
Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I still have one scene with the douche bag across the street, and one scene with yoga girl that won't trigger, despite going 3 months of game time trying to get them to trigger. I assume the Dev did this to make what would be a very short game into something that feels bigger/longer. It's a very poor decision, and I'd go as far as to say that this Dev has a fraction of patrons he would have if he didn't pad the game so much. At the very least Dev, you should make previous scenes from past updates trigger automatically and leave the silly randomness of scenes to the most recent update.


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
The game mechanics are very simple... in fact, rn, the problem is that they're too simple because a lot of stats have no use since some of them don't have scenes yet. There are linear requirements for every scene without any elaborate calculations as I have seen in some choice-based VNs. No clue where you guys are missing scenes.


May 31, 2017
Hi guys. Qq, how do you get the last scene of Frankie? The scene says something about handling working tables. I put her at "floor work", is it right? Because I tried everything. Thanks!
Same here. No progress at all. Stupid game.
I still have one scene with the douche bag across the street, and one scene with yoga girl that won't trigger, despite going 3 months of game time trying to get them to trigger. I assume the Dev did this to make what would be a very short game into something that feels bigger/longer. It's a very poor decision, and I'd go as far as to say that this Dev has a fraction of patrons he would have if he didn't pad the game so much. At the very least Dev, you should make previous scenes from past updates trigger automatically and leave the silly randomness of scenes to the most recent update.
There's a branch in Sal's path based on the decision you made in the second to last scene so that might be why. There's a save in the OP in case you don't have one before the branching path. Make sure you use this "Scene Info" menu here to see the requirements. It tells you the stats and money you need for the next scene on each path. So if you're at 10/10 you've seen all the scenes on your chosen path. For the Frankie scenes you have to make sure to fulfill both her stat and money requirements. It'll also tell you how many days you have to wait til the next scene is triggered (it's never more than a few days). You can get all the scenes in about 7 months of game time (and as little as 5 months if you min-max).


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May 4, 2018
Does anyone have a problem with the work days? I set the girls up in their jobs and proceed and I get a black screen, after hitting ctrl the screen pops up like the day is over but i get no money or reputation. Tried simulating the day as well will the same results. I am on the free mode so time shouldn't matter. The days still pass but I'm making zero money.


Sep 4, 2018
How do I open this game on Mac (Monterrey)?
Here's a work around. Copy the DATA folder from v0-19 (right click app to get to Show Package Contents>Contents>Resources>Data). Then paste to v0-18 files (use same process paste DATA folder and select merge files). Run the v0-18 app and should work. Have played through a bit and works fine. Then build up tips for Frankie and Kelsey to access next parts of their arc.


Apr 23, 2018
Does anyone have a problem with the work days? I set the girls up in their jobs and proceed and I get a black screen, after hitting ctrl the screen pops up like the day is over but i get no money or reputation. Tried simulating the day as well will the same results. I am on the free mode so time shouldn't matter. The days still pass but I'm making zero money.
I thought I was the only one experiencing that, its always the same every start of the day its black screen so I just press ctrl. I don't know what to do also.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

Twitterverse, Meet the beWilderverse!
Hey-hey and hello out there, one and all! We’re back again after a recent release and a sweet tasting new handover too, so that means it’s time we get to making magic this spooky season and we’ve an announcement to get it going at that! A new addition to our interwebs family of sexy showcasing, something we’ve been slow to the beat on, but today we change that.
Yes, we’ve joined Twitter to add in our wildness! You can find us here:
Come join us on there for notices on updates, news and notice on release posts here as they happen, heads up on Friday Fan Fun times, images from our vault from time to time, and polls et all the wildness we may think up to use it for!

We recently gave Noemi a chance to show off her glamourous choice of bikini and it got us all so excited to see it from the front, so very excited, we just had to join up to the biggest platform we could find to let her show it off for real… And she has company to help her take on the world, all sexy like!

We’ve tasked Natasha with the mission of showing Noemi how to operate on a global stage with just your courage, training, and body as your only assets, because she knows best of all what it takes…
... And because Kelsey refused to lend us her name and expertise until we’ve at least 10% of her following, which is a long, long ways off from the 0 start line. We’d better get to spreading the sexy if we’ve any hope to keep up!

Deeper into the topic at hand again then, sexy ladies aside… Then again, aren’t they always the topic at hand? Well today it’s more about how much we’re eager to show them off, really. We suspect that this announcement might have come out of the Twitter-shaded blue, huh? Well let us explain a couple of things.
For those long-term fans around here, y’all will know that January is time we take a new year and turn it into a new set of and to see us forward, as creators, as fans, and for the beWilderverse as a whole. What y’all might not know is that it isn’t January when we do our planning, we of course have that in mind all year round, with every update and step forward. However, it’s around this time when we start putting pen to paper and really get to building design for the future. That’s what this is, one part of it anyways.
We’re looking ahead to how we can take the beWilderverseto new heights in the future, the kind where the level of professionalism requires at least an account on Twitter, and quite frankly it’s been a silly oversight before now that we’ve not been on there. Chalk it up to our distain in general for social media sites other than . Well, we’ve got 2 games (and hopes for more) and a wild corral of women to do our best for, so we’d better change that. Besides, if it’s a way we can provide fans a more convenient access to our sexy endeavours, even have a close chitter chatter with them to in social ways, then Hell, we’re all for it actually. Might even make a few new friends among followers and fellow developers, won’t that be nice?

Ok, we may me be making a grander thing of this than it really is. We’re simply catching up with what’s already a good idea. We also know that this isn’t exactly our most pressing issue of the year, it’s not what’s holding back those Roadmaps above, but it is a simple correction we can be making (sooner the better too) given the disparity between our available time within the team. It’s one step to help in our long-term plans and goals to reach the stage where we can invest in, overhaul and supercharge our art department / development cycles, for Noemi’s adventures ahead, Natasha’s endgame in progress, and for the next game in our sights too. More on all that another day though, as the plot thickens, and such a plan comes together. Still plenty to do there, it’s true.

So there we go. We’re officially part of the Twitterverse, but we’re forever in love with the beWilderverse! Come and join us there if it’s your thing and remember we’re right here for news and lewds first and foremost! See y’all around the interwebs then, between of course!
Be sexily social and beWilder!


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
I still have one scene with the douche bag across the street, and one scene with yoga girl that won't trigger, despite going 3 months of game time trying to get them to trigger. I assume the Dev did this to make what would be a very short game into something that feels bigger/longer. It's a very poor decision, and I'd go as far as to say that this Dev has a fraction of patrons he would have if he didn't pad the game so much. At the very least Dev, you should make previous scenes from past updates trigger automatically and leave the silly randomness of scenes to the most recent update.
Well for scenes I got the main walkthrough that's not up to this version just yet but scene progression occurs when debt lowered...I made the mistake on maxing open mind to 20 now I can't do that for increasing that stat lol. I forgot for just grinding to lower deb now 8 months of game play it has me back to not making money and went black screen on me so I had to shut the game down.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Hey there Fadge! First up, before I get to the meat of your post, I'd like to say a hearty cheers(!) for the detailed feedback. It's seriously hard to get such a balanced and in-depth look at our work from the outside (understandable since most people just want to play and to them our games are just 1 in a sea of games), so I think it's important to point that out and say our thanks for the efforts for sure. Seriously, good stuff!

Now, to the comments!

- Renderings -
Why thank you kindly! I'll not take the credit here, that's for AgentsOfHeels to do since it's mostly him and his work. I supply the idea of the shot and some key details, but he makes the magic! To the point about the bare restaurant backing, that's actually something we agree on, but it's more a technical issue behind it than a style one. Sadly, with our current hardware set up, the restaurant (especially when Noe is there) is a really long render time and the additional wall decorations and things we'd like to spruce up the back wooden wall just make that a little worse time wise, it's a smarter move just to avoid showing it for now. That's what I am informed is the real issue, Unshi can speak to it better than I however. Anyways, overall it's a good job for us artwise? Cool!

PS. Personally, I'm not one for animations either! High 5!

- Story -

This one is more my doing, so lets chat.

Glad you like the Restaurant vs Restaurant theme, I like to think it's certainly a little different to what you mainly find in these kinds of games these days.

Now, here's were we get into one of the biggest challenges of the game development overall and that's the pacing overall. I admit, it's something I'm always doing battle with. I'm not sure a direct chapter format would work the way you suggest for what we have planned in the long run for the structure, but that's not to say our structure is perfect either. I'm interested in learning from my experience (this is my first ever time in control of a narrative when making a game actually, especially a character/story driven one) and ultimately doing better in subsequent games, but also as this game goes forward. Our stories / character arcs all run concurrently and aren't tied to specific times so player don't get pigeonholed into having to "get this character to her by this time... or else", as well as being mostly open to allow players to follow up on the characters they want an not the ones they don't (there will be some characters whose early scenes have some interplay though). That makes it a little harder to do strict chapters, though I do see some benefits to what you suggest too.

To the relationship with Brad, perhaps that's a place that could use some better contextualization in the early game? I wonder. It may be hard to tell (I'm not sure, I've had it laid out in my head for 2 years now and don't see it as the player does), but over the course of Noe's OS (Noe Way Out), which happens over a few months, all the way up where the game is now, Noe and Brad haven't been having a whole lot of sex, barley anything actually. She's too focused on the business and he's too worn out by the workload... their passions are low despite being in love. But that's also a part of their story, in rekindling the romance, or letting it go once and for all (v0.5 really starts to get into this actually). That's why they don't get a whole lot of at work action, but that's not to say it won't happen in time. I do agree with the core of your point though, it is silly to have an engaged couple who have been together 10+ years, who don't have some kind of romantic and intimate relationship. That's why Brads gotten character scenes early and is the one getting the most action so far as other guys build up some rapport with Noe before sexy times.

- The Gameplay -

I'll preface this part by saying this is most definitely the part of the game that could use the most improvement and it's something we take seriously, making things better where we can as we can. It's also the part that could use the most player feedback too.

I agree in part, I do fear the gameplay may be a little too complex in some ways, and yet in others be a little too simple for some peoples liking. My take on it is it should be playable by all, even those who don't want to get involved with it all that much (so they don't miss the game scenes), but also benefit people who put in the effort, strategize and enjoy the experience. It's a fine line to straddle and that I have difficulty doing alone without a lot of helpful feedback on specifics. A lot of info comes at the player, and not a lot of context, for sure. We hope that v0.5 has helped with this as we added a full 9 panel tutorial board, and put a lot of effort into making the info digestable and worth reading too by having Noe explain it (with cool/sexy portraits too). When the gameplay info as sent out alongside the build so as not to clutter the game UI, nobody read it, so that's our bad for not making it more player friendly up to this point.

Yep, you are right that Noe would indeed get a share of the profits from a profitable restaurant, as would Brad too (minority owner). In reality she wouldn't just live off tips and what she'll be able to earn in side jobs in her days off (still in progress). However, the gameplay you suggest is a much more in depth managerial system, and even though I myself would like that kind of game, I'm not sure it's as mass appeal as our current would be if it can be cleaned up and perfected. For simplicity's sake, we rolled out things like the restaurants earnings, we can assume it's either not profitable or doing just enough to cover Noe's lifestyle costs and rent but not to service her personal/professional debts.

To the point about tips, this is a little bit more murky, but I don't think your wrong either. From what I was able to research in the US (tipping is common here where we live but it's not the same as the US I believe) is that tips can be handled differently in different businesses. Many may share tips across all waitresses, some share a cut with the cooks and even the boss/owner (although in most places this is considered horrendous behavior). In the end, to fit it in a gameplay setting we had to take some creative license and make a solid call to say every girl keeps her own. Kelsey even comments in her first scene (not yet available) that she doesn't share tips, she earns her own and keeps them.

Upgrades where originally part of the game design actually, including things like privacy dividers between seats so girls could "earn" extra tips easier and the like. More risque uniforms where there too, and so were the restaurants earns a factor in it over all, but these all got cut from our original gameplay form from v0.1 (which sadly just didn't work or appeal to players) again for simplicy's sake. We didn't want to get too bogged in in the end, there's always future games, when we have a bigger fan base, more experience and better assets/resources/hardware for a bigger game. We don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon if we can help it!

- Additional Points -

We do have a simulate button ont eh gameplay to let people skip most of it, skipping all will be pretty hard, but maybe one day we'll be able to do a Pure VN version, or somebody will mod the game fanwise to do it?

There is actually a way to turn off the typewriter effect (slow text), or at least there should still be. We added it way back to Noe Way Out and it shouldn't have gone anywhere. Just press 't' on the keyboard. It's in the KeyboardControls.txt we include with the game every version. Sadly player don't read that either, boo-hoo. (I've underlined this point so more people see it, might be worth putting in an note in the OP actually?)

Renaming the game is a bummer, but in all honesty it's something we really do have to consider, we've taken a hit with the attempt at a clever and memorable pun name... Sad but true. It is ntr fetish related in many respects, but to the casual player they might miss out on all the corruption stuff that's more to Fem Protag playes tastes... Duly noted sir.

Alright, mega post over! Again, thanks kindly for the feedback, the chance to clarify some things and for the points to consider. It all helps! I hope I covered much, if not all, of the points, without too much ranting or tangential talk. Here's to a better game and a sexy time for all here, eh?

All the best!
Hey BeWilder

In addition for the earlier feedback I get that this game is still in an early-ish development when comparing it to AoH. Although my only real feedback is I've encountered a delay or freeze of progression when attempting to lower debt etc as the release of previous version walkthrough has the grind very tedious to attempt on persay acquiring the ability to progress on Asana where to get further debt needs to be about -97K and off of a save I have created won't allow me to get below -98K. Great job on the renders although so far I haven't seen a girl with medium to small size on the breasts (like Kat is in AoH) other than those tidbits is all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Can someone tell me how to get the final scene with asana to trigger. I have all my stats above 10, I'm into month 6 and debt is less than 90k. Its the only scene left to trigger as all the other are complete, also I would say its about a month since the last asana scene.
How'd you get debt less than 90k into month 6? As I'm on month 5 and still just under 99k


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Here's a full save, it's just before the last Sal scene in v0.17 and all other scenes in the gallery are unlocked. I encourage everyone play through at least once though, otherwise you miss out on all the gameplay CGs which are very nice :)
About the gameplay CGs, how many for free time when doing team management/team development for example cooking with Frankie in the current 0.19 version? As in my current game it seems like the open mind for asana stops at a 4th CG (damn lol)


Lostworks Dev
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Just a question, are there cheats for this game? I don't really like the grindy stuff where you have to get customers and money. If there was a way to cheat past that, I'd probably play.


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
Just a question, are there cheats for this game? I don't really like the grindy stuff where you have to get customers and money. If there was a way to cheat past that, I'd probably play.
Nope it is on the unity game engine, not using renpy...kinda sucks as console commands/access are a bloody lifesaver.


Feb 8, 2020
I really dont like this game.

-Font is bad, cant read anything
-On ultrawide screen game is mes up when going to pulpit and going back to the game
-Stupid and boring grind
-boring and slow black screen at the beginning of everyday
-not much interesting sex scene maybe I saw it 1 or twice nothing big deal - boring. honest love / relation ship in games are so boring. Wish to see Salvadore pin Noemi to desk or so.... but no - so boring
- and I amlost forget all this girls that works for Noemi... dot know where they come from some punk rock girl, some old devotee woman, nd something young I don't know what.
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Lostworks Dev
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Nope it is on the unity game engine, not using renpy...kinda sucks as console commands/access are a bloody lifesaver.
That's a disappointment. If there were a way to skip the grind and just get onto the scenes, that'd be great. Cause just setting things to auto didn't actually seem to help.
3.30 star(s) 43 Votes