PixxxelStudio and Drexelhand - Your responsiveness to everyone posting on this thread is good to see (even with the naysayers and passive-aggressive anti-NTR crowd). Thank you.
Imagine if someone jumped into a VN/Game thread and bashed another kink or fetish. They would be met with an immediate, visceral reaction and most likely personally attacked, yet people are constantly hopping into VN/Game threads and getting whipped into a frenzy about how much they hate NTR and then arguing with anyone that engages them on the topic. For someone to immediately equate everything "NTR" as beta-cuck is so very small minded and speaks volumes about what kind of person kink shames another.
I digress.
I am interested to see how your VN progresses and I am looking forward to how you flesh out the connections between the characters. It seems you understand that "NTR" isn't just cuckolding. The fact that there are SO many facets of sharing, cheating, swinging, cuckold/cuckqueen, netori, netorare, etc. that crop up depending on how the characters are written and what they enjoy. I am hopeful this is what we can look forward to in your creation.
PixxxelStudio - As someone that rendered (briefly) for a VN and works 40+ hours a week with other obligations to family, friends, etc. I understand. Don't EVER apologize for what you are doing. You keep doing what you do and know that there are those of us who appreciate it and the rest should "put up, or shut up"
Drexelhand - I started writing three VNs some time ago and have one script that is several chapters long, one that is nearly that long and another that I just started a few months ago. And, again, I understand the work it takes to do something well (even it you are passionate about it) - As anyone can see I have never put anything together as a developer to present so I am not one to criticize anyone's work. That said, you keep writing the story YOU want and don't worry about satisfying anyone else.
I look forward to future updates.