coming if you played “NTR origins story 3” Frankie does something similar while hearing what the bully tells her son what he wants to do to his mom


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
Damn, I wanted to become that wine bottle that Frankie uses in that scene she is one naughty little milf & to be getting off from texts about her from her sons bully. Should have saw something like this coming if you played “NTR origins story 3” Frankie does something similar while hearing what the bully tells her son what he wants to do to his mom
As I said earlier, by far one of the best solo scenes I have seen in an adult game. Looking forward to the next update.


Aug 5, 2016
Set in Philadelphia so it needs a couple of things like Hoagie Fest. These people are serious about their sandwiches. Then there is Wings Fest. A Festival of chicken wings where Delco retards eat spicy wings, get drunk, and try to finger strippers before thoroughly washing their hands. Then there is the time they pelted a parade Santa with garbage, batteries, and beer bottles (empty).

Embrace the chaos of your setting! You must tell us: will the player get fucked by the Fanatic?


Jun 30, 2017
Bah this is another game not worth downloading and so supporting call me when it is ended I really don't like projects too long...Faerin has ended a similar game in far less time and it has probably even more contents....


Feb 24, 2017
Bah this is another game not worth downloading and so supporting call me when it is ended I really don't like projects too long...Faerin has ended a similar game in far less time and it has probably even more contents....
You are correct. Whilst I appreciate the quality of the art work the development pace is so slow that we will have VR games with full interactivity before this is even close to completed. Realistically I can not see this game being completed prior to the end of 2026 when it will be so out of date I am sure that we will have a "rebooted" or "technical update" eating yet more time. Others appear to produce much more in much quicker times and of equal quality. I can only think they are milking their subscribers for all they can. Of course it is the subscribers choice and they can do what they want with their money but for me there are many better developers to support out there.
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Reactions: Mirnation


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
the dev is making 2 games at the same time so that's hard.

The development between the female MC and the male love interests is pretty cool too. It's just that it takes way too long to progress in terms of development time.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Set in Philadelphia so it needs a couple of things like Hoagie Fest. These people are serious about their sandwiches. Then there is Wings Fest. A Festival of chicken wings where Delco retards eat spicy wings, get drunk, and try to finger strippers before thoroughly washing their hands. Then there is the time they pelted a parade Santa with garbage, batteries, and beer bottles (empty).

Embrace the chaos of your setting! You must tell us: will the player get fucked by the Fanatic?
Pretty good I was actually born in Philly, but the throwing batteries at Santa was before my time, all I heard was he was a skinny dirty drunken Santa (kinda like billy bob thornton in dirty Santa) but whatever, like your idea about phanatic, don’t think the Phillies would appreciate it though but whatever. Would be funny though to see Noemi with phanatic and he’s got a tongue made for pleasuring and gritty in a dp, maybe in fanart? Here’s what those mascots look like 5ACF5E2C-43CF-4385-850E-9CED1F4156EF.gif 5FB3ABAD-495C-40F6-B4AF-4285F4E1BA45.gif Go Phils, Go Eagles


Jan 18, 2022
Iam sorry but I dont understand the mechanics behind the working days. Outcome is totally random and no logic as far as I understand. Set one set up and you got different outcome everytime..... am I stupid or.... :)


Nov 20, 2017
Hi guys. Qq, how do you get the last scene of Frankie? The scene says something about handling working tables. I put her at "floor work", is it right? Because I tried everything. Thanks!
3.30 star(s) 43 Votes