
Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
Hi. Just finished the game (got to end of content for each character).. but I am sure that I am missing out on some content. I have seen mention of different levels of promo, entertainment, waitressing etc.. how do I know what level I am on? I do not see any indicators for this in the UI.
I don't have the game downloaded rn but as far as I remember it shows that in the Sal UI.
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Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.19 Backer Teaser #2 – Still Fabulous Over 40?
Hey-ho, dear one and all, how’s it going out there in the wider world? Forgive us, we’ve been heads down and deep in the dirty deeds of the beWilderverse, the oh so good dirty stuff of course, but it’s time to pop on up and dish some details, eh? We love to let the girls show off as much as y’all love to see! Alright then, let’s get into things. Firstly, let’s have that tantalization first, huh?

We asked the question, but we feel like we know the answer already… Not only is she fabulous over 40 but she’s friskier than ever in her life, and we love it! Oh, she’s still getting her feet wet and getting into the feel of living life like her new young gun friends, but damn it’s nice to see her get her green garters out and use them at last! *Purr*! I guess the jolt the other girls gave her took effect… Oh, but y’all haven’t seen or heard of that just yet. But y’all will!
Y’all like that? Y’all hungry for more? So are we, and Francesca’s got to be shaking in anticipation on those bedsheets being told to hold her horse now that’s she’s moments away from letting loose, but hold them she must so we don’t all miss out on the fun. I’m afraid to be the barer of somewhat bad news, but tis my job, so do it I must.

We’re posting today of days because A) It’s been near a week since y’all have heard from us and we don’t like it when that happened, and more importantly B) tomorrow marks the first day in our release window of 16th-23rd, and today’s the day we painted a target on to get our artistry all done. Well, report time is now, and we’re behind the line, sadly. I’m told out of the backlog pile we had to cover between then and our goal today, we’re only about 1/3rd through on the full production cycle with more than that through the pre-production ready to start shovelling with the render pitchfork, but that’s still not far enough done. So what that means is we’re still working on the real meat of the dinner here… We can’t let Noe nor Frankie go out there and serve a half-cooked dinner that’s mostly word-salad at this point, can we? Sure, Kelsey’s happy to just shove her ass cheeks out there and call it a day, but there’s a reason she’s 4th girl on the employee roster around here.
In other words, we’ll not be able to make it anywhere in the currently planned window of the next week. It’s hard to say exactly how soon we can get through what’s left, there’s some packed with people images still to get set, but also plenty of simpler story one and sexy stuff too which we’re highly motivated to see done too. We want it made, sent, built, released and gratifying people (with us on to the very next instalment) as soon as possible, but at the very least before the month is up. So within but likely 2 weeks from tomorrow. That’s the plan.

Let’s tighten our britches while we enjoy Frankie slipping out of hers then. Ready the mettle and imbibe the draught of motivation renewed then. Let’s get to it! We have ladies to satisfy and soon!
Be twice as fabulous as your told you should be, and beWilder!

Post Script
: On a quick personal note: “That’s the plan”. “Still not far enough done”. Sigh. I’m getting flash backs here. Seems like we’ve been here before and a lot more than is tolerable this year alone. I’m as upset to have to write this as y’all are to read it, likely more. At least getting stuff done with a bit more time is way better than getting nowhere at all. I know we’re both sorry about this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
Hey all, been a while. Apologies if I'm a little too late for interest on some of these points, but feck it, it's not every dev that bothers and better late than never, right? Anyways...

Cheers for understanding. It's not an ideal situation as I explained, but we try make it work with what we've got. Also thanks for the compliments, it helps, it does.

When you say "unlock the gallery", are you saying that you're not getting all the scenes in game, or you are anld only half of them appear in the gallery unlocked after? If it's the latter, then that's a bug I'm unaward of and would like to investigate (with some help if you will).

If it's the first case, then it's more that you're not unlocking/progressing for some reason, as you should have more than enough time (twice as much actually) to do so. Just keep earning tips with Noe, and checking the Progress Tracker on the Day Menu (the screen at the start of every day) for all the info on stats and prerequistes you need.

Yeah, the game is a bit overdone, particularly in the beginning, because I'm a very detailed type of writer/reader and that was some of the first content I've ever made professionally. I did write it back in like 2015-2016 too, so it gets better as I got practice in. Maybe not up to the top snuff yet, but that's what practice is for.

Don't take it from me, let those here be the ones to say if I did improve enough over time. That way we'll both learn what the world thinks and where to do better.

I highly recommend against it. There's a reason we don't support Android/Mobile ourselves and it's because it'd be a big waste of time for a much worse experience. The content, and the UIs won't be nearly as enjoyable on a 7" screen or whatever phones these days go up to. It's just not worth it. Settle in and play on a PC/Laptop for the best experience. Anything less thatn athat is at your own risk to time and enjoyment.

It's a matter of taste really. If you are paying attention to the scenes and texts you get a feel for the flavour and where they may be heading. One is beteraying Sal, fighting him at arms lenght, and having him get more fierce in certain ways with new plans. The other is helping him, keeping their intimacy going and having Noe further play the risk/reward of staying so close tom him and playing the inside battle. The choice is up to you.

Cheers, I think? Not 100% sure what you mean but I think it's a compliment on my writing? By all means, I'll keep trying at it regardless.

All the best.

Just a quick point of clarification for all here. It's 2 back-to-back releases of regualr size, not 1 double sized release coming next.

Oh boy, I'll call the lawyers then, get them off their butts.

We won't. We've been pretty clear, though we know it's sad news for many fans, but Roy is on the long finger as we decide just how much content we can make for him, given the game is already huge, all other arcs are started or are core requirements, and the gameplays amy need more than the minium amount of outcomes once we get to that point. We don't knwo when we'll get to him, if we'll get to do 5 scenes total or 30 scenes, if we get 2 paths, more or less... It's all still TBD for now, so until we put him in our yearly posts with better news, please don't expect Roy arc content just yet.

Killing us too. No news yet that's not been posted on our . That's where we put it so it should be easy to find with a few clicks. Keep an eye out there because we expect to have some stuff to say soon.
Will there be an equivalent hot scenes of Sal and Noe if Noe choose to betray Sal?
Or that's reserved for Noe working with Sal only?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
Sadly for me personally only #2 and #4 are interesting goals and you cut #4. The gameplay never was a thing I liked (and I think most players didnt as well) and I was always hoping for a VN version of this game one day to circumvent all the annoying and distruptive gameplay and engine problems.

Absolutely not a fan of more side character content. There is faar to less Noemi contet already and I'd rather want a game with one fully flashed character with a great character development and corruption/NTR arc then four half baked ones. Also you already have the different routes for Noemi which act like different stories, which also feel too shallow and there could be added a lot of inbetween events to make them better. I'd advise you to rather finish Noemis story line and overwork her routes and add details and events and later when the main game is finished add the side characters as DLC content of some sort. Really guys you need to reorder your pirorities. Man I gotta say this gets more and more annoying.

Definitely agree with more sex'n'sexy stuff but that kinda counters #5 'Expanded Gameplay, More Strategy Incentives and Balancing.'. What is it you wanna do now? Extend gameplay or add more sexy scenes. Or you wanna do both which would just mean you continue normally with your development? Don't get it.

I dont know. This games' development goes more and more into the wrong direction for me (again). Besides the very slow update rate (which is ok - it's mostly a free game after all - I would not want to complain about that) the focus and priorities you are setting are IMO getting worse again and I am frustrated and sad to see that what begun as a good game, then struggled over a long time because you made the same mistakes in development again and again and then when I thought I see a shimmer of hope you did it again and threw development into a direction which is obviously wrong. I mean just look at all the reviews and comments of fans and players. Please finally try to learn from feedback and adapt to a certain extent or you will never really be successfull with this game.

Well personally I am about to drop my support and unfollow this game overall. Its has been a rough ride anyway and things are not getting better as it seems. Also gonna adjust my review. Dont know maybe in a year or something I will look at this again and see whether you finally changed your game. If not - well it surely wont be that disappoint anymore.
Do you have a recommendation to games similar to NTR? Ren'py is great, unity or html is fine too

I almost finish this game, other than Asana path, and I shared your sentiment about this game needing to focus on Noe's main story instead of stretching itself thin, hence the question about similar games recommendation


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Do you have a recommendation to games similar to NTR? Ren'py is great, unity or html is fine too

I almost finish this game, other than Asana path, and I shared your sentiment about this game needing to focus on Noe's main story instead of stretching itself thin, hence the question about similar games recommendation
Have to be a little more specific,

Do you mean are there other NTR games out there? Yes

Do you mean are there other female protagonist games out there that can cheat? Yes

Or did you mean other type of restaurant simulator games?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
Have to be a little more specific,

Do you mean are there other NTR games out there? Yes

Do you mean are there other female protagonist games out there that can cheat? Yes

Or did you mean other type of restaurant simulator games?
Main Characters with strong personality meets equally strong personality Antagonist (Salvatore) I guess.
Like there's a sense of defiance to this game's MC instead of sense of resignation.

Noemi has motivation for making her decisions (specifically talking about on the main story against Salvatore).

Edit: I guess similar game where the NTR is more of a defiance-type NTR instead of resigned-type NTR, maybe, is what I meant by similar
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Jun 30, 2017

NTR v0.19 Backer Teaser #1 – Eating Out at Home?
Come on in fellows and fellettes, it’s a tasty day round our place and we’re hungry to share it with y’all! We’ve got something lean, mean, sweet but spicy, and very bad for your heart to serve up, but we’ve also got a picture too… Ha! For real, it’s special teaser time once again, so let’s dig on in. The news and the dishing out is just below, but before we get that on our tastebuds, let’s get something to spike our blood sugar some first. So, y’all ready to set the table for a banquet?

That’s not what Frankie had in mind when she invited you over to eat, Miss Matthews! Oh, she’ll throw a fit, if only she could turn her head away from what she so happens to be doing! Ah, but that’s our Kelsey… Never one to talk big then not put her mouth where her money is… Or manipulate somebody else into putting theirs in her place, so to speak… Muhahaha.

Yup, our Kelsey’s back in her original hairstyle again after our delighting last week, and she’s clearly feeling much like herself again… That is to say, a superstar. She thinks she can get away with anything, even under other’s roofs, and we guess we’ll all just have to see if she’s right. We dare say we’d better keep an eye on her tough, she’s always got a trick up her (theoretical) sleeves. But just how long will we have to wait then? Isn’t that always the key question…? We want to say “soon” for sure, but to take a musical note out of Kriem’s head instead, “How soon is now?”.
We’re working hard at the helm to make this version ready and to swing right into the next one without delay, but there’s still aways to go with what’s left to us. Our goal is to be artwork complete by September 15th. It may take a day or so after that to get a release done and sent, but hitting that date for the art means we’ve got half and a bit on top of September cooking up even newer stuff than what we’ve got now, even though it’s still all never before seen as we write this. However, looking at the calendar and the pic pile still to do, we can say that’s going to be a tight tuck to squeeze into. The Brightside of us looks at what’s done and what’s to do and sees that a lot of the more render-intensive scenes and effect moments are behind us, already in the pocket, so that the road head while numerically long is notably easier to travel. Being spurred on by the desire to see for ourselves what we already know on paper come to life visually will carry us onward evermore. So that’s why we dare to stake out the weekend after this coming as potentially our happy day, but being realistic about it is also our job, so we have to call that the start of our open window. It may take a few days longer to get everything done right, not rushed. Like Kelsey would say with the same look above… “Don’t get all sloppy on me now, make it good and proper. Show me your best. I wanna enjoy this, all of it.”

To put it more plainly then, no flowery folly, the expected release window is now September 16th-23rd, but the sooner the better. We’ll be hitting y’all with one more expected Backer Teaser next week with some tighter time-framing once we’ve had a few more days and a weekend to plough what we’ve got on our to-dos, then report in on it. Between now and then we’ll have our Boldrelease too, so keep the fire alive and be ready to look Kelsey (and the rest of our girls) in the eye come game time! Until then though…

Be hungry enough to dig on in and beWilder!
May I ask you the plan of this game if there is one? I 'm used to think that when you reach 1.0 the game is completed but being at 0.19this would mean that this game is only at 19%???


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2022
thank you so much!

I think Noemi Rebirth is interesting to me because despite the abbreviation of the game being (NTR), it's technically not a netorare game because we control the Female MC and the Female MC is the one doing things (so not reverse-NTR either where the male MC doing things)

I think that's the most appealing part to me, Female MC doing things, and also Noemi is strong, that's appealing too.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
thank you so much!

I think Noemi Rebirth is interesting to me because despite the abbreviation of the game being (NTR), it's technically not a netorare game because we control the Female MC and the Female MC is the one doing things (so not reverse-NTR either where the male MC doing things)

I think that's the most appealin part to me, Female MC doing things, and also Noemi is strong, that's double appealing too.
Curse of Kubel is a good one but a bit more serious


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
The content for the new update is more story progression than anything. Nothing really happens as far as sexual content with any of the characters. Kind of disappointing considering certain scenes could have been taken in that direction. Just a heads up to everyone here so nobody expects too much when it does end up posted.


Jun 30, 2017
The content for the new update is more story progression than anything. Nothing really happens as far as sexual content with any of the characters. Kind of disappointing considering certain scenes could have been taken in that direction. Just a heads up to everyone here so nobody expects too much when it does end up posted.
It seems that you played the latest version. Could you please post it here? Thanks


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
The content for the new update is more story progression than anything. Nothing really happens as far as sexual content with any of the characters. Kind of disappointing considering certain scenes could have been taken in that direction. Just a heads up to everyone here so nobody expects too much when it does end up posted.
That's not true imo, there is one solo scene in the new update and it's as hot as a solo scene can be. It significantly progresses Frankie's story. Yes, there is no "sex" but since there is going to be another update in a few weeks (3-4 at most), so it doesn't really matter. (Plus not really a story scene but I really liked how they gave a hint for future Bar content in the last Bar scene)

If they keep adding content focused on one character, people complain, if they go in different directions for many characters, people still have an issue. Beck had 3 updates and people still wanted more.
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